
Chapter 489 Seven days later, the big wedding day!

Chapter 489 Seven days later, the wedding day!
"Young Sect Master, are you kidding me? A spirit left behind by the heavens? Could it be that the people in the Promise Palace are spirit race?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled: "That's right, they are indeed spirit races. But they can't be said to be pure spirits. In order to reproduce offspring, they intermarried with human men and women. Up to now, there are very few real spirit races. , most of the rest can only be half-human and half-spiritual. But in other words, all living beings are living beings. Are we mortals not spirits?"

The thousand-faced scholar laughed and said: "Young Sect Master's words are very true, but he, a majestic Palace Master of the Spirit Race, would come here specially to exorcise evil spirits and heal your legs, which is really puzzling. But no matter what, you are finally safe It's okay, and we can relax."

Tong Yan smiled, then closed his eyes.He was a little tired, and what he needed most now was to rest, to recover from his injuries as soon as possible, so that he could go to Qilin Pavilion earlier.

Things have been delayed for so long, how could he not be in a hurry.Nan Gongyun, the owner of the Qilin Pavilion, was hiding his secrets, and he didn't know what kind of character he was. He only hoped that he didn't do anything to Xueer and Tan Yu, otherwise, even if he tried to die, he would never let him go.

In addition, he was still thinking about who the person behind Situ Santong was.Being able to invite the majestic Palace Master of the Promise Palace, this person's status will never be low.But he didn't seem to have such a powerful friend, which really gave him a headache.

Regarding the Wuji Palace, he had seen the records in the booklet in the wooden box left by the old Taoist.This Wuji Palace is definitely not as simple as what Tong Yan said to Qianmian Scholar. The people in this palace are of course descendants of the Spirit Race, but in fact, there is a true god in their palace, known as the Patriarch Wuji.Although this ancestor of Wuji became a god, he has been living in the human world.

It may be because they still remember the fact that their clan was abandoned by the heavens, so even if they become gods, they will not enter the heavens.With this true god around, no one would dare to be an enemy of Wuji Palace, and they would all regard Wuji Palace as the most unoffensive sect in the arena.

As for the secrets in the Promise Palace, even the veterans of the Guilemen don't know, so there are not too many detailed records in the brochure.It's just that Tong Yan didn't expect to actually meet the lord of the Wuji Palace today. Thinking about it now, he was really flattered.

In any case, he survived this catastrophe after all.In this way, he can fully prepare for going to Qilin Pavilion and taking back the tricky gate.

In the blink of an eye, it was already seven days later. After these seven days of recuperation, Tong Yan's legs recovered a lot.Before Situ Santong left, he had told him that his legs would recover completely within half a month at least and a year at most.

According to his current recovery speed, he may really be able to walk on the ground in half a month.

Sitting on the bed, he quietly looked out the window.There are too many things for him to plan, too many urgent things for him to do.He was really in a hurry. To him, resting like this was like going to jail, which gave him a headache.

When he was burning with anxiety, Qing Ming, Bai Wu Ya and others who went to various places to find the whereabouts of the miracle doctor finally returned here.

As soon as they entered the house, they went straight to Tong Yan's room.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Tong Yan immediately turned his head to look. When he saw Qing Ming and the others, he swept away the haze from before, and then showed a faint smile.

"Brother Qing, Brother Bai, you are back! How are you doing? Have you found the whereabouts of the genius doctor?"

Hearing this, Qingming shook his head and said, "No, I couldn't find it anywhere. But I heard that brother Xu called, saying that a senior person has already healed your leg. Brother Bai and I didn't dare to delay, so we took it with you immediately. I followed everyone to rush back. Fortunately, I finally returned today because I encountered some troubles on the road. Boy, are your legs really okay?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "That's right, my legs are indeed healed, but I still need to rest for a few days. I can only stay in bed for a few days."

Hearing this, Qingming laughed and said, "It's already a great joy for you to survive the catastrophe. Resting in bed for a few more days is nothing."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Yes, it is indeed a blessing to be able to save this life. By the way, Brother Qing, where is the Azure Dragon King Horn I gave you? Have you merged with yourself?"

Qingming shook his head and smiled wryly: "I've been busy all this time, so I don't have time. It just so happens that you are resting these few days, and I'm also trying to find out what secrets are in this dragon's horn."

Tong Yan nodded with a smile, and then said: "Brother Qing, you said just now that you encountered an accident on the road, so your schedule was delayed. What's the matter? Tell me!"

Hearing this, Qing Ming hurriedly replied: "Oh, actually... it's actually a small matter. It's about... about the Qilin Pavilion!"

"About Qilin Pavilion? What is it?" Tong Yan immediately became interested when he heard the word "Qilin Pavilion".

Seeing that Tong Yan must know, Qing Ming could only reply with some reluctance: "I heard that the daughter of the Qilin Pavilion is about to get married, and invited heroes from all walks of life. This matter has nothing to do with us, so ...that's why I don't want to say more."

The daughter of Qilin Pavilion is about to get married?How could this news be considered a trivial matter for Qing Ming.He fell in love with Nangong Jin'er of Qilin Pavilion. Although Nangong Yun tricked him, the affection between the two was true.

No wonder he didn't want to say that the girl he loves is about to marry someone else, how could he be willing to mention it?After all, in the final analysis, isn't he the most uncomfortable person?

Tong Yan thought for a while, then asked, "When is the wedding day? Have you found out?"

Qing Ming was a little puzzled, but still answered truthfully: "Just seven days later, I heard that the groom is the young master of Nanshan Gate. I don't know what that guy looks like, what kind of temperament he is, and if he gets married in the future, will he be right?" Hello Jiner. Alas..."

After seven days?In another seven days, Tong Yan's injuries would almost heal.Maybe, just in time to catch up.

Tong Yan never told them about Nangong Yun's murder of Bai Jing, the owner of Baihua Valley, and his kidnapping of Xue'er and Tan Yu.Now, maybe it's time.

"Brother Qing, you may not know yet. The owner of Baihua Valley is dead, and the murderer who killed her is Nangong Yun!"

As soon as these words came out, Qing Ming couldn't help but tremble all over. "What? It turned out to be this old man, why did he do this?"

Tong Yan gritted his teeth, and then replied: "Because of Xueer, because he wants to get Xueer, a descendant of Nuwa. Bai Jing wanted to protect Xueer, that's why...he was murdered by him!"

Hearing this, Qingming said fiercely: "This bastard, you deserve to die. Then how is Xue'er doing now? Where is she?"

"Both she and Tan Yu were kidnapped by this old bastard, and I think they are being imprisoned in Qilin Pavilion at this moment!"

Hearing this, Qing Ming immediately asked, "Speak, boy. What are your plans? Xue'er and Tan Yu, we must save them, right?"

A stern look flashed in Tong Yan's eyes, and then he said coldly: "Of course we have to save, and I want to avenge Bai Jing. Didn't you say that Nangong Jin'er's wedding day will be in seven days? When the time comes, we will give him Prepare a big gift! This time, I will let him lose his daughter and his life!"

The battle with Qilin Pavilion finally kicked off. What kind of gift will Tong Yan prepare for Nangong Yun?Stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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