
Chapter 491 Blood rains from the sky, spiritual creatures suffer?

Chapter 491 Blood rains from the sky, spiritual creatures suffer?

"Young Sect Master, wake up quickly, we have arrived. Look outside quickly, why is it such a color today?"

Hearing the shout of the thousand-faced scholar, Tong Yan, who fell asleep at some point, finally slowly opened his eyes.He rubbed his eyes, then looked up out of the car window.

But after seeing this, he unconsciously frowned.How could this be, how could the color outside be red?It's like a red light shining on the earth.

Tong Yan stretched his arms, and then asked the Thousand Faced Scholar, "Is the wheelchair I asked you to prepare ready? Help me go down and have a look!"

Upon hearing this, the thousand-faced scholar immediately replied: "Young Sect Master, the wheelchair is ready. Don't move, I'll carry you down!"

Although being hugged by a big man felt a bit strange, his legs still hadn't healed, and he couldn't care less.

"Okay, I'll thank you then!"

The thousand-faced scholar chuckled, picked Tong Yan up and got out of the car, and put him on the wheelchair beside the car.

Qingming and the others had already got off the car, and they were all looking at the sky at the moment.

Tong Yan didn't say anything, but also looked up at the sky.

My good fellow, there are red clouds in the sky.The sun penetrated the red clouds, and all that shone down were red.The world they were in seemed to be stained red with blood, which only made people's hearts tremble.

Anyone who has experienced sandstorms or tornadoes should have seen scenes like this.The sky is full of khaki, and everything around is also illuminated yellow.It's just a blood-red sky, but it's very rare. Is this also a scene created by nature?

They are located in a county close to the sea, because of the sea, the economy is relatively developed.People on the street are walking in a hurry, some want to go back home to hide quickly, and some want to go back to the dormitory where they live and have a sleep.

Tong Yan stared at the sky for a while, and then asked the thousand-faced scholar: "Brother Xu, help me to ask passers-by, what is the situation?"

Hearing this, the thousand-faced scholar nodded, and hurriedly walked towards the crowd not far away.

After a while, he asked the reason clearly, and walked back quickly.

"Young Sovereign, I have already asked you clearly. It is said that a typhoon is coming, why don't we find a hotel to stay overnight. After the typhoon passes, we will go to sea again. How about it?"

Tong Yan calculated the date, the wedding day is the day after tomorrow, so if he stays overnight tonight, he will leave for the small island where the Qilin Pavilion is located tomorrow morning, it shouldn't be too late.

He nodded, and then said: "Okay, then find a hotel to stay in first, let's have a good night's rest, and go to sea tomorrow morning!"

The thousand-faced scholar laughed and said, "That's great, here is the seaside, and you can have a good seafood meal. Young master, look at that hotel is not bad, there is a restaurant next to it, we will be there Stay there!"

Everyone had no objection, and immediately rushed towards the hotel.

After the RV was parked, Qianmian Scholar opened several rooms with his temporary ID card. The group of people did not go back to the room first, but went straight to the nearby restaurant.

It may be because the typhoon is approaching, so even though the restaurant is well decorated, there is not a single diner eating here.

Several people looked around and sat down directly at a round table in the hall.

When the waiter saw a customer coming, he hurried forward with tea and menus.

"Brothers, this typhoon is coming soon, so you're not afraid of getting caught in the rain later?"

The waiter who spoke was a girl in her twenties, with a quiet appearance, a pair of big eyes, eyebrow-length bangs, and a sweet smile.

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "We live in the hotel next door, and we don't have to worry about the rain, it's just a few steps away. Brother Xu, take a look at the menu and order whatever you like. Anyway, you will pay for it!"

The thousand-faced scholar laughed and said, "It's nothing, anyway, the money is not mine. Eat whatever you want! Hehe..." The money used to buy a second-hand car is actually the money of the Mozong.Because during the time when Mozong had an accident, the scholar with thousands of faces and the white crow were taking care of it, so Mozong's money was naturally on him.

A bank card, I heard that there is tens of millions of money in it.

So much money is enough for them to spend, and what is a meal of seafood.

Unexpectedly, the scholar with thousands of faces is still a big foodie.What was expensive, what did he order, the waitress who just looked at it was dumbfounded, and wondered if these guys robbed the bank, or did something outrageous.Otherwise, how can normal people spend so much?

Not long after, a table full of seafood was in place.Everyone ate while drinking.

At the same time, the outside of the restaurant was already pouring down with rain. The sound of "cracking" rain was like setting off firecrackers, and the noisy people's ears were numb.

The few waiters standing by the window stared at the rain outside, and they all had a bad face, as if they saw something terrible.

"Sister Wang, am I dazzled? Why is the rain red?"

"What? Did you see it was red too? I thought I was wrong."

"Oh my god, what's going on? Why is it still raining blood?"


Listening to their conversation, Tong Yan slowly put down the chopsticks in his hand.

The rain of blood from the sky is an ominous omen.Could it be that some people around here did something outrageous, which made God angry?

Suddenly, Xueer's voice and smile appeared in his mind.Xue'er is a descendant of Nuwa, if someone does something evil to her, God will definitely not tolerate it.Could it be Nangong Yun, did he do something to Xue'er?

While he was thinking wildly, a tricycle drove up to the door of the hotel under the rain.Then I saw two people wearing raincoats and rain boots get out of the car.

They moved all the boxes on the car to the door of the restaurant, then opened the door and came in and shouted: "Girls, please inform the kitchen. The fresh seafood is here, let them come and receive it!"

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man in his 50s or [-]s, with a strong build and dark skin. He looked like a fisherman who often went fishing.

After several waitresses heard this, someone immediately went to inform the back kitchen.After a while, a few fat chefs came from the back kitchen, and together with the two people who delivered the seafood, they moved several boxes of fresh seafood into the back kitchen.

Not long after, two fish deliverers came out from the back kitchen.They frowned as they stared at the heavier and heavier rain outside, and decided to take shelter in the hotel and wait for the rain to stop before leaving.

"Dad, what day do you think is today? Why is it still raining blood? I think the sea is almost dyed red!"

"Hey... who knows. I guess the Dragon King in the sea is angry, otherwise why would it rain blood?"

"The Dragon King is angry? I can't see it. Do you think it has something to do with the hidden island we boarded a few days ago? The piercing screams sounded all the time on the island. Could it be that some spiritual creature has suffered? "

Tong Yan has been paying attention to their conversation, and now when he hears the word "spiritual object", he can't help but tremble.

Is it really a disaster for a spiritual creature?What is it related to the rain of blood on this day?I just hope that Xueer is not the one who suffered, God bless!

(End of this chapter)

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