
Chapter 484 Shocking truth, welcome to the world!

Chapter 484 Shocking truth, welcome to the world!
The little golden sword approached in an instant, and when the golden dragon saw this, he immediately spewed out a mouthful of flames, trying to burn the little golden sword into molten iron.But it underestimated the power of the fourth-grade sword talisman. If ordinary flames could burn it, the name of the sword talisman would not be so resounding throughout the world.

Only a sound of "嗖" was heard, and the small golden sword pierced through the flames, directly piercing through the golden dragon's head.The latter was severely injured, and immediately couldn't help but let out a piercing roar.

Tong Yan looked at it coldly, then took another one out of his pocket.He has a total of five fourth-grade sword talismans, even if he uses them all today, he will definitely kill this evil dragon here.

However, he seemed to have overestimated the strength of the golden dragon. After the little golden sword pierced through the dragon's head, the golden scales on the golden dragon fell to the ground immediately like snowflakes.After the golden dragon wailed a few times, it fell heavily into the golden coffin.

Tong Yan didn't know what tricks the golden dragon was playing, but he just stood there and waited, not daring to step forward to check.

After about five or six minutes like this, there was no movement in the golden coffin, so Tong Yan mustered up his courage and hurried to the coffin.

He took a deep breath, then lowered his head and slowly looked into the coffin.Looking at it this way, he finally let go of the big stone in his heart.

I saw that there was no trace of the golden dragon in the golden coffin, and what was replaced was a corpse as black as coke.As for the other dragon horn, it fell on the top of the corpse.

It seemed that once the dragon's body was broken, the golden dragon would not be able to maintain it. If he had known this, Tong Yan wouldn't have to go through such a lot of trouble. He could kill it with just a sword talisman.

Although it was a fourth-grade sword talisman, Tong Yan didn't have any regrets in his heart. On the contrary, he was ecstatic at the moment.Because he helped Qingming find the horn of the Qinglong King, so they could return home triumphantly.

But I don't know how the illusion outside the room will disappear because of the death of this evil dragon?

Tong Yan carefully put the two dragon horns into his pocket, then dragged his left leg which had almost turned into stone, and moved out of the room step by step.

Beyond this golden room was the thatched cottage, and when he went out from the thatched cottage, everything returned to its original state.

Seeing only the smooth and flat ground, the high roof, dozens of stone statues placed in disorder, and the spacious hall, he seems to be sure that he has successfully walked out of the illusion.And behind him, there is no thatched cottage anymore, only the huge golden coffin is left.

Everything here is exactly the same as what he saw on the sky in the valley. In this way, this is the real world.

But what made him a little confused was why he was the only one here?Where did Qingming and the others go?Could it be that they are still trapped in the illusion?

If this is the case, isn't the illusion not broken?He just escaped alone?

At the moment when he couldn't find any trace of Qing Ming and the others and felt anxious, he didn't expect that Hei Mei appeared.

"Haha...that's amazing! You can come out of the illusion alive, it seems that I really underestimated you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately followed the sound, only to see a wriggling black monster standing beside the golden coffin.Tong Yan had heard its voice before, if it wasn't Hei Mei, who else it was.

Tong Yan looked at him coldly, and then said unceremoniously: "Nie Zhan, you really are hiding here. I'm sorry, your master has been eliminated by me. The next one to get rid of is you!"

Hei Mei heard this, laughed and said: "My master? My master is alive and well, what you got rid of is just that stupid Taoist Qing Yunzi."

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble all over. "What did you say? Isn't Qing Yunzi the owner of the tomb of the Celestial Master?"

Hei Mei smiled disdainfully and said, "Who told you that he was? How can I really wake up? Come on, welcome the rebirth of my master with me. Haha..."

Tong Yan's eyes widened, and his whole body was a little messy. "How could this be? Did I really guess wrong? Qing Yunzi is not the owner of the tomb of the Celestial Master, so who is the real owner of the tomb? Also, who is Qing Yunzi? Is my own body buried here too? Could it be that I misunderstood him? He is not in the ancient tomb to harm people, but to prevent the resurrection of the real owner of the tomb?"

Tong Yan's mind became more and more chaotic, and he didn't know what to do for a while.Wait... This Hei Mei said to welcome the rebirth of its master together?This also means that its owner has not woken up yet.

Maybe Tong Yan knew what he should do, since he caused the catastrophe, he couldn't just sit idly by.He must be responsible for his own mistakes, and he must prevent the rebirth of the tomb owner.

With an idea in mind, he immediately raised his eyes to look at the golden coffin beside Hei Mei.He mistakenly thought that the golden coffin in the golden room was the main coffin of the tomb owner, and the golden coffin in front of him was probably the real tomb owner's resting place.

As long as the tomb owner's body is destroyed before he wakes up, he will not be able to be reborn.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan rolled his eyes and immediately made a plan.

"Hey, your real body is Heimei, right? It's a kind of ghost, am I right?"

Hei Mei was slightly surprised when he heard this, "You can actually see through my real body? It's amazing, who are you?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Who am I? , Between us, we can turn enemies into friends, right?"

Hei Mei laughed and said: "If you don't want to be my enemy, I will naturally not be against you. Don't worry, when my master wakes up, I will definitely say something nice for you in front of him. Maybe when he is happy, I will also teach you the Supreme Immortal Law."

Hearing this, Tong Yan pretended to be excited and said, "Immortal skills? Your master knows how to use immortal skills? Is he an immortal?"

Hei Mei laughed and said, "You're right, my master is a god. As long as you submit to him sincerely, I think he will treat you well."

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "If that's the case, then I will definitely serve my life well. By the way, didn't you say you were waiting for him to wake up? He is in this golden coffin?"

Just as Hei Mei was about to speak, the huge golden coffin trembled violently.At the same time, the gurgling black air rushed out of the coffin and immediately diffused in all directions.

Hei Mei saw it, and immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "My master is about to wake up, come welcome with me!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought to himself: "Welcome with you? See if I dig his lair!"

Can he succeed?What exactly is this black charm master?

PS: There is another chapter at 10 o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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