
Chapter 499 Finally woke up, the island emerged!

Chapter 499 Finally woke up, the island emerged!
Tong Yan must go down to see this small island sunken into the sea.But before that, he had to make sure that Tan Yu was safe.

"Brother Qing, I see. When Tan Yu wakes up, I'll go down with you to have a look."

Hearing this, Qing Ming nodded and said, "Okay, you don't have to be too anxious. Do things one by one, this thing is here, it can't escape."

Tong Yan agreed and didn't say anything else, but turned his attention to the little fox again.

Tan Yu is what he cares most about now. Before Tan Yu wakes up, he really doesn't have the mood to deal with other things.

Seeing Qingming's return, Qianmian Scholar immediately handed him the dagger that White Crow had pulled out from the jade box earlier.

"Brother Qingming, I'd better give you this weapon, after all, you fished it out of the sea."

Hearing this, Qing Ming waved the dagger lightly a few times, maybe feeling a bit uncomfortable, and then returned it to the scholar with thousands of faces.

"Brother Xu, this short sword is too light for me. You can keep it for use!"

Upon hearing this, the thousand-faced scholar hurriedly refused: "How embarrassing, after all, you scooped up this magic weapon. How about, brother Bai, give it to you?"

White Crow shook his head and smiled, "You can keep it, I don't need it."

Seeing that the two of them wanted to keep it to him again and again, the thousand-faced scholar could only reluctantly say: "Okay, then I will accept it. Thank you, Young Sect Master, and thank you two brothers!"

In fact, the thousand-faced scholar has always lacked a magic weapon that fits his hand. He originally had an iron fan, but the iron fan was also destroyed later, and he just used ordinary weapons to deal with it.Now this short sword is just right for him, and it is his favorite red color.

He held the red dagger in his hand, looking like he couldn't put it down, hoping to improve his strength.

Time passed little by little, and it was morning in a blink of an eye.Although the rain of blood was still falling, the sky was much brighter, and the red clouds had also faded a little. I believe it would not take long for this inexplicable rain of blood to pass.

The Zhao family's father and son had a tossing all night. After sleeping for so long, they all woke up energetically.But when they saw Tong Yan holding a little white fox in his arms, both of them became a little confused.

Before boarding the boat, they didn't remember that Tong Yan brought animals on board. Could it be that they hid them in the backpack, so they didn't notice?
They looked at each other and finally didn't ask any more questions.

"Several bosses, it's morning, and I'll prepare breakfast for you. You haven't slept all night, have you? Get some rest. Breakfast is ready, I'll let you know."

Hearing this, Qingming smiled slightly and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, we will rest when we are tired."

Zhao Laowu smiled, and immediately stewed fish soup for everyone with his son.There were some fish reserved on the fishing boat, and noodles and steamed buns were also prepared on board.

Preparing breakfast is actually very simple.Cook some noodles, drink some fish soup or eat some steamed buns, and breakfast will be taken care of.

Holding the little fox in his arms, Tong Yan's sleepiness hit directly.Ever since he was poisoned by Gu poison, he was often tired.Sometimes I don't know what's going on, and I just fall asleep inexplicably.

This time, the same is true.

Qing Ming and the others thought that Tong Yan was too tired, so they just put a coat on him and didn't dare to disturb him.

Not long after, the fragrant fish soup was ready.Unexpectedly, the first person attracted by the fish soup was not Qing Ming and the others, but the little fox in Tong Yan's arms.

The little fox sniffed his nose, then slowly opened his eyes, and pulled out with his little claws, as if trying to break free from Tong Yan's shackles.

Tong Yan's eyelids twitched after being teased by it, and he immediately opened his eyes to look into his arms.

When he saw the little fox with eyes open, a big smile appeared on his face instantly, and he shouted happily: "Yu'er, you're awake. Yu'er, you're finally awake."

Seeing him hold the little fox tightly in his arms, Qing Ming and the others all laughed.

They knew how important Tan Yu was to Tong Yan. If Tan Yu really died, Tong Yan would be in great pain.Now the little fox transformed by Tan Yu wakes up. Not only does it overcome the difficulties by itself, but it also saves Tong Yan.Although it is an exaggeration to say this, it may be the case.

Qing Ming looked at Tong Yan, and said with a smile: "You can rest assured this time, I knew that she will be safe and sound!"

Tong Yan nodded happily and said, "Yes, she will be safe. She is finally safe!"

At this time, Zhao Lao Wu had already entered the cabin with a delicious fish soup, and then said with a smile: "Bosses, the fish soup is ready, you can drink it first, and I will cook noodles for you."

Looking at the little fox in his arms sticking out its tongue, Tong Yan knew it was hungry.

"Yu'er, you must have been awakened by the smell of this fish soup. Come on, I'll get you some." Then, he put the little fox on his lap and was about to serve the soup.

The Thousand Faced Scholar saw it, and hurriedly said: "Young Sect Master, let me come! You are inconvenient to move, you'd better be careful."

Seeing this, Tong Yan smiled and nodded.

A bowl of delicious fish soup was served, Tong Yan took it, and immediately blew it gently.He didn't want to burn Tan Yu, who finally woke up, because he knew that Tan Yu was really important to him.

He tasted it with his mouth to make sure that the fish soup was not so hot, so he put it near the little fox's mouth.

The little fox was really hungry. Seeing the fish soup in front of him, he couldn't wait to lick it with his tongue.Seeing it drinking with relish, Tong Yan's eyes were full of tenderness.

Only after the little fox drank the whole bowl of fish soup, Tong Yan took out the precious Ascension Pill from his backpack!
This Feisheng Pill has a way to make Tan Yu re-form into a human form. As long as she transforms into a human form, she may be able to find out the reason why she appeared in the jade box, and perhaps where Xueer was imprisoned.

He also thought about waiting for Tan Yu to recover before taking it for her, but the Feisheng Pill was originally a great tonic, so it shouldn't cause any side effects to her.

Making up his mind, he finally put the Feisheng Pill into the little fox's mouth.Hope it turns out not too bad!

What I didn't expect was that after taking the Feisheng Pill, the temperature of the little fox's whole body suddenly rose, and then... fell asleep.

Tong Yan carefully placed it on the bed and covered it with a quilt.It will take a while to absorb the Feisheng Pill, and this time is enough for him to go to the hidden underground palace under the sea to explore the truth.

Before breakfast, everyone gathered around the table and started eating.Needless to say, Zhao Laowu's craftsmanship is really good.After eating and drinking, it's time to get down to business.

And just as everyone walked out of the cabin, a small island miraculously emerged from the water...

In this small island, what will Tong Yan and the others find?The big wedding day is tomorrow, within this day, can Tong Yan and the others arrive in time?
(End of this chapter)

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