
Chapter 486 Half human, half stone, entrusted by others!

Chapter 486 Half human, half stone, entrusted by others!
In a small town less than a hundred miles away from Tianshi's tomb, Tong Yan was lying on the bed and fast asleep.He thought that if he escaped from the tomb of the celestial master, the petrification technique cast on his body would be eliminated.

But contrary to expectations, his body continued to petrify, and his legs had all turned into stone.

It's not that he hasn't experienced the disability of both legs, but this time, it seems to be more serious than the disability.If he couldn't resolve this hateful petrification in time, he might be completely turned into stone in a few days.

Qingming, Bai Wuya and others have already searched for traces of the miracle doctor for him, and now the only one who can save him is the miracle doctor.But the problem is, genius doctors can only cure diseases and save people, how can they know how to break the petrification technique?
Qianmian Scholar and Chen Xiazi stayed in the town to take care of Tong Yan.He is like this now, and everyone's heart is very heavy. Although Tong Yan is still talking and laughing, everyone understands that Tong Yan does not want to bring too much pressure to everyone, but the more he is like this, the more worried everyone is. .

In the living room outside the room, Blind Chen sighed endlessly. " could this be? Could it be that Brother Tong Yan was destined for such a catastrophe? Sigh..."

Hearing this, the thousand-faced scholar said with some displeasure: "Stop moaning and sighing, why is it so annoying to listen to? I just don't understand, my young patriarch is unparalleled in strategy and extremely smart, how did he become enlightened?" ? You went in with him, why are you all right?"

Hearing this, Blind Chen curled his lips and said, "Then what you mean is that we deserve to be recruited, and Brother Tong cannot be recruited? Your logic is wrong, maybe everything is predestined. It's not you and I who want to change, It can be controlled."

The thousand-faced scholar shook his head helplessly and said: "Master Chen, you are proficient in the art of Xuanhuang, so there is no way to save my young suzerain? I beg you, as long as you can save my young suzerain, I am willing to be your bully." Repay you by being a horse."

Blind Chen waved his hand and said, "Just let me go. If I really have a way, I still have to wait for you to ask me? Brother Tong has treated me well, so why don't I want to save his life? But I really have no way out." ,well……"

The thousand-faced scholar looked at Blind Chen, and then smiled wryly: "Yes, if you have a way, you won't wait until now. God bless, I hope my young master can survive this calamity safely. Amitabha!"

While the two of them were talking, there was a sudden "dong dong" knock on the door.

Qianmian Scholar noticed it, and hurriedly got up to open the door, and said to Blind Chen: "It must be Qing Ming and the others who have returned, maybe they have found the miracle doctor."

Blind Chen didn't answer, but pinched his fingers and counted.

With a "creak", the door was directly opened by the scholar with thousands of faces.However, to some surprise, the visitor was not Qing Ming and the others, but a strange middle-aged man.

I saw that this person was wearing a black windbreaker, with long and messy hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, the stubble on his face was very eye-catching, and his figure was quite strong.

The thousand-faced scholar stared at this person, and then asked, "Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man smiled slightly and said: "My lord, Situ Santong, I heard that the Young Sect Master of the Demon Sect is recuperating here, so I'm here to visit!"

The thousand-faced scholar was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately said on guard: "Situ Santong? Why have I never heard of a number one person like you in Jianghu? Also, you said that the young master of the Demon Sect is here. I'm afraid you are mistaken." .We are just tourists here, I don’t know what young suzerain you are talking about. Please go back!”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man laughed and said, "Your Excellency should be the famous scholar with thousands of faces. You are the holy envoy of the Demon Sect. Since when did you like traveling in mountains and rivers? Don't worry, I have no malicious intentions. I am here this time. , in fact, it is to rescue the young suzerain of the noble sect. Please let me meet him as a convenience."

The thousand-faced scholar was even more astonished. This guy has never met himself, and he can reveal his identity. It seems that he is not an ordinary person, and he also said that he is to save the young master. Could it be that he really has such abilities ?
The Thousand Faced Scholar was a little hesitant, for fear that he might lead a wolf into the house.

But at this moment, Blind Chen spoke up.

"Brother Scholar, let him in. Since he came here specially for Brother Tong, how can we keep him away from him thousands of miles away?"

Upon hearing this, the thousand-faced scholar immediately turned his head and said in a cold voice: "Master Chen, you said this lightly. If this person has other plans and something happens, can you bear it?"

Blind Chen smiled slightly and said, "I'll just take care of it, all right, let's invite Palace Master Situ to come in!"

Palace lord?Hearing this, it seems that Chen Xiazi knows Situ Santong, but who is he?
Seeing that Blind Chen was still unwilling to accommodate, Situ Santong smiled again and said, "Brother, I really don't have any malicious intentions. The purpose of my coming here is to help Your Excellency the Young Sovereign through the crisis. If you really don't believe me, you can always follow me." I am. If there is anything wrong with me, you will directly kill me. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Qianmian Scholar sneered and said, "How do I know what your skills are? What if I can't take you down?"

Situ Santong chuckled and said: "You said that too, if I am stronger than you, do you think you can stop me? Is there any difference in the result?"

All of a sudden, the scholar with thousands of faces fell silent, it was indeed unnecessary for him to do so.Since Blind Chen has guaranteed the ticket, he really shouldn't continue to stop him from entering.

"Okay, then you can come with me. My young suzerain is still in a coma, I'm afraid you have to wait until he wakes up."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tong Yan's voice came from the room.

"Ahem... who is here? Please come in!"

When the thousand-faced scholar heard this, he hurriedly smiled and said, "My young suzerain is awake, I will take you to see him."

Situ Santong nodded and smiled, and immediately followed Qianmian Scholar into Tong Yan's resting room.

At this moment, Tong Yan has tried his best to sit up, although his legs are hard to move, but his hands can move freely.

As soon as Situ Santong saw Tong Yan who was half lying down, he hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted, "I'm going to Situ Santong, I have met Your Excellency the Young Sovereign!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately replied, "Your Majesty, you are being polite. Could it be that you are the Lord Situ of Wuji Palace?"

Hearing this, Situ Santong nodded and smiled and said, "That's right, it's my servant. I didn't expect His Excellency the Young Sect Master to know me. I'm worthy of being a unicorn talent. It's better to be famous than to meet."

Tong Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "The name of Qilin talent is a thing of the past. Now I am just a dying person. I don't know why Palace Master Situ is here today? What do you want me for?"

Situ Santong smiled slightly and said, "I came here today, actually, I was entrusted by someone to make a special trip to dissolve the sorcery of dry stones on Your Excellency the Young Sovereign."

Entrusted by others?By whom?
(End of this chapter)

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