
Chapter 485 Escape from birth, what conspiracy?

Chapter 485 Escape from birth, what conspiracy?
Taking advantage of Hei Mei bowing his head to greet him, Tong Yan didn't delay any longer.I saw him strode forward and slapped the coffin lid away with one palm.At the same time, he took out a fire talisman from his pocket and punched it in.

There was only a sound of "hoo", and the fire talisman turned into a fireball as soon as he left his hand.When the fireball met the black air, a raging flame ignited immediately.

Hei Mei didn't expect that Tong Yan would strike suddenly, let alone that what he said before was to let her guard down.Now that the sky is full of flames, it is also a little overwhelmed.

"Stinky boy, what are you going to do? You want to harm my master, and I will kill you!"

After setting off the fire, Tong Yan slapped another palm. He used [-]% of his palm strength to slap the golden coffin directly at Hei Mei.

Hei Mei saw that the golden coffin hit her, and hurriedly reached out to help, for fear that the corpse in the coffin would be injured.

Tong Yan seized the opportunity and grabbed a handful of fire talismans from his pocket. He didn't care how many it was, and threw them towards Hei Mei.

As soon as the fire talisman fell, he took out another fourth-grade sword talisman and threw it out as well.

At the same time, I saw him pointing fingers with both hands, and shouted loudly: "Bamenli fire array, enlighten!" As soon as the enlightenment word came out, the fire talismans thrown by him immediately turned into fireballs.The fireballs stood in the direction of the eight gates, directly trapping Hei Mei and the golden coffin inside.

"Nie Zhan, go die with your master! Bamenli fire formation, destroy!"

There was only a sound of "huh", and the sky was filled with flames, and immediately burned in the Bamenli fire array.

Hei Mei screamed again and again in the flames, but Tong Yan's eyes showed no trace of pity.

This evil obstacle is a heinous person, if you don't get rid of it today, you will definitely commit a heinous crime in the future.What he did was to do justice for the sky, and he did not live up to the name of the descendants of Skywalker.

The screams became weaker and weaker until they disappeared.The Bamen Lihuo formation lasted for three to four minutes before the flames gradually dissipated.

Maybe it was because of too much zhenqi consumption, now Tong Yan not only has his left leg petrified, even his right leg has gradually become stiff.Coupled with the fact that he was injured by Jinlong before, he was exhausted at this moment.

But even so, he still tried his best to walk to the golden coffin, wanting to see if the corpse inside had really been reduced to ashes.

But before he could look into the coffin, a beam of black light suddenly shot out from the coffin, rushing towards his face door.

When Tong Yan saw it, he hurriedly turned sideways, but his shoulder was hit hard.The impact was so powerful that it shattered his shoulder bones.

Tong Yan couldn't bear the severe pain, and couldn't help letting out a scream, and his body fell heavily on the ground uncontrollably.

The black light hit it with one blow, and it was about to strike again.

Tong Yan is now at the end of his strength, and if he is hit by this black light again, he may be close to death.

But at this critical moment, unexpectedly, the Azure Dragon King Horn that he put in his pocket burst out with a dazzling blue light.

The cyan light directly enveloped him, and the black light hit him again, which was immediately blocked by the cyan light.

The black light refused to give up, and hit it several times in a row, until it was difficult to go beyond half a step, and then left resentfully.

But when he was leaving, the black light said in a human voice: "Boy, how dare you prevent me from descending into the world. The revenge of my body being destroyed today will be repaid by you ten times in the future. Let's wait and see !"

As soon as the words fell, the black light had disappeared without a trace.

Tong Yan was seriously injured and couldn't move a bit, then he closed his eyes and passed out.

After an unknown amount of time, a familiar voice sounded in his ear. "Xiao Tong, wake up quickly, Xiao Tong, are you okay? Don't scare us, Xiao Tong..."

Hearing this voice, Tong Yan knew that Qing Ming was calling him, so he opened his eyes with effort.

Sure enough, at this moment he was surrounded by Qing Ming, White Crow, and Blind Chen, and he was still covered with Qing Ming's coat.

The three of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Tong Yan wake up.

"Little Tong, you finally woke up, you scared me to death. How is it? How do you feel now?"

Tong Yan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and finally said: "I...I'm fine. It' good to see you again!"

Looking at the pale Tong Yan, Qing Ming felt sad for a while.

"Little Tong, why don't you come with us? You want to come here alone. If you have any problems, you will never live alone!"

Tong Yan forced a smile and said, "Aren't I... am I alive? As long as we...we are all safe and sound, you don't have to blame yourself! Well, without further ado, take me...take me out of here first Come on.'s not safe here!"

Qing Ming nodded, then carried Tong Yan on his back, and the group of four quickly fled the hall.As soon as the four of them stepped out of the golden hall, the golden hall collapsed and turned into dust on the ground.

The Qianmian Scholar and others waiting at the entrance of the main hall, seeing Tong Yan and the others returning safely, hurried up to greet them.

Just when several people wanted to ask about the situation in the main hall, they did not expect that even the arch bridge had cracks.

The people didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately ran out as if fleeing. When they retreated to the golden gate at the entrance, the place where they were standing turned out to be pitch black, like a huge gaping mouth. Generally, chilling.

Shan Ling stared at it, then hastily closed the golden gate, and beckoned everyone to flee to the corridor they came from.

Two days later, after Tong Yan racked his brains to deduce and investigate, the maze that prevented everyone from leaving was finally broken, and everyone was able to leave the ancient tomb smoothly.

But not long after they left, two figures, one black and one white, appeared in the corridor.They are not impermanence in black and white, but double evil in black and white.The white monster's face was like a millstone, but its body was very thin.The black monster has a huge body, like a black bear, and looks exactly the same as the mountain spirit, like a replica of a larger size.

They smiled at each other, then turned to look behind them.At this moment, a figure in black armor slowly appeared.

"Has everyone left already?"

"My lord, I'm gone!"

The man in black armor nodded and said: "Okay, now I can concentrate on retreating and practicing. You two, protect the Dharma for me. When I recover, it will be time to enter the world. Then destroy me This brat in the flesh, I will never let him go."

"Yes, I'll obey! By the way, master. My child is still with them. Do you want to recall him?"

"No need, just let him follow them. With him following, I can find them more easily in the future."

"Okay, my subordinates will issue orders to him later, and I will fulfill my mission!"


Inside the Qilin Pavilion, the owner of the pavilion, Nangong Yun, is divination. He is staring at the turtle shell, his face is full of sorrow.But after a while, he showed a cold smile again.

"This guy finally came back, but it's not a bad thing to come back. With him doing evil, I can concentrate on my big business! At that time, no one can stop me. Heh..."

Who is he that Nangong Yun said?What kind of conspiracy is he planning?

(End of this chapter)

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