
Chapter 477 Greeting guests with a smiling face, let's meet each other!

Chapter 477 Greeting guests with a smiling face, let's meet each other!
Tong Yan was a little dazed by the change in his feet, he thought that his life might be in danger in this celestial master's tomb.But his left foot turned into a stone, and it was still spreading upwards, which indeed exceeded his expectations.

He stopped here, and Qing Ming and the others also stopped.Everyone noticed that he was wrong, and immediately stepped forward to check.Seeing this, they were also stunned.

"How did this happen? Boy, what's wrong with your feet?"

Tong Yan frowned and said: "I guess it was the stone carving just now, maybe I was careless. It's okay, let's hurry up and find the treasure of the Qinglong clan, and get out of here as soon as we find it. I think we just need to leave this place." In the ancient tomb, my feet can be back to normal."

Although he said so, everyone still had to worry about him.

"Brother Tong, could this be an immortal technique? I remember that there is a kind of immortal technique called petrification, which can turn people into stones in a short period of time. If they can't be cracked in time, their lives may be in danger!"

What Chen Xiazi said was not what Tong Yan was worried about.But in this situation, it is really not the time to think wildly.

"Brother Chen, stop talking nonsense. I don't believe there are any immortals in this tomb. Don't waste your time. Hurry up and go to the second floor. The owner of the tomb is not on the first floor. It's on the second or third floor. It's not too late, let's hurry up and look for the important thing." He didn't bother to put on his socks, put on his shoes, and continued to lift his legs up.

He didn't want everyone to worry about him, but how could Qing Ming and the others not know about his good intentions?
Several people kept going upwards, and finally boarded the second floor smoothly.

And somewhat unexpectedly, there was a young woman in revealing clothes standing at the top of the stairs on the second floor.

This woman is completely in the shape of an ancient brothel woman. To put it nicely, it is called showy, but to put it bluntly, she is a seductive embryo.

Her skin is very white, so white that it looks pale; her lips are so red, as red as blood; her body is very fragrant, and the fragrance is refreshing;

Tong Yan looked up to see someone, and unconsciously tightened the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand.When he found out that it was stunning, he became even more confused.

"Hey, several officials, congratulations on successfully entering the second floor. The slave's house has prepared food and drinks, so follow me! Gege..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately said coldly: "Sinister, don't try to deceive people. Tell me, where is the owner of this ancient tomb? If you dare to hide it, don't blame my ruthless subordinates!"

Seeing that Tong Yan was angry, the beauty covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Hey, you are still impatient. Don't worry, you are all here, my master will definitely see you. But you are guests, so it's not good to break the rules, isn't it? Just follow me obediently!"

This woman is not human at first glance, but I don't know if she is a demon or a corpse.

Tong Yan didn't want to waste time, because the longer the delay, the more petrified his body would become. Now he can barely walk, but after a while, even walking may become a problem.

"Nie Zhan, I've given you a chance. If you didn't grasp it, then you can't blame me." As soon as he finished speaking, he held the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand, chased after him, and smashed the pestle directly at the back of the woman's head. .

This woman seemed to have eyes behind her back. When Tong Yan hit her with a pestle, she immediately avoided it.The Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle almost brushed against her clothes, but failed to hurt her in the slightest.

The woman dodged the Vajra Falling Demon Pestle and turned her head 180 degrees.To know that twisting a person's neck, it only takes 180 degrees to be fatal.But this woman can turn 180 degrees on her own, which only shows that her body has already lost consciousness.

The woman turned her head, stared at Tong Yan coldly, and then said in a low and hoarse voice: "Stinky boy, you are shameless for giving you face. I really thought that I would fail if I was afraid of you. If you want to see my master, you have to pass my test first." !"

The voice of an old man came out of the mouth of an alluring beauty. Such a big contrast is indeed surprising, but the surprising things are far more than that.

I saw that the woman's arms went directly behind the joints, and then grabbed her head with both hands, and then lifted it up suddenly.Only hearing the sound of "Garden", she actually... actually pulled her head off abruptly.

This is not over, what is even more unbelievable is that black liquid slowly drilled out of the neck where the head was pulled off, and this black liquid slowly condensed into a black ball like a living thing. Finally turned into a new head.It's just that this head can no longer be described as beautiful, because it is purely a monster.

He saw that the head was as black as coal, except for a blood-red eyeball between the brows, there was only a big mouth full of fangs.The tongue in the big mouth is scarlet and slender, covered with tiny spikes.If this is licked, I'm afraid even the belt will be scraped off.

What the hell is this?Tong Yan had never heard of it.

The body of the black-faced monster is still the woman's body, but the head has undergone earth-shaking changes.It threw the head in its hand on the ground, and then said with a hey smile: "If you don't want to die in Wenrouxiang, then wait for me to eat all your flesh and blood. Tsk tsk... I haven't eaten human flesh for a long time, hehe..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly, raised the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and was about to rush forward, but was stopped by Qing Ming.

"Little boy, you'd better not act rashly now. You don't know what kind of sorcery is in your foot, you'd better be more careful. Leave this evil to me. If you can't take it, I don't deserve to be a The heir of the Azure Dragon Clan."

Qing Ming's eyes were full of determination, Tong Yan knew that Qing Ming would not listen to anything he said now.There might still be the owner of the tomb to deal with later. It is actually necessary for him to retain his strength now.

Finally, he nodded to Qing Ming and said, "Okay, then I'll leave it to you!"

Qing Ming patted Tong Yan's shoulder with a smile, raised his head and let out a dragon moan, his whole body was immediately covered by dragon scales, and rushed to the black-faced monster with one stride.

As soon as he stepped forward, the black-faced monster immediately backed away, and said with a disgusting laugh: "Hehe... I am actually a descendant of the dragon clan. I am really lucky today. The taste of dragon meat is really amazing. People have endless aftertaste. I can taste it again today, hehe..."

Hearing this, Qingming snorted coldly and said, "Evil barrier, whoever eats it is not sure. Prepare to die!" As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed forward again.

What the hell is this black-faced monster?From what it said, could it be that it really ate dragon meat?

(End of this chapter)

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