
Chapter 483 Dead Corpse Turns into a Dragon, Breaking the Dragon's Horn!

Chapter 483 Dead Corpse Turns into a Dragon, Breaking the Dragon's Horn!
The golden dragon in the coffin was curled up, its eyes were tightly closed, and it was actually wearing a white long gown, which looked like a dragon man.

Tong Yan watched carefully, and his eyes slowly moved to the lower body of the golden dragon.Wait... how come there are legs?Isn't this a dragon?How do dragons have legs?
Although the pair of legs had shrunk and had no flesh and blood, and there was a vague appearance of merging, but Tong Yan could be sure that these were the legs.

He was a little confused for a while, but after a short thought, he suddenly understood.

Because he thought of a legend, a legend about a corpse turning into a dragon.In ancient times, some high-ranking officials and dignitaries found it difficult to obtain longevity, and feared that they would be reincarnated into poor families, so they searched for high-ranking people to seek the method of rebirth.

Some heretics really came up with a way.This method is to store the corpse of the deceased in the dragon veins containing dragon energy. The corpse absorbs the energy of the earth dragon, and then gradually changes, and finally turns into a dragon shape.Just wait until the whole body grows exactly like a dragon, and if you get a chance in the future, you can really transform into a dragon.

But this statement is just a rumor. After all, no one can be sure that the corpse can really transform into a dragon, or no one has witnessed the scene of ascending and transforming into a dragon.

But even so, many people still regard this as the best way to extend their lives, and the trend of looking for dragon veins has been prevalent for a while.

The location of this ancient tomb is located between two dragon veins, absorbing the energy of the two dragons, it is naturally extraordinary.

If it was as Tong Yan expected, then the half-corpse and half-dragon in the coffin might be the real Qingyunzi.

This Qing Yunzi probably didn't want people to disturb his dream of transforming into a dragon, so he sacrificed a wisp of his thoughts, and then set up many traps so that those who tried to enter the ancient tomb would die or not live.

But then again, he obviously didn't want to be disturbed by others, so why did he send the mountain spirit at the entrance of the tomb to lure people in?Isn't this a bit contradictory?Could it be that there is something else hidden here?

Tong Yan couldn't help frowning, he was also a little messy now.One illusion was enough to give him a headache, and he obviously felt that his brain was not enough.

The most urgent task now is to break this illusion, as for other things, I will talk about it later.

But what exactly should be done to break through the illusion?Could it be related to the body of the dragon that is about to turn into a dragon?
He looked at the corpse carefully again, and finally, he set his eyes on the dragon's head.

There is a pair of dragon horns on this dragon head, the dragon horns are not big, like two thumbs.But the pair of dragon horns are blue, not golden.

Logically speaking, there should be golden dragon horns on the top of the golden dragon's head, but there are a pair of blue dragon horns on the top of this guy's head.I always feel that the donkey's head is not right with the horse's mouth, and it feels awkward no matter how you look at it.

"A blue dragon horn? An inheritance? Could it be... Could this be the dragon horn of the Azure Dragon King? This Qing Yunzi wanted to transform into a dragon, so he took the dragon horn of the king of the Azure Dragon Clan as his own. If he can get the dragon horn With the power of the Azure Dragon, by then, he may not only be able to transform into a dragon, but also become the king of the new generation of Azure Dragon Clan!"

Thinking of this, Tong Yan was even more shocked.This Qing Yunzi is really powerful, and he still has such ambitions.Unfortunately, his wish may be shattered.

This dragon horn is an inheritance of the Qinglong clan, and should belong to Qingming.This Qing Yunzi set up so many traps, it doesn't necessarily mean that he is a good person.If he has evil intentions and becomes the new Qinglong King in the end, I'm afraid there will be a catastrophe in the world.And the most important point is that anyone who is not satisfied with the destiny often has great ambitions.Who knows if he has a soul mate?
With an idea in mind, Tong Yan immediately reached into the coffin without saying a word, and directly grabbed one of the dragon's horns.

But just when he was about to pull out the dragon's horns, unexpectedly, the golden dragon in the golden coffin suddenly opened his eyes!
When Tong Yan saw it, he didn't dare to slack off, and suddenly exerted force, only to hear a "click", and a dragon's horn was snapped off by him.

The dragon's horn was pulled out, and the golden dragon in the golden coffin let out a painful roar. At the same time, a huge impact force spewed out from its mouth, directly flying Tong Yan's body, and fell heavily on the ground. above the wall.

Although Tong Yan tried to adjust his body in the air, even though his back hit the wall, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Pfft..." After spitting out, he reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stood up with effort.

Looking at the golden coffin again, the golden dragon inside had already sat up, with a pair of long eyes staring at him, as if wishing to eat him in one bite.

Tong Yan was holding the dragon's horn in one hand, and the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in the other.Jin Long has woken up, and it seems that he has to give it a go.

"You ignorant person, how dare you break off my dragon horn, I will make you pay the price in blood!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Your dragon horn, do you still want to be ashamed? This is obviously the dragon horn of the Azure Dragon King, but you actually claimed it was yours. Let me tell you, I came here specifically to get it this time. It is the inheritance of the Qinglong clan. If you are sensible, hand over the dragon horn obediently, otherwise, I will let you never be reincarnated!"

At such a moment, Tong Yan knew that he couldn't lose his momentum. After all, he was just an unformed golden dragon. As long as he fought to the death, it would be unknown who would survive to the end.

The golden dragon's eyes were blazing, and he opened his mouth suddenly, spewing out a cloud of flames.

When Tong Yan saw it, he didn't dare to underestimate it, and immediately jumped aside.The fireball almost passed him by, and the scorching air blasted his shoulders into black.

Jinlong missed one mouthful, and then sprayed out the second and third mouthfuls...

But after a while, the whole room was steaming, like a huge alchemy furnace.

Tong Yan originally dodged in time, but as time passed, his left leg was almost completely petrified.Without a leg to support his body, his movements became slower and slower.

If he continues to consume like this, there is almost no possibility of him surviving.And the frequency of this golden dragon's fire breathing is extremely fast, it is difficult for him to get close.

Finally, he put away the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, and took out a fourth-grade sword talisman instead.With his current cultivation base, he should be able to display it. No matter what, he must give it a try.

"Brighten the world, keep righteousness forever, grant me supernatural powers, and destroy evil spirits. Divine soldiers are as urgent as laws, order!"

As soon as the imperial edict came out, he threw out the fourth-grade sword talisman in his hand. The latter turned into a small golden sword as soon as he left his hand, and shot straight at the golden dragon's head.

I only hope that these fourth-grade sword talismans can defeat Jinlong, otherwise, Tong Yan has given a thorough explanation here today.

(End of this chapter)

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