
Chapter 482 1 Drunk Fangxiu, the Golden Dragon Lying in the Coffin!

Chapter 482 Once drunk, the golden dragon lies in the coffin!

Tong Yan couldn't stand it any longer, and immediately turned his head aside.Wait, his eyes suddenly fell on the thatched cottage.

The door of the thatched hut was closed all the time, except when Qing Yunzi went inside to get something.But the opening time is very short, and it is impossible to see what it looks like inside.

If you can see everything outside, then only half of the thatched cottage has not been revealed.Could this thatched cottage be the key to this illusion?

Thinking this way, Tong Yan decided to go in and take a look.

But if he walked in so grandly, Qing Yunzi probably wouldn't agree.Although this Qing Yunzi was transformed by a mass of resentment, who knows what his abilities are.The mere stone carvings on the first floor made him petrified, and Bao Buqi's resentment was also proficient in fairy arts.

It seems that I have to find a way to sneak in secretly, the only way is the best policy.

After such a short time, everyone had already sat down around the stone table.

Qing Ming turned his head to look at Tong Yan, and then said apologetically: "Little boy, I was a bit harsh to you just now, don't take it for granted. Come and sit down, Brother Qing Yunzi's kindness is hard to come by, we must not lose our courtesy. "

Tong Yan rolled his eyes, and then smiled slightly: "Okay, I happen to be a little thirsty too. With this good wine, I must drink a few more glasses."

When Qing Yunzi heard this, he immediately laughed and said: "Okay, come and taste my treasures. Don't be afraid of your jokes, I can't drink this fine wine casually. This jar of wine, but It has been brewed for more than 20 years, and the taste is absolutely beautiful. Come on, I will fill a glass for everyone, and we will not return today if we are not drunk!"

More than 20 years of blood plasma, the taste is drunk just thinking about it.But Tong Yan still resolutely plans to try it, maybe there will be unexpected joy?

Qing Yunzi enthusiastically poured a glass for everyone, raised the wine glass in front of him and said, "Come on, it's God's arrangement that we can meet here today. We can't disappoint God's kindness, let's toast together and get drunk in the present!" "

Hearing this, everyone hurriedly raised their wine glasses.After clinking the glasses, they drank all the "wine" in the glasses.

Tong Yan tried his best not to think about the prototype of this "wine", but when he drank it in his stomach, he still complained endlessly.But there is no way, it is much better to eat those big meals in the past.

"Come, come, you're welcome, eat vegetables. Try my craft!"

Qing Ming and the others were not polite, picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.Seeing them eating so deliciously, I don't know how they will feel when they know the truth.

"Brother Tong, why don't you eat it? The taste of this dish is simply amazing, it's no better than the Zuixian Tower in Chang'an City!"

Returning to Chang'an City, returning to Zuixian Tower, these guys are really fascinated.Chang'an City was called in ancient times, but now it is changed to Xi'an.

Tong Yan couldn't point it out, so he just smiled slightly and said, "I won't eat. I'm tired all the way, and I really can't eat any more. I'll have a few glasses of wine, and that's enough."

A few people are in the mood to control whether he eats or not. In other words, it is better for him not to eat, so that others can eat more.

Everyone pushed cups and changed cups, it was very lively, and gradually they became a little tipsy.

"Brother Qingyunzi, your wine... your wine is good, this is the most delicious wine I have ever had. Come, let me toast you again!"

As the saying goes, if you don't get drunk, everyone gets drunk.Blind Chen even got drunk after drinking the blood plasma, which shows how deeply they fell into the illusion.

What is gratifying is that not only blind Chen was a little drunk, even Qing Yunzi was a little drunk too.He is the protagonist in this illusion, if he does not believe that all this is true, then this illusion may collapse instantly.

So, he almost became the first drunk person. "Come on, do it!" As he said, he drank another big glass.

Tong Yan, who was next to him, just watched with a smile on the excitement of drinking, because he knew that the time was coming.

"I can't, after finishing this glass of wine, I have to... I have to lie down for a while. Brother Qingyunzi, I respect you!"

"Okay, I'm a bit too drunk now, let's drink this last... the last glass!"

Finally, 10 minutes later, the curtain came to an end, and everyone fell asleep on the stone table.Naturally, there are Tong Yan among them, but he is not really drunk, but to perform tricks, so he lies down on the table with everyone.

He only slowly raised his head when everyone gradually fell asleep.

Time to see what's in that thatched hut, hopefully, to give him hope.

In the image of the sky, the thatched cottage should represent the golden coffin.The coffin was huge, it should be where Qing Yunzi's body was.

He walked to the thatched hut, turned his head and glanced at the few people who were sleeping like pigs, and then slowly pushed the door open.

With a "creak", the door opened.Tong Yan raised his eyes to look inside, then immediately raised his legs and walked in.

The thatched cottage was very dark, so dark that even Tong Yan's spiritual eyes could not be seen at all.However, he carried the fire talisman with him, and when he recited the mantra in his heart, the fire talisman immediately burned with a "hoo".

But the fire only lit up for a moment, and the surroundings fell into darkness again.Fortunately, Tong Yan's reaction was fast enough, one fire talisman was scrapped, and he immediately activated the second and third... After the fire talismans burned continuously for a short time, he finally took a look at this place. perhaps.

This is a room like a stone room, surrounded by black stones, and even the ground and ceiling are black.

Surprisingly, there is nothing in this room, it is as empty as if it had just been built.

But at the innermost end, there is a door with the same color as the wall, if you don't identify it carefully, you may ignore it.

Although Tong Yan didn't know where that door would lead to, he knew that he must open it.

He walked forward quickly, and soon came to the black door.

Stretching out his hand, he pushed hard on the door, but the door was so firm that he couldn't push it a little bit.

"Could it be that there is a mechanism on this door?" He thought so, and once again used the method of consuming a lot of fire talismans in exchange for light, and carefully searched around the door.

But the result was disappointing, there was nothing special around the door.Tong Yan was a little depressed, he faintly felt that behind this door, there might be dawn, but he might never see even a ray of dawn.

He knew he couldn't give up, because if he gave up, it would be tantamount to announcing his own death.He decided to make a last effort, so he took out the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.

"Om Mani Padme Hum... Om Mani Padme Hum..." He silently recited the six-syllable mantra in his heart, and the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle slowly shone with golden light.

He looked at the shiny Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and laughed at himself for his stupidity just now.In fact, he doesn't need to consume so many fire talismans at all, he only needs to take out the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle to illuminate it.But it doesn't matter, he came this time and prepared hundreds of talismans and fire talismans, which were enough for him to squander.

Gathering his mind, he didn't think about it any more, but suddenly raised the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle high, and smashed it out with a vicious blow.

Only a loud "boom" was heard, and the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle lived up to expectations, directly smashing a big hole on the black door.

A resplendent and resplendent room came into his eyes, and in this room, there was a huge golden coffin.

Without hesitation, he raised his leg and entered the room, and walked quickly to the golden coffin.

Just as he was about to reach out and push the lid of the coffin, he did not expect the golden coffin to open automatically.

He lowered his head to look into the coffin, and his eyes widened immediately after seeing it.He never thought that there was... a golden dragon lying in this golden coffin!
How could this be so?
(End of this chapter)

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