
Chapter 492 Going to sea overnight, sailing to the "ghost" island.

Chapter 492 Going to sea overnight, sailing to the "ghost" island.

"Don't talk nonsense, what spirits. I think there are demons on that island. Anyway, don't go to that island again. Be careful not to throw your life there!"

Hearing this, the young fisherman nodded and said, "Dad, I know. Besides, I usually go out to sea with you. If you don't let me approach you, how dare I. Hehe..."

"Don't talk to me, I don't know you yet? While I'm out in the open sea, you and your friends secretly go fishing for pocket money. Don't think I don't know, I just don't say it. In short, During this period of time, please calm down for a while, and then let me know that you sneaked out to sea, and see if I don't break your legs."


Listening to the conversation between the father and son, Tong Yan thought for a while, and then said to the white crow: "Brother Bai, please go and invite the two fishing father and son over, just say that I want to buy some fresh seafood."

Hearing this, the white crow nodded, and immediately got up and walked towards the two fishermen at the door.

As soon as the fisherman heard the boy's words that he wanted to buy seafood, he immediately walked over.

"Hello bosses, who wants to buy seafood? We have a wide variety of seafood here, and we guarantee freshness, high quality and low price! You can't go wrong looking for me, Zhao Laowu! Hehe..."

It was the elderly fisherman who spoke, with a smile on his face, it seemed that he really wanted to do this business.

Seeing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I want to buy some seafood, brother, sit down and talk to me!"

When the thousand-faced scholar heard this, he quickly pulled a chair from the side and let the middle-aged fisherman sit down.

Facing Tong Yan and the rest of these energetic young people, Zhao Laowu was a little nervous, but if he could negotiate this deal, he could earn more money and improve his family's life.Even though he knew that these people in front of him were a bit unusual, nothing was more important than making money.

"Boss, I don't know what seafood you want? We have everything in the sea, whether you want abalone, sea fish, or sea crab, I can get it for you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "These are not important, the important thing is whether you want to make money."

His few words made Zhao Laowu a little confused. He obviously said that he wanted to buy seafood, but now he said that seafood is not important, so why is it important?

"Boss, my brain is not very bright, and I turn slowly. Can you be more straightforward? As for making money, those of us who fish are all relying on hard work to support our families. Who doesn't want to make more money? Woolen cloth?"

Tong Yan smiled lightly and said, "As long as you want to make money, that's fine. I want you to take us out to sea. Take us to two small islands. Originally, we planned to rent a cruise ship to go by ourselves, but after thinking about it, you should People who live by the sea know the sea better. So I want to take your boat out to sea, how about it? Are you interested?"

Hearing this, Zhao Laowu hesitated a little, and kept rubbing his calloused hands.

Tong Yan looked at him and knew his worries, and then he smiled and said, "Brother Zhao, don't worry, we are all good people. And I am still a disabled person. If you have any concerns, you can send us a few Everyone takes a picture. If something happens to you when you go out to sea, you can ask your family to report it to the police and arrest us. Also, if you want to go out to sea, I will give you 10 yuan. What do you think? Sample?"

As soon as the word 10 yuan came out, the eyes of Zhao Laowu and his son lit up. 10 yuan, they may not be able to earn so much throughout the year.Now they can earn a year's income just by going to sea. This deal is really very tempting for them.

Zhao Laowu thought for a while, and then asked, "Boss, when do you plan to go to sea?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Tonight, do you think there is a problem?"

"What? Tonight? The weather is not right tonight, and it's raining heavily. It's too risky to go out to sea tonight. Besides, my small fishing boat may not be able to withstand such storms. How about we wait The rain is over, shall we go to sea again?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said, "No, just tonight. How about this, I'll give you another 5 yuan, and you can rent a better boat. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Zhao Laowu hesitated again, but Xiao Zhao standing behind him couldn't hold back anymore.

"Dad, why are you still hesitating? Renting a boat is only [-] to [-] yuan, so it's worth our trip this time. We won't have to worry about it for a year. Besides, Liying and I are planning to get married Yes. With our family’s situation, when can you help me buy a house.”

As soon as Zhao Laowu heard this, his face seemed to have changed a lot.In today's society with soaring commodity prices and housing prices, these people who live at the bottom want to buy a house, how easy is it?The first condition for many marriages is often the house.

Tong Yan also knew that it was not easy for Zhao Lao Wu, so he raised the price again: "This time, I will give you 20, how about this?"

"20? Dad, please agree quickly. If you don't go, I will!"

Looking at his impatient son, Zhao Laowu finally made up his mind.

"Okay, I agree. But...but you have to pay half of it before going to sea. In this way, even if I die at sea, I will not lose."

Tong Yan nodded with a smile and said, "No problem, I will send someone to withdraw the money later, and then I will rent a boat with you. Brother Xu, pour a glass of wine for Brother Zhao, and let's have a drink. After that, you and Zhao Brother, let’s go together. Let us know when everything is ready.”

After everything was confirmed, Tong Yan and the others had a drink together, and then prepared to go.

Tong Yan and Qing Ming went back to the hotel room to rest, while Xu Ruilin, a thousand-faced scholar, went to work with Zhao Laowu and his father and son.

Everyone had waited until after eleven o'clock in the evening, when Xu Ruilin's phone call came.

When we arrived at the pier, the smoky blood rain had not stopped. Looking at the sea in the distance, the waves were rolling and the wind was raging.Tong Yan took a deep breath, and then led everyone onto the fishing boat sailing out of the harbour.

Although this fishing boat is not big, it is very strong. There are two floors in total, and there are special places for the crew to rest inside.

Tong Yan, Qing Ming and the others went straight into the cabin, and the fishing boat started slowly.

The person who drove the boat was of course Zhao Laowu. His son was worried that his father would not be able to handle it alone, so he came along with him.

While driving the fishing boat, Zhao Laowu turned his head and asked Tong Yan: "Boss, you said you want to go to two islands, which one should we go to first? What's the name of the island?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "When we were at the restaurant, I heard that your father and son talked about a small island where screams often sounded. Let's go there first!"

When Zhao Laowu heard this, he couldn't help trembling, and hurriedly turned around and said, "Boss, what are you doing on that small island? There is nothing on that island, and... and there may be monsters and ghosts on the island. Let's rush there like this , isn’t it just a matter of life?”

Before Tong Yan could speak, Xu Ruilin, a scholar with thousands of faces, said first: "Brother Zhao, just take care of yourself and follow us to keep you safe. Alright, let's sail the boat."

Zhao Laowu had already collected the money, and now it was too late to change his mind, so he could only bite the bullet and sail towards the mysterious island.

What on earth is there on that island?The answer will be revealed soon!
(End of this chapter)

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