
Chapter 480 Watching the moon in the water, who can tell?

Chapter 480 Watching the moon in the water, who can tell?
In fact, he not only saw another self, but also another Qing Ming, Chen Xiazi, and White Crow.The entire sky is like a big mirror, and everyone is in it.But there are also differences. The biggest difference is that the people reflected in the sky are standing in front of a huge golden coffin.Not only that, there are no flowers, plants, trees, small bridges and flowing water in the image, but only strange-shaped stone sculptures and dim stone lamps.

Seeing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.True and false, which one is true and which one is false?If everything in this valley is false, then the world reflected in the sky is likely to be real.

If this is the case, then a new question arises, the two worlds are completely different, how can they return to the original real world?Also, how did they get in here?

Seeing Tong Yan staring at the sky, Blind Chen asked in confusion, "Brother Tong, what are you looking at? Are you looking at the clouds?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan came back to his senses, suddenly he felt a little baffled again, and immediately asked: "Brother Chen, don't you find that there is something wrong with the sky?"

Blind Chen frowned when he heard this, and said, "Is something wrong? Is there something wrong? Oh, I see, are you asking why the sky is so blue? That's right, such a blue sky is rare now!"

Blind Chen's answer made Tong Yan's heart tremble, "How could this be? Could it be that I am the only one who can see the reflection of the sky?"

In order to confirm this point, he specifically asked the white crow again, but the result was still the same.It may be because his eyes are ghost eyes, and his spiritual eyes are opened.Under the double effect, he can see the secret of heaven.But what should I do next?

Qing Ming had turned into a human form and stood in front of Tong Yan. He turned his head and glanced at the thatched hut with the closed door, and then asked softly: "Little boy, do you think he will really hand over the heritage of my Qinglong clan?" Give it to me? Could this be a trap he set for us?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled freely and said, "Even if it's a trap, we have no way out now, let's take a step forward!"

He didn't tell everyone what he saw. The reason was simple. Along the way, everyone's nerves were tense, and he couldn't put pressure on them, otherwise it would only completely destroy everyone's self-confidence.At that time, I could have used [-]% of my strength, but I am afraid that I will not be able to use [-]% of it in the end.

While everyone was talking for a while, Qing Yunzi who had returned to the thatched cottage finally pushed the door out again.

I saw him smiling all over his face, holding a black wooden box in his hand.

"Everyone, I kept you waiting for a long time. This is the legacy of the Qinglong clan. My little brother, since you are a descendant of the Qinglong clan, I will leave this legacy to you!"

Hearing this, Qing Ming immediately said gratefully: "Thank you, brother, for your success, then I'd rather be respectful than obedient!" Saying this, he stretched out his hand to take the wooden box.

Tong Yan didn't say anything, but quietly raised his head to look at the sky.

It doesn't matter at this point, he hastened to shout loudly: "Slow down!"

Hearing this, Qingming withdrew her outstretched hand, and then asked, "Little boy, what's the matter?"

Tong Yan sneered and said: "Brother Qingyunzi, is this box of yours really an inheritance of the Qinglong clan? Can you open it in front of us and have a look?"

Hearing this, Qing Yunzi smiled slightly and said: "Why not, this is indeed the heritage of the Qinglong clan. Look!" Having said this, he immediately opened the box in front of everyone.

Taking a closer look, the box turned out to be a pair of half dragon horns.

"Look, this is the dragon horn of the Qinglong King in the past. Although it was broken into two pieces, as long as it is worn by the descendants of the Qinglong clan, the dragon horn can be regenerated, and a new king will come to the world. Come on, don't you Is it just for it? Accept it!"

Tong Yan sneered and said, "Of course the horns of the Azure Dragon King have such abilities, but are the horns in this box really the horns of the Azure Dragon King? You're going to deceive us with two black poisonous snakes, isn't it a bit arrogant?"

As soon as these words came out, Qing Ming and the others trembled all over.

But Qing Yunzi said without changing his face: "What? It seems that you don't believe it? I am upright, how could I deceive you with poison. Since you don't believe it, I have no choice but to take it back." Having said this, he turned around We are going back to the thatched cottage.

Seeing this, Qing Ming hurriedly asked Tong Yan: "Little boy, are you reading it wrong? This is undoubtedly the dragon's horn, and I can still feel the aura of our Qinglong clan on it."

When Qing Ming said this, Tong Yan became a little confused.

"What's going on? Under the influence of the sky, the box is full of black air, and the dragon horns inside are clearly two black poisonous snakes. But why did Qingming feel the breath of the Qinglong clan on it? Is it them? Is it wrong, or am I wrong?"

He originally thought that the reflection in the sky should be real, but now, he was also a little uncertain.

Which one is true?Which is fake?

"Brother Tong, I didn't see that it looked like a poisonous snake? Maybe you really misread it! Aren't we here for the heritage of the Qinglong clan? Now the heritage is in front of us, let's take it Just leave! Why waste your time?"

What Chen Xiazi said is correct, but the question is, is the dragon horn of the Azure Dragon King really in this black box?

Seeing that Tong Yan and the others were undecided, Qing Yunzi smiled slightly and said: "You people are really interesting. You keep saying that you came here for the inheritance of the Qinglong clan. Now that the baby is in front of you, you don't want it. Anyway, then I'll continue Keep it. Perhaps in a few decades or hundreds of years, a new descendant of the Azure Dragon will find this place, and at that time, it will not be too late for me to hand it over."

Qingming Jiantong said without saying a word, and sighed softly: "Little boy, I know you are cautious everywhere, but this time you are really wrong. Brother Qingyunzi, please give it to me .Thank you so much!"

It's hard for Tong Yan to say anything now, because he can't make up his mind whether it's true or not.

Since Qing Ming is certain that this is the horn of the Azure Dragon King, let him go.

Qingyun Zijian Tongyan no longer persisted, he laughed and said: "Okay, a gentleman is so beautiful. I will leave it to you!" After saying that, he handed the wooden box to Qingming again.

Qing Ming smiled slightly, and finally reached out to take it.

Tong Yan didn't want to look any further, so he simply looked up at the sky.

And at this moment, an astonishing scene was unfolding in the reflection of the sky.The two poisonous snakes in the wooden box suddenly opened their mouths. Immediately afterwards, black poisonous gas spewed out from the poisonous snakes' mouths, spreading straight towards Qingming's body...

(End of this chapter)

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