
Chapter 498 Sinking into the bottom of the sea, an underground prison!

Chapter 498 Sinking into the bottom of the sea, an underground prison!
Seeing a little white fox lying in the jade box, Tong Yan stood up abruptly, regardless of the unhealed injury on his leg, he bent down and hugged the little fox out of it.

Although the appearance of small animals like foxes is similar, foxes with nine tails are rare.And most importantly, Tong Yan's intuition told him that this was Tan Yu, and he could never be wrong!
Holding the little fox in his arms, he hurriedly entered the cabin without caring about the weapon stuck on the side of the jade box.

It was still raining blood outside, some of the little fox's body had already been doused, and now she didn't know whether she was alive or dead, Tong Yan had to check her carefully first.

Not only is there no wind and rain intrusion in the cabin, but the temperature is relatively higher than outside.

Tong Yan directly wiped off some of the rain of blood on the little fox with his hands, then hugged her and sat on his bed.

He could feel the coldness on the little fox's body. After staying in that airtight jade box for so long, if he was an ordinary person, he would have been suffocated long ago.He was also not sure whether the little fox was alive or dead.But he thought, as long as the little fox warmed up, maybe she could wake up.

Tong Yan unbuttoned his clothes, decided to warm her with his own body temperature, then picked up the quilt from the bed, and covered her carefully.

"Yu'er, it's you, right? I'm Tong Yan, you're safe now, you must wake up, okay?"

He whispered to himself softly, his eyes full of concern.

After such a short time, Qianmian Scholar and Blind Chen have also returned to the cabin.They looked at the Zhao family father and son who were snoring, and then walked straight to Tong Yan.

"Young Sect Master, are you okay? Are you sure this is Miss Tan Yu?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said: "It must be her, I'm sure! I just don't know how she is doing now, I hope God will bless her and let her get through this difficult time!"

Blind Chen heard this, and smiled slightly: "Brother Tong, you don't have to worry. As the saying goes, auspicious people have their own heavens. Since God let you meet again, she will be safe."

The thousand-faced scholar also comforted him: "That's right, young master! Miss Tan Yu is a nine-tailed fox, how could she die so easily. Just put your heart in your stomach."

Tong Yan hummed lightly, but his eyes never left the little fox's body for a moment.

After a while, the white crow also walked into the cabin, holding a somewhat weird dagger in his hand.No need to guess, this dagger should be the weapon inserted into the jade box, but it turned out to be like this.

I saw that the short sword was about [-] centimeters long, and only one hilt took up one-third of the whole sword.The sword body is full of sawtooth-like sword grooves, which are somewhat irregular, but it does not affect its sharpness.The entire sword was as bright red as blood, and thin red lines like lightning could be seen jumping on it. Based on this alone, one could deduce that it was not bad.

The White Crow put the dagger in front of Tong Yan's eyes, and then said, "Young Sect Master, this is the sword inserted in the jade box. This sword is full of evil spirits, it must be an ancient thing, and it is the kind of sword that kills people. Don't know how many people's evil weapons!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then said: "You can keep it first, maybe you can discuss it, and anyone who wants to use it can use it for whoever wants to use it. I don't have much mood to care about other things now, remember to help me later Take a look at Qingming."

Everyone knew that he was concerned about the safety of the Nine-Tailed Fox, so they all nodded yes.

White Crow handed over the dagger to the Thousand-faced Scholar for the time being, and then walked out.Qingming is still in the sea, he has to observe Qingming's situation at any time, and provide timely support if necessary.

The blood rain was endless once it started, and there was no intention of stopping the rain until now, but the rain has weakened a little, and the wind is not as strong as before.Maybe it will be finished in a few hours, but it is also possible to download again.

After about half an hour like this, Qing Ming, who had dived into the depths of the sea, finally left and returned.His return also made the white crow heave a sigh of relief, and rushed to meet him.

"Brother Qingming, are you okay? Did you find anything?"

Hearing this, Qing Ming nodded and smiled, "I found it, where is the little boy? Where is he? Hey, this jade box has been opened, what's inside?"

Upon hearing this, the white crow quickly replied: "The young master is in the cabin, and there is a little white fox in this jade box. The young master said that the little fox is Tan Yu."

"What? Tan Yu? Wasn't she taken away with Xue'er? Why is she in this jade box? Come on, let's go in and talk about it."

The two opened the cabin door and walked in directly.Qing Ming saw the little fox in Tong Yan's arms at a glance. Although the little fox only showed a small head, Tong Yan's caring expression confirmed its identity.

"Little Tong, is it really Tan Yu? Are you sure you're right?"

Hearing Qing Ming's voice, Tong Yan immediately looked up.

"Brother Qing, you're back. This is Tan Yu, you can't be wrong. I've been with Tan Yu for so long, no matter what, I can recognize her. How are you? Did you find anything?"

Qianmian Scholar handed over the chair beside him to Qingming, and Qingming was not polite, and sat down directly.

"You said that there are small islands in this sea area, so I naturally checked all of this sea area carefully. But unfortunately, I didn't find any islands. However, I found a small basin. And this basin, It seems that it has just sunk not long ago. According to this speculation, I analyze that the small island you mentioned should have sunk into the sea, and the basin was created because of the entire sinking of the island.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly, and then said: "So, the mysterious island should be under the basin. Right? Have you checked the basin carefully?"

"Of course I checked, and more than that, guess what I found?"


"I found a downward door!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan suddenly regained his spirits, "The downward door? Could it be that there is a hidden underground palace under the sea?"

Qing Ming nodded and said: "It shouldn't be wrong, but the door is too hard, even if I transform into a dragon shape, I can't open it. I tried a few times but failed, so I came back."

Tan Yu who was packed into a jade box, a small island that sank into the sea, the screams of a woman on a mysterious island?What does all of this indicate?

What ulterior secrets are hidden in this sinking island?Could it be related to Qilin Pavilion?
Tong Yan finally thought of the Qilin Pavilion, but what he didn't know was that this small island not only belonged to the Qilin Pavilion, but also the underground prison that Nangong Yun specially used to detain death row prisoners!
(End of this chapter)

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