
Chapter 497 Everyone was stunned, it was her?

Chapter 497 Everyone was stunned, it was her?
The sea monster and the ghost ship were avoided without any risk. Although the blood rain did not stop, everyone still felt a sense of survival after the catastrophe.

The sea is mysterious, and the origin of life comes from the sea.After such a long period of evolution, no one can be sure what is in the sea.Although human beings consider themselves the masters of this world, there are still many things that human beings cannot detect.And the sea is the most mysterious place.

After another hour of sailing, Zhao Laowu finally sailed the fishing boat to the location of the mysterious island.But to my surprise, the small island did not appear. When I looked up, there was only an endless sea around me, and there was no sign of an island at all.

Tong Yan simply wiped his body in the cabin, drenched in a rain of blood, his clothes and body seemed to be stained with blood, not only a little uncomfortable, but also exuded a somewhat pungent stench.

Fortunately, the fresh water prepared on the boat is relatively sufficient, and the island where the Qilin Pavilion is located is only about an hour away from here. When the boat docks, the fresh water can also be replenished.

Putting on a clean shirt, Tong Yan asked Zhao Laowu about it.

"Brother Zhao, are you sure that the island you saw before is in this sea area? What did you use as a reference?"

Hearing this, Zhao Laowu hurriedly explained: "Boss, I have been fishing for most of my life. I know how fast the boat is and what direction to sail. Even if I don't have any equipment, I can tell by feeling. Lie to you, that island was in this sea area before, but it is really strange, why did it disappear?"

Tong Yan kept staring into Zhao Laowu's eyes, and found that his eyes were firm, and he didn't seem to be lying.

If this is the case, it really means that the small island mysteriously disappeared.But how can an island disappear properly?Is it because the coastline has risen, so it has swallowed the entire island?

This possibility is very high, and later, he decided to let Qing Ming go to the sea to search for it.If the small island is nearby, even if it sinks into the sea, it will definitely be found.

"Brother Zhao, you and Xiao Zhao have worked hard all the way, so stop the boat here and go to rest. I will inform you when the boat will go to the next place."

Zhao Lao Wu was indeed tired after this night of tossing.He nodded, then went to the bed in the cabin, lay down and fell asleep straight away.

Now is the time to study that jade box, there must be a mechanism on it, as long as the mechanism can be figured out, the jade box can be opened.

In order to prevent any dangerous things in the jade box, Tong Yan specially asked the Zhao family father and son to rest.In this way, even if the things in the box come out, the few of them are confident that they can settle it.

Qianmian Scholar pushed Tong Yan, and soon came to the jade box on the deck.Qing Ming and White Crow stayed on the deck the whole time, seeing Tong Yan and others coming.

Qingming immediately said: "Little boy, it can't be done. I've tried several methods, but I still can't open it. How about...or use your Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, just smash it into pieces. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "This is the worst plan, but before that, I still want to study it carefully."

The thousand-faced scholar held up the umbrella for him, and he immediately turned the wheelchair around the jade box.

There is no pattern on the jade box, as if it was directly polished from the original stone, and it was closed before it had time to carve it carefully.

Maybe I was in a hurry when building this jade box, so I didn't have time to deal with these details.

But the question is, what is in this jade box?Why is it so heavy?
Tong Yan couldn't figure it out, and reached out to tap on it, but found nothing special.

Finally, he set his sights on the handle of the weapon exposed in front of the jade box again.The appearance of this handle here must have its special force.

Both Qingming and White Crow tried to pull it out, but no matter how hard they tried, the handle didn't move at all.

Could it be that the direction of force is wrong?

Thinking of this, he tried to pull it out, and then tried to send it in, but the result hardly changed.

In the end, he kept turning the handle, and this time, a gratifying scene finally happened.

Fortunately, the handle can be turned, which means that this idea is correct.

But will it be like many keys, can it be opened by turning it a few times?the answer is negative.

The handle of this weapon must be the key to opening the jade box. It can be turned a few times, in which direction, or back and forth a few times, but this has become Tong Yan's most urgent need to solve.

But now he knows the direction, as long as he tries patiently, he believes that there will be a way to open the jade box.

However, he may not be able to open it. After all, there are countless organs in ancient times, and who can really crack all the organs?

"Brother Qing, Mr. Zhao said that the mysterious island is nearby. I'm afraid you are the only one with the best water skills here. Please go down and have a look. If you find anything, be sure to come back and let us know as soon as possible. "

Hearing this, Qing Ming nodded and said: "Okay, then I'll go now, and wait for my good news!" Saying this, he threw himself into the sea.

Although he has not yet recovered physically, he is a descendant of the dragon clan after all, and this mysterious island is likely to be related to Xue Er and Tan Yu.Saving people is like putting out a fire, even if Tong Yan doesn't want Qing Ming to be too tired, there is nothing he can do.

After Qing Ming entered the sea, he tried to open the jade box with more concentration.

Failed once, failed twice, he didn't know how many times he failed, anyway, Qing Ming hadn't come back yet, so he just tried again and again.

There is a saying that a blind cat meets a dead mouse.Any attempt, there will be two possibilities, one is failure, and the other is success.As for Tong Yan, amidst countless failures, the goddess of luck finally favored him.

There was only a "click" sound, and an exciting scene finally appeared.

The lid of the jade box rose slowly, and an unknown white gas quickly overflowed from the jade box.Under the rain of blood, it slowly became invisible.I don't know how much white gas is in the jade box, but it has been released like this for more than ten minutes.

Anyone who has studied chemistry knows that gases also have weight. Maybe it is these gases that make the jade box so heavy.But what is the purpose of these gases?

Only after the last gas was exhausted, the lid of the jade box was slowly lowered again.

Tong Yan winked at White Crow, who hurried forward and took off the cover easily.

Everyone no longer hesitated, and hurriedly raised their eyes to look inside the jade box.

But what people didn't expect was that there was...a little white fox lying in the jade box!And this little fox Tongyan is too familiar, if it's not that Tan Yu, who else?
What the hell is going on here?How could she appear in this mysterious jade box?
(End of this chapter)

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