
Chapter 493 The waves are rough, and the ghost ship is coming!

Chapter 493 The waves are rough, and the ghost ship is coming!
Zhao Laowu focused on sailing the boat, Tong Yan and the others had nothing to do, so they chatted with Zhao Laowu's son Xiao Zhao.

"Xiao Zhao, you are not very old, are you going to get married at such a young age?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhao smiled embarrassedly and said: "People here have stopped studying a long time ago, and they all get married early. Some children at my age can play soy sauce. I'm too late. Actually Well, I actually wanted to get married last year, but my girlfriend’s family disagreed. They thought my family was poor and insisted that I buy a house in the county town, but the house price was so expensive that my family couldn’t afford the down payment, so I delayed until Now. If I don’t get married this year, I guess my girlfriend will have to break up with me. Sigh..."

Hearing the helplessness in Xiao Zhao's heart, in fact, this is the current status of society.It's not just this place, it's basically the same in many parts of the country.

Although going to sea this time does not seem to be too risky, who knows what will be encountered on that mysterious island?Furthermore, the rain of blood on this day made people somewhat uneasy.But no matter what, Tong Yan made up his mind to keep Zhao Lao Wu and his father and son safe, otherwise, what is the difference between him and a murderous demon.

"By the way, Xiao Zhao, earlier you told Lao Zhao that there were screams on the island. What's going on? Can you tell me in detail?"

Xiao Zhao was also bored, so he simply told Tong Yan what happened a few days ago.

A few days ago, the two of them went out to sea together. Because they found a school of fish, they followed the school of fish.But it was strange to say that the school of fish disappeared after swimming.Unexpectedly, the two of them discovered a small island that they had never seen before.

Zhao Lao Wu has been fishing for half his life, so he is very clear about the surrounding sea area.He also knows where there are islands and where there are no islands.

But he didn't have the slightest impression of the island in front of him, wondering if this could be a ghost island?

Ghost Island is a fisherman's term, which means that an island suddenly appeared where there was no island, just like a ghost, coming and going without a trace, so there is such a term.

When encountering a ghost island, the most important thing to do is to stay away, because in the eyes of fishermen, this is not a good omen.

But just when they were about to leave by boat, the group of sea fish that had chased here unexpectedly appeared again, and it was right next to the so-called ghost island.

Turning back now means working in vain all day.Unwilling to be reconciled, Zhao Laowu continued to approach the fish with his son in a boat.Unfortunately, the boat ran aground.Something seemed to hit the bottom of the boat, knocking a hole out of the boat.

Their fishing boat is relatively old, and it was used by Xiao Zhao's grandfather to catch fish when he was alive. It has been passed down for decades.

The ship was broken, so naturally they had to come down to repair it, so the two of them reluctantly landed on the mysterious ghost island.

And when the two of them were busy repairing the boat, they heard ghostly cries without thinking about it.The voice sounded a little ethereal, but it pierced through the hearts of the people.Some sound like a woman weeping, and some sound like a female prisoner being tortured.

The two listened intently, as if the voice came from below the island.But worried that they had bumped into a water ghost, the two hurriedly repaired the boat. As soon as the boat was repaired, they fled away.

Thinking about it now, it's scary.

After hearing Xiao Zhao's story, Tong Yan can basically conclude two things.First, there must be some secret hidden on the island.Second, the scream came from the woman's mouth.

This is the East China Sea, and the small island where the Kirin Pavilion is located is in this sea area.Maybe, that voice might have something to do with Qilin Pavilion.Or, the one who made the tragic cry was probably Xue'er.

He didn't know why he had such speculations, but that's what he thought.During this period of time, he has been heartbroken by the kidnapping of Xue'er and Tan Yu, so the first thing he thought of was naturally them.

It is precisely because of this that he can't wait to go to sea overnight, wanting to find out.

He chatted with Xiao Zhao for a few more words, and Xiao Zhao went to take over from Old Zhao to sail the boat.The mysterious island still had three or four hours to travel, and it was already late at night, and everyone lay down on the beds in the cabin and fell asleep.

But before I slept for a long time, I heard a strange cry of "Aww" outside.

The sound was like a wild beast roaring, waking up all the sleeping people.

Xiao Zhao, who was driving the boat, was a little flustered now. He hurriedly said to Lao Zhao who had opened his eyes: "Dad, what do you think this is all about? Are we being targeted by some big fish?"

Strange things often happen in the mysterious sea. Old Zhao has been fishing for half his life, and he has experienced everything.

"Son, don't be afraid. Maybe the Dragon King is about to eat. I'll throw the sea fish in the boat into the sea right now, and the sound will disappear after a while."

These fishermen are really interesting, and they have something to do with the Dragon King when they encounter anything.But is there really a Dragon King in this sea?This is still unknown, but when Lao Zhao strenuously braved the rain and threw two boxes full of sea fish into the sea, the strange cry disappeared.

The shouting disappeared, Xiao Zhao, a brat, felt relieved, but he didn't dare to continue sailing, so he naturally handed over the burden of sailing to Lao Zhao.

In order to prevent any accidents, Tong Yan ordered the white crow to go to the cabin to assist Lao Zhao.If you see something, come back and let everyone know immediately.

Another half an hour passed smoothly like this, but what I didn't expect was that a new situation appeared again.This time it wasn't any strange noise, but a huge wooden boat was quickly approaching the fishing boat Tong Yan and the others were in from a distance.

As soon as the white crow found out, he immediately asked Old Zhao, "Master Zhao, what kind of boat is that in front? Why is it so big?"

At this moment, Zhao Laowu's face turned pale, and he said tremblingly: "That...that is a ghost ship, and there are ghosts on it!"

Hearing this, the white crow said calmly, "Is there any way to avoid it?"

Zhao Laowu swallowed dryly, and then said: "Let me try, I hope the Lord Dragon will bless us, and let us get through it safely!"

Seeing Zhao Laowu ruddering urgently, White Crow hurriedly turned around and walked towards the cabin.

"Young Sect Master, there is something wrong going. Old Zhao said that there is a ghost ship coming towards us."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly, and then asked, "How far is it from us? Is there a way to get rid of it?"

The White Crow responded, "Master Zhao is already thinking of a way. According to the speed of that ghost ship, it will probably be close to us in less than five minutes."

Tong Yan let out a soft sigh, and then said: "Regardless of whether we can escape the ghost ship or not, we must protect the Zhao family father and son. Now push me to the cabin to have a look, I want to see what kind of ghost is here Boat!"

PS: There is another chapter at 10 o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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