
Chapter 496 Bravely fighting the sea monster, see the treasure or not?

Chapter 496 Bravely fighting the sea monster, see the treasure or not?

What is this thing?fish?Impossible, how come there are sharp horns on the fish's head?dragon?Such a dragon has never been seen before.Jiaolong?Or some strange sea monster?
It just smashed its head into the cabin now, and doesn't know what its whole body looks like.

But that huge eyeball is a bit shocking.A single eyeball is almost half the size of a human being. How big is this monster's body?

After the sea monster smashed its head in, a huge eyeball immediately locked Tong Yan and the three of them.

It suddenly opened its mouth wide, and a forked tongue instantly rolled towards the three of them.

Because the sea monster's head was the closest to Qingming, seeing the tongue curling up, Qingming immediately turned into a dragon's claw, and swung it straight down.

Only a scream of "嗤" was heard, and the sea monster's tongue was cut off in half by Qing Ming's claw.The sea monster whose tongue had been cut off suddenly retracted its head, and in this way, the turbulent sea water immediately poured into the cabin through the big hole it knocked out.In less than three seconds, the seawater filled the entire cabin.

All this happened so suddenly that the three of them had no time to react before they were completely engulfed by the sea water.

Being in the sea water, Tong Yan can only convey information to Qing Ming and White Crow through sign language.

There are sea monsters in the sea water, and now this ghost ship is about to be swallowed by the sea water, there is only one thing to do now, and that is to escape here as soon as possible and return to the fishing boat.

As for the jade box in the cabin, I can only find a way to open it later if I have a chance.

After Qing Ming understood it, he was very straightforward, and immediately turned into the Qinglong itself, worried about the size of the cabin, so he directly turned into a green dragon more than three meters long.But even so, with him around, Tong Yan and White Crow's lives were basically not in danger.

Tong Yan and White Crow abandoned the jade box and swam directly to Qingming's side. They hugged the dragon's body, and let Qingming lead them to swim out of the big hole made by the sea monster.

But how could the sea monster with its tongue cut off leave willingly, when it saw Qing Ming coming out of the big hole in the cabin with Tong Yan and the white crow.It suddenly opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth, and instantly bit down fiercely.

If this bite is bitten by it, not only Tong Yan and White Crow will die, but even Qing Ming will be bitten into three pieces.

At this critical juncture, Qing Ming finally showed his demeanor as the king who commands the scales and controls the sea.He turned around abruptly, opened his dragon's mouth, and let out a dragon's chant.

Although this dragon chant cannot be called deafening, because it is blocked by sea water, a wave of air rushed out, like an arrow flying from the string, and immediately drew a perfect whirling nest, rushing fiercely into the sea monster. In the big mouth that opened.

The sea monster was hit by the air wave, and its big mouth couldn't help but closed, while its body retreated more than ten meters in a row under the impact of the air wave.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qing Ming hurriedly took Tong Yan and the others upstream quickly, dragging the two of them out of the sea and into the air.

Looking at the ghost ship again, it has completely sunk into the sea.And the sea monster is now gone.Maybe it was because the evil obstacle retreated, or maybe it was lurking, ready to attack at any time.

Wait... No, Zhao Laowu's fishing boat is not far away.This sea monster attacked the ghost ship, the next target, could it be a fishing boat?

Holding Qingming's dragon body, Tong Yan's mind was spinning rapidly.It seems that if the sea monster is not killed, or let it retreat, the people on the fishing boat will be in danger.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan let go of Qing Ming directly, and let Xiao Hei turn into a golden sword to carry him.Seeing this, the white crow also turned into its own body and flew in the air.

"Brother Qing, that sea monster is still in the sea, you need to find a way to get rid of it. Otherwise, the people on the fishing boat may be in danger!"

Hearing this, Qing Ming didn't speak, but his body instantly grew bigger, and the length directly increased to ten meters away.Before everyone could speak again, he plunged headfirst into the sea.

It seems that they are going to deal with the sea monster in the sea.

Even now, Tong Yan can't tell what the sea monster is.Maybe after Qing Ming solves it, he will know.

After all, the white crow is a bird, even if it becomes a monster, it can't take care of itself in this sea water, so the only way to deal with this sea monster is to pin its hopes on Qing Ming.But I don't know if he will be able to return in triumph.

Tong Yan and the white crow no longer flew in the air, but returned directly to the deck of the fishing boat.Worried that Qing Ming might be in danger, the two of them stayed on the deck, watching the sea full of dark tides.

The thousand-faced scholar saw that Tong Yan and the white crow had returned, and hurried out of the cabin, and wiped the wheelchair beside him with his sleeves to signal Tong Yan to sit down.

"Young Sect Master, sit down and wait. I just saw brother Qingming transform into a green dragon and dive into the sea. Is there something in the sea?"

Tong Yan was not polite, sat down on his buttocks, then nodded and said: "That's right, there is a huge sea monster in this sea, it was the one that sank the ghost ship. Now Qingming is going to deal with it in the sea , you inform Lao Zhao to drive the boat farther away, so that we will be safer."

"Yes, this subordinate will tell him right now. That old white, put an umbrella on the young suzerain, and don't let him get sick. I'm really ignorant!"

Upon hearing this, the white crow quickly took off the umbrella from the wheelchair and blocked the sky for Tong Yan to rain blood.He was also a little worried about Qingming now, so he forgot about this incident for a while.

Tong Yan didn't care, if Qing Ming could return safely, even if it rained a little, it would be nothing.

Wait, a long wait.After a full hour, Qing Ming finally returned safely.Not only did he successfully repel the sea monster, he even brought out the jade box from the ghost ship.

It is true that manpower cannot move the jade box, but turning into a green dragon in full form is not a problem for him.

He directly put the jade box on the deck, and then transformed into a human form and landed.

Tong Yan stared at him, only to see that his whole body was covered with scars, and it looked like he had fought fiercely with that sea monster.But no matter what, he finally came back safely, which is more important than anything else.

"Brother Qingming, are you alright? Are you seriously injured?" After getting along for so long, the white crow has already regarded Qingming as his brother.

Hearing this, Qingming smiled slightly and said: "It's okay, that sea monster is not my opponent, and I have already beaten it away. I guess he dare not come to sea to destroy ships and eat people again. Boy, I will bring this treasure back too Yes. When we land on the shore, let’s find a way to study it. I have a faint hunch that there must be some treasure hidden in this jade box. And that weapon is definitely not a mortal thing.”

Dragons all have a common problem of liking treasures, especially when they see gems and treasures, there is really no other beast that can match their intuition.

But is there really a baby in this jade box?Could it be a person inside?
Tong Yan didn't know why he thought this way, but he just had such an intuition.Then look at him and Qing Ming, whose intuition is more accurate!
(End of this chapter)

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