
Chapter 495 There is a treasure in the bottom layer, and the monster hits the boat!

Chapter 495 There is a treasure in the bottom layer, and the monster hits the boat!

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I know what's in my heart!" As he said, he turned the wheelchair and was about to leave the cabin.A wooden board was placed between the door of the cabin and the deck, even if Tong Yan was alone, he could easily go to the deck.

When they came to the deck, the blood rain was still falling, and the sea breeze was still blowing.He looked at the ghost ship that was still circling in the same place not far away, and finally said to the golden bracelet on his wrist: "Xiao Hei, take me to the opposite ship."

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden bracelet immediately changed, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a golden little dragon.

Seeing this, Tong Yan reached out and grabbed the dragon's claw, and the golden dragon led him up slowly, and flew straight towards the ghost ship not far away.

In less than a minute, Tong Yan slowly landed on the deck of the ghost ship.As for Xiao Hei, it turned into a golden crutch to help Tong Yan stabilize his body.

In fact, Tong Yan can still walk now, but he has not completely recovered.In order not to cause secondary injuries, he was extra careful.

Now that Qing Ming and White Crow had no news from the ghost ship, he couldn't care less.

Looking around, the ghost ship was already in dilapidated condition. The deck was originally made of wood. Although it was stained red by the rain of blood, the huge cracks on it were still very obvious.

There is a relatively backward cannon at the bow of the ship. It looks a bit like the red-clothed cannon that was common in the Qing Dynasty. Even if it is not the name, it is similar.The cannon is naturally the same as the hull, covered with rust, but because the cannon body is relatively thick, it is a bit difficult to be completely corroded by rust in just over 100 years.

Just from the deck, this ghost ship doesn't seem too weird.Finally, he locked his eyes on the entrance of the cabin.

Qing Ming and White Crow entered the cabin, so the two of them must still be in it now.

Tong Yan took a deep breath, and immediately raised his legs and walked towards the cabin.The size of this ship is huge, and the cabin is naturally not small.

Pushing the door open and entering the cabin, his eyes kept looking around.

After careful inspection, he really found a few skeletons lying on the ground with clothes on.But apart from these few skeletons, there was no trace of Qingming and White Crow.Not only that, but there is not even the slightest yin.

Is there no Yin Qi on the ghost ship?This ghost word seems to be a bit exaggerated.

Tong Yan didn't delay, and continued to walk into the cabin.This ship is so big, the cabin must have more than one floor.

Sure enough, as he expected, he soon found a downward staircase. Although it was covered with a thick wooden board, the handle on the wooden board proved this point.

Qing Ming and the others may have gone to the next floor, he bent down slowly, stretched out his hand and lifted the wooden board, looked down the wooden ladder, and immediately asked loudly: "Brother Qing, Brother Bai, Are you down there? Qing Ming? White Crow?"

He shouted loudly, and finally, a familiar voice sounded from the cabin on the next floor.

"Little boy? Are you here? We're right below, is it convenient for you to come down?"

Hearing Qing Ming's voice, Tong Yan breathed a sigh of relief, at least he can be sure that they are safe and sound.It may be that something was found below, so it has been delayed for so long and has not returned to the fishing boat.

"I'm coming down now, you wait for me!"

As he said that, he hung the hook of the crutch on the board of the ship, jumped down, and landed smoothly in the cabin on the next floor as if he was swinging on a swing.

But after arriving here, he was surprised to find that there was another cabin under the second floor.The cabin area on the second floor is limited, although it is very dark, it is basically clear at a glance.

In the middle of the cabin on the second floor is a downward wooden staircase, and Qing Ming is poking his head out of the staircase at this moment.

When he saw Tong Yan, he immediately smiled and said, "Aren't you worried about us, it's okay, we're all fine. Come here, I'll show you something strange."

weird stuff?Tong Yan was a little confused, could it be that there are some treasures on this ghost ship?
He didn't say much, he directly raised his legs and walked to Qing Ming's side, Qing Ming jumped directly into the third floor, and Tong Yan walked down the stairs slowly.

Where is this third layer?It turned out to be a place where everyone rowed. Although the ship should be equipped with a fuel system, in order to store the fuel on the ship, such as coal, or other fuels were exhausted, a second hand was prepared to paddle manually.And this third floor is where everyone paddles.

Walking down the third floor, a white rectangular object immediately caught his attention.

This rectangular thing looks a bit like a coffin, about two meters long.Although it is made of white jade, but this white jade is not transparent, so it is impossible to see what is inside it.

Tong Yan stared at the jade coffin, and then asked Qing Ming, "Brother Qing, is this the treasure you mentioned?"

Hearing this, Qingming laughed and said: "This should be a treasure too, but what I'm talking about is not it, but this." He directly pointed his hand to one end of the huge jade box, which happened to be the blind spot of Tong Yan's sight.

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly, then raised his legs and approached the place Qing Ming pointed at.

Avoiding the obstruction of the jade box, he finally saw clearly the treasure Qing Ming was talking about.

What is this thing?I saw that this thing should be a weapon, either a knife or a sword.This object is completely inserted into the jade plate at the front of the jade coffin, only the handle is exposed outside.

But that's all, Tong Yan can also be sure that this thing is absolutely as Qing Ming said, it is a treasure, because on it, you can see traces of red, lightning-like thin threads shuttling back and forth.

Tong Yan stared at it for a while, then said directly, "Why don't you just pull it out?"

Hearing this, the White Crow shook his head and smiled wryly: "Brother Qingming and I have tried it, but we don't know how this weapon is inserted into the jade box. No matter how hard we try, we can't pull it out."

Hearing this, Tong Yan said lightly, "Maybe it has something to do with this jade box, open this jade box and have a look."

The white crow shook his head and said: "We tried the same, but we couldn't open it at all. Not only that, but the jade box is so heavy that we can't even move it. We tried many methods, but they didn't work. It's been a little longer."

This is quite a strange thing, a mere jade box, could it be that Qingming and White Crow can't move it?
He wanted to try it himself, but after thinking about it, he didn't dare to use his legs now, so it's better not to be brave.

But with the baby in front, how can I miss it in vain?
Just when the three of them were at a loss what to do, they heard a loud "boom".Immediately afterwards, I saw a huge monster crashing into the cabin.

The three of them turned their heads to look, and were stunned for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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