
Chapter 500 Marriage snatching operation, follow me!

Chapter 500 Marriage snatching operation, follow me!
In the blink of an eye, it was already the day of great joy for the daughter of Qilin Pavilion.A sudden blood rain lasted for two full days and finally stopped today.

Nangong Yun, the owner of the Qilin Pavilion, looked up at the white clouds and the blue sky above his head, with a smug smile on his face.

"After the bloody rain, that girl must have passed away, right? Although it's a bit cruel, but for the sake of my big plan, I don't care about so much." Although he said this, he couldn't see the slightest regret in him, There is only the ugly face that succeeds in trickery.

At this moment, a servant from the pavilion stepped forward quickly.

"Report to the Pavilion Master, the representatives of several major sects have already landed on the island, and the younger one has already led them into the living room. I wonder if the Pavilion Master will go to say hello?"

"Say hello? Later! The heads of those sects didn't come, did they? Elders in a few sects don't deserve my attention."

Hearing this, the servant nodded and said: "That's right, there is indeed no head here. But I heard that this time the Sly Sect will also send people. When they arrive, will they also come to inform you?"

"Tricky door? Well, this tricky door is indeed worthy of my personal reception. When they arrive, you can report again!"

"Yes, this subordinate obeys the order! I will take my leave first!" As he said this, the servant bowed his waist and slowly exited the backyard.

Nangong Yun looked up at the sky again, then laughed softly: "Tricky Gate? Interesting! Then I will make this friend! Hehe..."


In the boudoir of Miss Qilin Pavilion, the specially prepared red dragon and phoenix coat is still hanging on the hanger.Nangong Jin'er sat blankly in front of the dressing table, tears flowing down her fair and firm cheeks like raindrops falling on the window.

She didn't understand why her father insisted on marrying her to a stranger she had never met.She obviously has someone she loves, but why can't she be with him?Just because he made a mistake?Just because he killed some innocent people?
But can it all be his fault?He is also stimulated by others, he is unintentional.But this him, will he still pretend to be himself?
In today's society, although parents' orders and matchmaker's words are outdated, Nangong Jin'er still cannot escape her father's control in Qilin Pavilion, a traditional feudal family.She thought her father was doing it for her own good, but in the end?Didn't he treat himself as a commodity and sell it to the young master of the South Mountain Gate?
She thought about resistance, even thought of death.But Nangong Yun threatened her with the person she loved the most. If she disagreed, her lover would be cut into pieces and never be reborn forever.

For him, for her beloved him, she is willing to give up her own happiness.Just because she knew how powerful her father was.

Just a month ago, she saw his father bring back a giant beast covered in poison.That beast is enough to destroy a city, enough to kill thousands of people.With this giant beast here, who is her father's opponent?

"Qing Ming, I really want to see you again. I don't care if I look at you quietly from a distance? But why haven't you come to me for so long? Have you forgotten what you said to me? Don't you love me anymore?"

She was talking to herself, and the tears fell slowly again.

There was only a "creak" sound, and the door was opened, and then Nangong Jin'er's personal maid came in.

"Miss, why are you crying again? Today is your day of great joy, my uncle is already on the way, and it is estimated that in two or three hours, you will arrive at the Qilin Pavilion. You should hurry up and get your wedding gown on board, and wait You will still wear the phoenix crown soon. There are still many things to do."

Hearing this, Nangong Jin'er smiled wryly and said, "Do you think I should be happy? I'm about to jump into the fire pit. I think I'm no different from death."

Hearing this, the girl sighed softly and said, "But even so, you can't give up on yourself? Maybe... maybe the future son-in-law will treat you well? People always have to look forward, right?"

"Look forward? There is only an abyss in front of me, only a bottomless whirlpool. I..."

Before she could finish her sentence, a crisp bird cry suddenly sounded by the window.

"Chirp... Chirp..."

Nangong Jin'er heard this, and slowly turned her head to look.Immediately afterwards, he saw a strange-looking black bird standing by the window, looking at her intently.

"Huh? What kind of bird is this? Why have I never seen it before? It's quite beautiful!"

The girl couldn't help but praised, as if she really wanted to hold this little bird in her hands.

But at this moment, the black bird spread its wings and flew directly to Nangong Jin'er, and landed on the dressing table in front of her.

Nangong Jin'er was completely puzzled, but when she looked carefully, she suddenly noticed something.

"Girl, you go out first, I will get dressed in a while. You can come in later!"

The girl was a little puzzled, but since the young lady said it, she couldn't refuse, so she slightly bowed, turned and walked out of the room.

Nangong Jin'er took a deep breath, and then reached out to touch the black bird's leg. A small black bag was tied to the bird's leg. The bag was bulging, as if it contained something.

The little bird didn't dodge, but let her take off the bag.

She typed the pouch and found at once that it contained a small note.

"This little bird is here to deliver the letter? But at this time, who will deliver the letter to me?"

She was a little puzzled, but she opened the note slowly.When she took a closer look, joy immediately appeared on her face, and then she couldn't help covering her mouth and sobbing.

I saw this note said: "Jin'er, I have landed on the island. I want to take you away, don't marry someone else. Come with me, okay? I want to take care of you for the rest of my life, and I want to be with you forever .Trust me! Qing Ming!"

It was Qingming who came, and he finally came.But can he really take himself away?

Nangong Jin'er fell into silence, but she was not a cowardly person, since Qing Ming came, even if she died with him, she was willing.

Thinking of this, she immediately tore off the post-it note in her hand, and wrote on it: "Qing Ming, I am willing to go with you. I love you! I am waiting for you to pick me up!"

After writing these words, she hurriedly folded the post-it note a few times, stuffed it into a cloth bag, and tied it on the bird's leg again.

"Please, bring it to him, okay?"

The little bird seemed to understand the human words, nodded slightly, then spread its wings and flew out of the boudoir.

"Qing Ming, I believe you will not let me down, we will be together forever!"

After flying out of the room, the black bird flew all the way to the forest on the shore, until it finally fell into the hands of a person in a wheelchair.

This person is none other than Tong Yan.And beside him, there were still several people standing.Among these people were Qing Ming, White Crow, Thousand-faced Scholar, Chen Xiazi, and even saw Tan Yu who had transformed back into a human form.And behind these people, there was another person. This person was wearing a black hoodie, and the hat directly covered his head, but his face was not covered.

He is a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows, a Chinese character face, a pair of red eyes, and a beard on his chin. Although he is a little haggard, he exudes a compelling aura.

Who is he?

(End of this chapter)

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