
Chapter 475 Enough Immortal Qi, Can You Know Immortal Art?

Chapter 475 Full of Immortal Qi, Can You Know Immortal Art?
Tong Yan never thought that there would be such a scene behind the Golden Gate.Is this really a human world?
I saw that this place is resplendent and magnificent, the mist is steaming, and the space is so big that it looks like a world.This made Tong Yan think of the ruins in the Wu family's old house, but this is definitely not the ruins, it is more like a heaven, more like a paradise.

It is very bright here, and the golden hall not far in front of the eyes is even more shining with golden light, which is dazzling.

This golden hall is very large in size, with three floors in total. The whole body is golden as if it was made of gold. Its shape is very similar to the temples in Taoist temples.The main hall stands there, becoming the most eye-catching existence here.

There is no doubt that this should be the main tomb.

Looking up, I saw two golden dragon sculptures at the entrance of the golden hall. The dragons are ten meters long. Even though they are coiled dragons, they still give people a sense of awe.These two coiled dragons were carved lifelike, with their mouths wide open, looking forward, as if they were the patron saints of this hall, preventing outsiders from easily stepping in.

From the entrance where Tong Yan and the others are standing, there is a white jade arch bridge. The sides of the arch bridge are shrouded in mist. Those who don't know it really think they have stepped into a fairyland.

After crossing the arch bridge, we came to the front of the main hall. The door of the hall was closed, and we don't know if there are real gods living in this hall.

Tong Yan and the others stared at each other for a while, then raised their legs forward together.But just a few steps away, I heard the chirping of birds.

Everyone was puzzled and immediately followed the sound.Seeing this, the shock in their hearts intensified again.Who would have thought that there were a few white cranes flying in the midair.

Cranes have always been a symbol of immortals, and many immortals use cranes as mounts.Unexpectedly, there are cranes in this ancient tomb, which is really unbelievable.Could it be that the owner of the tomb has really become a fairy?

After a short period of panic, everyone continued to move forward.After a while, they came to the gate of the golden hall.

But here, Shan Ling dared not go any further.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "What's the matter? Why didn't you leave?"

Shan Ling heard this, and said timidly: "Here... This is my master's residence, without his order, we can't take half a step. If anyone disobeys, I'm afraid it will end up in ashes. Daxian, I have already brought you here, please, please forgive me. Okay?" When it said this, its eyes were filled with tears.This pitiful appearance made Tong Yan feel compassionate.

"Okay, since you don't dare to move forward, then stay here and wait for us. I advise you to be honest, otherwise, my spiritual weapon will easily kill you!"

When Shan Ling heard this, he nodded his head as if he had received an amnesty: "Yes, Daxian, don't worry, I will never wander around, and I will wait for you here. By the way, if you really see my master later, thousands Wan...don't say he is old and ugly, that's what he hates the most." For the last few words, his voice was kept very low, as if he was afraid of being heard by others.

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for your reminder, I've made a note. The rest of you should stay here too, Brother Qing, Brother Chen, Brother Bai, follow me in."

Seeing that he didn't call himself, the thousand-faced scholar hurriedly said, "Young Sect Master, I'll go in with you too. If I'm in danger, I can help."

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "The reason why you stay here is to let you protect the other brothers. You don't have to worry about us, we will definitely get out of here."

Seeing that Tong Yan had already made arrangements, Qianmian Scholar couldn't say anything more, so he nodded and said, "Yes, my subordinate obeys!"

Tong Yan smiled at everyone, and immediately walked forward with Qing Ming and the others.

This golden hall is so magnificent, it must be the real place of the owner of the tomb.He thought that the tomb of the Celestial Master was intricate and complicated, but he did not expect to arrive at the main tomb so easily. Now it is time to reveal the mystery of the owner of the tomb.

Several people stepped forward quickly and came directly to the front of the hall.The palace door seemed huge, but Tong Yan just pushed it lightly, and the palace door opened easily.

Almost without any surprise, the hall was also shrouded in mist.I really don't know why the owner of the tomb is so obsessed with the smoke. I'm afraid he wants to be a god even if he dies.

Tong Yan said that since they dared to come, they were naturally not afraid.He was the first to walk into the hall, followed by the others.

Just as they all entered the hall, the hall door that was opened just now automatically closed again.

Tong Yan didn't care about these things. In fact, many ancient tombs have such mechanisms, with only one purpose, that is, not to let the people who entered the tomb escape unscathed.

This is the first floor of the main hall, and it is also the largest floor.The smoke in the hall was very thick, and the visibility was very limited. Although it was bright inside, it was impossible to see the entire hall on the first floor clearly.

When they got here, everyone knew that they would encounter danger at any time, so everyone cheered up.Tong Yan even held the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and the Demon Slayer Rod he made in his hands.

Walking like this in the main hall, after about four or five minutes, a black shadow slowly entered the sight of everyone.

Walking up to him, he took a closer look, and found that the black shadow was a stone sculpture.What is carved is a middle-aged man in a long gown and holding a sword in his hand.This middle-aged man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, long flowing hair, a half-smile expression on his face, and a pair of eyes looking straight at everyone, as if alive.

Tong Yan stared at the stone statue, thinking that it might be the self-statue of the owner of the tomb.However, judging from this statue, this person is extraordinary, and he doesn't look like a vicious person.

He couldn't understand why this statue stood alone on the main hall, could it be used to welcome guests?

Tong Yan did not neglect, and bowed to the statue.There is a saying that the dead are the greatest.The owner of this tomb is already dead, and now that they broke into someone's tomb, they really can't delay the etiquette.

After this bow, he led the crowd to bypass the stone sculpture.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the stone sculpture made a "click" sound, and everyone turned their heads to see, good guy, this statue is alive.

From this point of view, the significance of the existence of this statue is not to welcome guests, but to see them off.

It is not surprising that the stone carvings are alive.When they entered the imperial concubine's tomb, didn't the tomb-suppressing beast also live?

After so many years, the strength of Tong Yan and Qing Ming has increased several times.When dealing with this kind of stone statue that suddenly came alive, they are confident that they can kill it easily.

However, they still underestimated the enemy, this stone statue can still... Immortal art!
(End of this chapter)

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