
Chapter 488 Bone scraping to exorcise evil spirits, the lost spirit!

Chapter 488 Bone scraping to exorcise evil spirits, the lost spirit!
After Tong Yan let out a scream, he clenched his teeth.Feeling in his legs meant he saved his life.As long as there is life, what is the pain of scraping the bone?

It has to be said that Situ Santong's attack was really ruthless, but it must be admitted that his technique was indeed precise.The knife directly hit the leg bone. If the strength was a bit heavy, it might pierce a hole in Tong Yan's leg bone.But if the strength was a little weaker, Tong Yan would have suffered an extra blow.

Tong Yan endured the severe pain in his legs, but his eyes were fixed on his legs.He wanted to see what was causing his legs to turn to stone.

After Situ Santong stabbed a knife, he immediately slashed towards Tong Yan's feet. With this slash, Tong Yan's leg bones were fully exposed, but no blood flowed from his legs, and the meat on his legs turned pale as if cooked. Like pork, it automatically separates to the sides.

Originally, there was blood flowing into Tong Yan's leg, probably because of the bloodletting with silver needles, so there were only a few streaks of blood left.

Taking a closer look, Tong Yan's leg bones are neither red nor white, but black like charcoal.

After Situ Santong cut it open, he immediately scraped the leg bone with the knife.I heard the sound of "crunching", which only made my scalp numb and felt uncomfortable.

But as he scraped the bone, the black thing wrapped around the leg bone was finally removed.The black thing was partly like paint and partly like liquid.The only thing that was certain was that it was the source of the stench.

The scraping bone was to test Tong Yan's endurance, and to test Situ Santong's concentration.This Situ Santong looked like a medical expert, not only did he shave carefully, but he also shaved very cleanly.Maybe there can't be a trace of this black thing left, otherwise it will regenerate and reproduce all over Tong Yan's bones.

This is a technical job, which is almost as good as any major surgery in internal medicine.

The time passed slowly in tension and pain, and before I knew it, it was dawn.

Situ Santong finally scraped off all the black matter on Tong Yan's leg, and then used medical needles and threads to sew up the cut flesh. This "operation" came to an end.

He put the knife in his hand aside, took out the lighter and burned the scraped black matter to ashes, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: "Young master, you have been saved. From now on, you will not Turned to stone again."

At this moment, Tong Yan's complexion was very bad, and he was enduring such severe pain, an ordinary person would have fainted long ago.But he kept his eyes open all the time, and even though he was sweating profusely from the pain, he didn't say a word.

"Master Situ, I really thank you this time. You not only cured my legs, but also saved my life. You are my benefactor. If there is anything I need to do in the future, I will never refuse !"

Situ Santong shook his head and smiled, "Young Sect Master, I have already said it. I am entrusted by others, and it is a matter of loyalty. Actually, you don't need to thank me, the person who entrusted me has already paid me."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Although that is the case, you saved me after all. I, Tong Yan, will never forget this kindness in my life. Palace Master Situ, although I don't know who is the one who entrusted you to save me But I guess this person must have a lot of connections with me, I don’t know where he is now?”

Hearing this, Situ Santong laughed and said, "Young Master, don't talk to me. I have done what I should do, so I am going to leave. We will meet again in the future! By the way, these few days ****It is best to stay in bed, and only wait for the leg bones to rejoin with the flesh and blood before you can walk on the ground. At least half a month, at most a year, I hope you must be careful!"

Situ Santong refused to tell who was behind it, which made Tong Yan a little helpless.However, he really wanted to know a thing or two about the stone dry magic in his body.

"Palace Master Situ, wait a moment. There is still one thing that I don't understand, so I ask Palace Master Situ to enlighten me."

Hearing this, Situ Santong nodded and smiled, "It's okay, if you don't understand anything, just ask."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked: "You said I was using the sorcery of dry stone? Isn't it the magic of immortality?"

Situ Santong laughed and said: "What is fairy art? What is evil art? In fact, there is no essential difference between the two. It mainly depends on what they are used for. Maoshan art is famous all over the world, but Maoshan people also know how to cultivate it. Ghost Liansha, aren’t they orthodox? There is no distinction between good and evil in art, in fact it depends on who is performing it and what its purpose is.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan clasped his fists and said with a smile: "Palace Master Situ is indeed very insightful, my younger brother admires it. But what did you scrape off my leg bone?"

Situ Santong smiled slightly and said, "That's the filth, a plant similar to a virus. This filth is actually very easy to get rid of, as long as you use fire to get rid of it. But it's also hard to find because of its small size. The ability to regenerate is extremely strong. As long as a little bit enters the human body, it will attach to the bones and grow by absorbing the body's essence and blood. When the host body dies, the kalpa will die with it."

Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then said: "Then how can it turn people into stones?"

Situ Santong laughed and said: "This has something to do with the caster. The caster will first refine the robbery into a stone. The robbery will naturally remember the shape of his own stone, and after it enters the human body, it will also It will naturally transform the human body into the shape it likes. In this way, the skilled person will slowly turn into stone."

Hearing this, Tong Yan basically understood.The reason why he fell into this stone dry spell may be because he smashed the stone statue with the vajra pestle.And there was robbery filth hidden in the stone statue, and it accidentally stuck to his leg, and then drilled into it, until his leg also turned into stone.

However, the stone that Jie Hui transformed into flesh and blood is not a real stone, as long as it can be dissolved with a special medicine, and then the Jie Fei inside is completely removed, so that it can be restored to its original state.

The truth about Tong Yan's petrified legs has now come to light.However, there are still some unanswered questions in the tomb, and they will be fully clarified when Qing Ming and the others return.

Situ Santong wanted to leave with all his heart, and Tong Yan naturally couldn't stay for long, so he could only let the scholar with a thousand faces see him off.

After seeing off Situ Santong, the thousand-faced scholar immediately ran back and asked Tong Yan, "Young Sect Master, do you know him? What Wuji Palace, why have I never heard of it?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "The Wuji Palace is one of the most hidden sects in the Jianghu. People in the school are proficient in medical skills, alchemy, and the art of prolonging life. But very few people know about the Wuji Palace, so it's normal if you don't know! "

Hearing this, the thousand-faced scholar said in puzzlement, "Why is such a powerful sect so seldom known?"

Tong Yan put away his smile, and then said mysteriously: "Because the disciples in the Wuji Palace are not human beings, but spirits left behind by the heavens!"

When the thousand-faced scholar heard this, his eyes widened.

A spirit left behind by the heavens?Where the hell is this Promise Palace?
(End of this chapter)

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