
Chapter 479 Looking at flowers in the fog, is it real or not?

Chapter 479 Looking at flowers in the fog, is it real or not?
The numbness of his left leg made it extremely difficult for Tong Yan to walk, but with his current cultivation level, even walking on one leg is not a big problem.

Several people quickened their pace and arrived at the end of the second floor not long after.An upward step stands in front of it, and finally the mysterious owner of the tomb can be seen.

Tong Yan raised his eyes to look up, and was about to go up first.

Qing Ming saw it, and hurriedly stopped him: "I'd better go first, I have thick skin, even if I have a hidden weapon, it can't hurt me."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, then you go first, be careful!"

Qing Ming smiled slightly, and immediately walked up the stairs.The other three did not hesitate, and followed closely behind.

The stairs between the first two floors are made of stone slabs, but the stairs leading to the third floor are made of wood.Walking on it, you can clearly hear the sound of "Tongtong" footsteps.

Heimei has already gone to notify its master first, and there is no need to be cautious now, what should come will eventually come.

Qing Ming took the lead, the scales on his body never faded, it seemed that he was also a little nervous.

After a while, the four of them successfully boarded the third floor of the main hall.

After arriving here, the four of them were a little dizzy.

From the outside, this hall looks a bit like a pyramid, and its volume naturally becomes smaller as it goes up.But what people didn't expect was that when one looked up, the third floor was simply larger than the combined area of ​​the first two floors.

Not only that, but it doesn't look like a hall at all, it's more like a valley, or a secret place.

I can only see green grass paved in front, flowers in full bloom, butterflies flying, small bridges and flowing water, and rows of big trees. The most incredible thing is that there is a thatched cottage at the innermost end.

My God, how could this third floor be like this?Could it be that all this is an illusion?
Qing Ming looked up, and then said in surprise: "How could this be? Could it be... Could it be that we have fallen into an illusion?"

Blind Chen bent down and picked up a handful of grass, put it under his nose and sniffed it, and then said with some doubts: "It's really strange, this grass has a faint grassy fragrance. Could it be true?"

Tong Yan's eyes were all on the thatched cottage not far away, and the owner of the tomb should be there.

"Regardless of whether it's true or not, everything will be revealed after seeing the owner of the tomb. Let's go and have a look!"

Qing Ming nodded, and immediately walked forward first.

When passing the small bridge in front of him, Tong Yan glanced down the bridge casually.Looking at it, he actually saw a few small white dragons wandering in the river.I don't know whether this is a real dragon or a fake created by an illusion, but just looking at it like this, it still makes people feel a little panicked.

After crossing the small bridge, continue to move forward, and soon came to the front of the thatched cottage.

Just when Qing Ming was going to push the door and enter, unexpectedly, the door of the thatched cottage opened automatically.

At the same time, a long-haired middle-aged man wearing a white gown and smiling came out slowly from inside.

This middle-aged man is very similar to the stone sculpture seen on the first floor, maybe he is the real owner of this ancient tomb.

After the middle-aged man walked out, he clasped his fists and said, "It's such a pleasure to have guests coming from afar. It's a great honor for you to come here and make the humble house flourish!"

I thought that I would have to do something when I saw the owner of the tomb, but I didn't expect to be regarded as a guest, which was a bit flattering.

Before Tong Yan could speak, Qing Ming said first, "Who are you? Could it be that you are the owner of this ancient tomb?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man chuckled and said, "The owner of the ancient tomb, this is not an ancient tomb, this is the valley where I live in seclusion. Everyone, are you making a mistake?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.Valley?This place is obviously the third floor of the golden hall, isn't this middle-aged man talking nonsense with his eyes open?
Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked: "Brother, you said this is a valley. I don't know what you should call it? How long have you lived here?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man smiled and replied: "Xiaqingyunzi, I have lived in seclusion in this valley for more than a hundred years. I see that you are dressed strangely, are you from a foreign race?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "We are not aliens, it may be that you have lived in seclusion for too long, and you no longer know what it looks like outside."

The middle-aged man nodded and smiled: "Maybe that's true. It's okay. Since you are here, you can tell me about the outside world. By the way, I don't know why you are here? I am in this valley. There have been no guests for a long time!"

Seeing that this middle-aged man talks and laughs freely and is polite, he doesn't seem like a man with a deep city and a dark heart.But what he said was a bit unacceptable, as if the four of them had really traveled to a hidden place in ancient times.

He didn't have any malicious intentions, Tong Yan and the others naturally couldn't do it directly.

"Brother, the reason why we came here is actually to find something. If your honor knows, please tell the truth."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man frowned and said, "I'm looking for something, but I don't know what it is?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "This thing is a heritage of the Qinglong clan. We came here after receiving the enlightenment from the former king of the Qinglong clan."

"The heritage of the Qinglong clan? Who are you? Why did the king of the Qinglong clan tell you about this?"

Hearing what he said, it seemed that he really knew the whereabouts of the inheritance.

Tong Yan struck while the iron was hot and said: "To be honest, my elder brother is the last descendant of the Qinglong clan. The inheritance belongs to the Qinglong clan. If your honor knows, please return it to the original owner. Thank you in advance! "

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was a little surprised and said: "You said he is a descendant of the Qinglong clan? Really? What proof do you have?"

Hearing this, Qingming snorted softly and said, "Want a certificate? I'll show you right away!" As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped up suddenly, and with the ear-shattering dragon chant, he directly It turned into a blue dragon.

When the middle-aged man saw it, he immediately laughed and said: "It really is Qinglong, it really is Qinglong. The Qinglong family is saved, and the Qinglong family is saved. Little brother, you can change back to human form. I will take my treasured inheritance Give it to you, and I hope you will revive the former glory of the Qinglong clan!" After speaking, under the eyes of everyone who couldn't believe it, he turned around and entered the thatched hut.

Things went so smoothly, which made several people present a little dazed.

Blind Chen asked softly behind Tong Yan: "Brother Tong, am I dreaming? Is this person really willing to hand over the inheritance so readily?"

In fact, it wasn't just him who was in a daze, even Tong Yan was like this.All of this is really like a dream, and the fear is that everything will turn into nothingness when you wake up from the dream.

Tong Yan reached out and touched his forehead, then slowly raised his head to look at the sky.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a pain in his eyes, and he closed them immediately.And when he opened his eyes again, he didn't expect... to see another self!
What the hell is going on here?
(End of this chapter)

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