
Chapter 478 Refused to be tricked, only to force it!

Chapter 478 Refused to be tricked, only to force it!
Tong Yan took two steps back and quietly watched the battle.The white crow stepped forward, stared at the black-faced monster not far away, and then said in doubt: "Young Sect Master, what kind of monster do you think this is? Why can't I see a trace of evil spirit on it? Moreover, it can change shape at will, so it can't be a zombie, right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said, "I don't even know what it is now. Before it reveals its true body, it's hard to say anything."

Upon hearing this, the white crow nodded and said: "Indeed, the things in this ancient tomb are really weirder than the last one. I really don't know who the sacred owner of this tomb is."

Blind Chen was silent for a while, and then said: "Brother Tong, have you ever heard of a monster like Hei Mei?"

"Heimei? Never heard of it!"

Blind Chen gave a soft sigh, and then said: "It is said that there is a monster in the world. This monster is a monster. It often haunts mountains, forests and swamps, and feeds on devouring wild animals and humans. The most powerful thing about this black monster is that Its shape is like mud, and it can change its appearance at will, and it is hard to hurt it with a sword, so if you encounter it, you should run for your life!"

Hearing what Chen Xiazi said, Tong Yan really felt that the black-faced monster in front of him looked a bit like a black charm.But in the last sentence, escape is the priority.If they really wanted to escape, why did they enter this ancient tomb?
"Brother Chen, do you know how to restrain this black charm?"

Blind Chen smiled wryly and said: "If I knew, I would have told you a long time ago, so why wait until now? Sigh... What I mean is, if it doesn't work, let's get out of here. There's no point in throwing our lives here, Are you right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "What Brother Chen said is very true, but it's a pity that we have all come here. Even if we want to escape, I'm afraid the owner of the tomb will not let us go. But Brother Chen, you still remind me Wake up, if this black charm is really like mud, maybe I have a way to deal with him."

When Blind Chen heard this, he hurriedly asked, "Really? What can I do?"

Tong Yan reached out his hand to take out the fire talisman from his pocket, and then said with a faint smile: "Use fire, isn't it mud? Burn the water in the **** body, and it will naturally be hard to move. But I'm afraid this ordinary fire, There is nothing to do with it, it is best to use a special fire!"

"Special fire? Could it be Sanwei Zhenhuo? Brother Tong, you can even know Sanwei Zhenhuo?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "You think highly of me. Sanwei Zhenhuo is the best spell of the Taoist school. How can I and other mortals be able to use it. But I have a way to set up a Bamenlihuo array, as long as this black charm dares to enter the array , burn it to dust."

Tong Yan once performed Bamen Lihuo Formation in the tomb of a noble concubine.Entering this celestial master's tomb now, I didn't expect to repeat the old trick again.But whether it can burn this black charm to death is still unknown, but it must be tried.

Tong Yan stopped talking, and immediately took out eight fire talismans and placed them on the eight gates respectively, and then deliberately put a fourth-grade sword talisman among them.A simple Bamen Lihuo Formation has taken shape, and now he only needs to wait for Hei Mei to step into the formation, and he can activate the formation to trap and burn this monster.

The reason why the fourth-grade sword talisman is placed in the formation is to use the righteous energy in the fourth-grade sword talisman to stimulate the formation and serve as the foundation of the formation.He had limited magic weapons and was afraid of burning one of them, so he could only use the fourth-grade sword talisman as a guide because of the pain.

Holding a fire talisman with one hand, Tong Yan turned to the white crow and said, "Brother Bai, please inform Qing Ming to help him introduce the monster of black charm into this formation."

Hearing this, the white crow nodded immediately, not daring to slack off, and immediately rushed forward.

Tong Yan raised his eyes to look at Qing Ming who was fighting Hei Mei. Although Qing Ming was quite powerful, he couldn't use brute force to deal with this kind of monster.Although he could smash the black charm into mud, he couldn't really get rid of it.Instead of wasting time and energy, it is better to take the slant of the sword and try to defeat the enemy with fire.

The white crow was very fast and joined the battle group directly. While helping Qingming deal with the black charm, he reminded in a low voice: "Brother Qingming, my suzerain has set up a magic circle, let me inform you to find a way to lure this evildoer Into the formation. It will be eradicated in this way!"

Hearing this, Qing Ming didn't say anything, just nodded.

This black charm is extremely clever, and trying to trick it into the battle is definitely not an easy task.

Although Qing Ming and White Crow deliberately fought and retreated, this dead thing actually knew the truth that the poor should not chase after them.

Standing with his hands on his hips, he laughed loudly and said, "You two trash, if you can't take me down, just obediently wait here to die. I have plenty of kung fu to play with you. Haha..."

Qing Ming saw that this evil obstacle was not up to the trick, and immediately mocked it: "Bastard, don't you want to eat my meat? I'm right here, if I have the ability to eat it?"

Hei Mei chuckled lightly and said, "I suddenly lost my appetite, I'd better wait for you to turn into dead bodies, and then I'll eat slowly."

Originally, he wanted to trick it into the Bamenli fire array, but now, it is not deceived, it seems that he can only think of another way.

Seeing that his formation had become a display, Tong Yan couldn't help but feel a little depressed.At this time, if Xiao Hei and Han Yuling were here, perhaps there would not be so many troubles.Xiao Hei can turn into a rope or a shackle to directly trap the black charm, while the cold air in Han Yuling's body is overwhelming, and just a ray of cold air is enough to freeze the black charm into ice.

However, both Xiao Hei and Han Yuling were on Shan Ling's neck, which made Tong Yan obviously stretched.

Time passed little by little, and his left leg was a little numb.If it continues like this, I'm afraid Tong Yan himself will turn into a stone without this Hei Mei's attack.

Tong Yan thought for a moment, and picked up all the fire talismans on the ground. As for the fourth-grade sword talismans, he carefully put them away.

Since this black charm can't be destroyed, then simply let it go. The purpose of this trip is to find the inheritance of the Qinglong clan, whether to subjugate demons or not.

After putting away the things, he immediately followed Blind Chen and raised his legs forward.

"Brother Qing, this wicked barrier doesn't dare to be our enemy, so let it live. Let's move on, what can it do to us?"

Although Qing Ming had a fire in his heart, but the matter has come to this point, he can only ignore this black charm for the time being.

Hei Mei saw that Tong Yan and the others were about to force their way in, and knew that it would be impossible to stop them.During the confrontation with Qingming, it already knew that Qingming was not something he could handle.It thought for a while, and then said harshly: "Don't you want to see my master? I'll wait for you on the next floor." As soon as the words fell, its figure flashed, and it immediately turned into a black panther, and quickly disappeared in the the end of the hall.

Next is the third and final layer.The owner of the tomb must be in it, it's time to clear the fog.

Who is the owner of the tomb?Tong Yan, can they leave alive?
(End of this chapter)

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