
Chapter 474 Going Resolutely, After the Golden Gate!

Chapter 474 Going Resolutely, After the Golden Gate!
Tong Yan pondered for a while, and then smiled slightly: "Brother Chen, I believe in you. We are brothers, and you will definitely not harm us. Since the heritage of the Qinglong clan is in the tomb, then this tomb, our right and wrong Can't get in!"

Hearing this, Blind Chen reconfirmed: "Brother Tong, do you really want to go inside? I can't afford anything else to happen!"

Tong Yan chuckled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I insisted on entering this time, and it has nothing to do with you. If something goes wrong, I will take care of it!"

The Qinglong clan has encountered a catastrophe, and now Qingming is the only hope for the Qinglong clan, so Tong Yan doesn't know that the tomb of the Celestial Master is full of dangers.But for the sake of his brother, he is willing to take this risk.

Everyone fell into silence when they heard this.Tong Yan looked around the crowd, then smiled slightly: "Brothers, this time is all voluntary. If you don't want to move forward, then I will try to send you out. In short, I have entered this tomb."

In the Demon Sect, Tong Yan is not only the suzerain, but also the idol of the sect's disciples.In their view, as long as there is Tong Yan, any crisis can be survived, and any difficulty can be overcome.

Now that Tong Yan said that, how could they back down?

"Young Sect Master, I will follow you. Anyway, I have died once, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Even if I die in this ancient tomb, I don't care."

"Yes, Young Master! Our lives are yours. Wherever you go, we will go. There is no one in the Demon Sect!"

Tong Yan looked at them and said confidently: "Okay, since you have entrusted your lives to me, I will ensure that you are safe and sound. You rest here for a while, and when your strength recovers, we will continue to go deeper Tomb."

Everyone responded in unison, and then they all sat cross-legged on the ground.

Seeing this, Qingming couldn't bear it and said: "Little boy, it's not good to do this. It's not worth it for me."

Tong Yan laughed and said, "Who said it was for you? It was for the Azure Dragon Clan! Azure Dragon is my guardian deity in the east. Without the protection of the Azure Dragon Clan, who knows what will happen after this. I am for the Azure Dragon Clan, for the people of the Li people Brother Qing, remember, you are the only member of the Qinglong clan, and you are the current king of the Qinglong clan. No matter what, you have to take on this responsibility, and you have to become the patron saint of this side. Do you understand?"

Although Tong Yan is Qing Ming's younger brother in name, but most of the time, Qing Ming is willing to listen to Tong Yan.Because Qing Ming knew that Tong Yan was the person who cared about him the most in this world. Although the two were not related by blood, they were closer than brothers.

He looked at Tong Yan, then nodded heavily and said, "Little boy, I will remember. I will protect these creatures. Even if I go with my ancestors in the end, I will have no regrets!"

Tong Yan smiled in satisfaction, and then looked at Shan Ling again.This little guy is the guardian beast of the tomb of the Celestial Master, no one knows this place better than him.

"Shan Ling, I will trouble you to take us deep into the ancient tomb later. I think you should know where the main tomb is, right?"

Upon hearing this, Shan Ling rolled his eyes, and hurriedly shook his head and said, "Great Immortal, I... I don't know where the main tomb is. We are in a maze right now, and I don't know where to go."

Tong Yan sneered and said: "Shan Ling, I have already said that we are all smart people. I hope you will stop cheating on me. You said you don't know how to get to the main tomb. You think I will believe it." Is it? Besides, logically, you should be happy to bring us there. Otherwise, how can you please your master?"

Hearing this, Shan Ling broke out in cold sweat behind his back.It really didn't expect that the young man in front of him was so smart.Seeing Tong Yan's appearance of knowing everything, he was a little worried, for fear that he would die at the young man's hands in the end.

"Why don't you talk? You agreed, right? Very good, the more honest you are with me, the better, otherwise, I'm really worried that I will treat you as an enemy. At that time, even your master may not be able to save your life !” After finishing speaking, Tong Yan showed that charming smile again, but in the eyes of Shan Ling, it frightened it like an evil ghost.

An hour later, everyone had regained their strength.Tong Yan can also go to Qilin Pavilion with peace of mind after getting the inheritance of the Qinglong clan earlier.

The reason why he was so determined to get the inheritance of the Qinglong clan was actually to prepare himself for the worst.Going to Qilin Pavilion is likely to be a difficult decisive battle.Although Nan Gongyun, the master of the Qilin Pavilion, is not a showman, his cultivation base is absolutely high, which is impressive.

He thought that if Tan Yu and Xue'er could not be rescued, then he would die with them.In addition, he was poisoned by the Five Poison Sect, and he didn't know when the time bomb would strike.Being able to help his elder brother Qing Ming as much as possible is also the best gift he can leave for Qing Ming as a younger brother.

He will not tell anyone these words, and as for his poisoning, he does not intend to tell others.If he could come back from Qilin Pavilion alive, he might say, but if he couldn't come back alive, why should everyone worry about him?
"Have you rested? If there is no problem, then we will leave now. Shan Ling, lead the way!"

Hearing this, Shan Ling hesitated for a while, and could only walk forward helplessly.

In fact, the main purpose of this labyrinth is to allow people to enter but not to exit.In this way, it is actually not difficult to move forward, the difficulty is how to withdraw.

Shanling definitely knows how to move forward, but it may not know how to leave.It was precisely because of this that it was unwilling to take Tong Yan and the others into the maze. After all, no one wanted to spend their entire lives in such a ghostly place.

"Follow my footsteps, you can go wherever I go. Don't walk blindly by yourself, otherwise, I don't care if you get trapped." Shan Ling told everyone reluctantly.

Tong Yan was worried about ignoring the mountain spirit, so he specially emphasized: "Do as it says, this is its territory, don't take it seriously."

After being reminded by Tong Yan, everyone cheered up and walked two steps forward.

Tong Yan naturally knew something about Maze.When I was in the tomb of the imperial concubine, I experienced the ecstasy array.The ecstasy formation is the most basic formation of the maze, and it never changes from its original purpose.Since this is a maze, it must have something in common with the maze.

Now in order to continue to go deep into the ancient tomb, Tong Yan didn't focus on breaking the formation. He might concentrate on solving the maze that trapped people after he got the inheritance of the Qinglong clan.

In this way, the people walked back and forth along the place where the mountain spirit walked for more than half an hour, and finally, the endless corridor disappeared.Instead, it was a golden gate engraved with four elephants and beasts.

I saw these two sentences engraved in ancient characters on it: "Once you enter the fairy tomb, all the troubles in the world will stop; if you take a step forward, you will transcend the three realms and not be among the five elements."

Seeing this, Tong Yan laughed secretly in his heart, these two arrogant words, do you really think you are a fairy?He wanted to see if it was an immortal or a corpse!

Before Shan Ling could make a move, he strode forward and opened the golden door with a slap, and then he was completely shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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