
Chapter 501 Prepared, the battle of revenge!

Chapter 501 Prepared, the battle of revenge!
This middle-aged man is none other than Xiong Qingcang, the suzerain of the Demon Sect.I didn't expect him to be with Tong Yan and the others. What's going on?
It turned out that after Tong Yan administered the Feisheng Pill to Tan Yu, he boarded the small island that suddenly appeared with Qing Ming and Chen Xiazi.The Thousand Faced Scholar and White Crow were left behind by Tong Yan to take care of Tan Yu who had taken Feisheng Pill.

Sure enough, as Qing Ming said before, there is indeed a door on the island.But this door has been banned, and it is difficult to enter it without the right method.

But it's a pity that although this restriction is powerful, it can't resist the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle.With just one pestle, the door was smashed to pieces by Tong Yan.

Several people entered through the door, only to realize that this turned out to be a huge underground palace.The palace can be described as extending in all directions, with many passages and stone chambers, which coincide with the directions of the stars and gossip.

One can imagine the manpower and financial resources needed to build such a huge underground palace.Not only that, but you also need to have extraordinary attainments in the constellations and the nine palaces and eight trigrams.

This underground palace is not too far from the Qilin Pavilion, and Tong Yan can conclude that this is the hidden underground palace of the Qilin Pavilion almost without thinking.

Walking in the underground palace, some weak groans came to everyone's ears.Everyone followed the groaning all the way down, and finally they found a cell that was heavily sealed.

It took Tong Yan a lot of effort to crack these seals, and with the help of Chen Xiazi, he finally cracked it smoothly.

Opening the cell door, the first thing they saw was a half-snake, half-human "goblin" being hung.After careful identification, Tong Yan suddenly discovered that this was not a goblin at all, but Xue'er in her original form.

Several tubes were inserted into Xue'er's body, and the blood was flowing out from her body along those tubes, and finally gathered in a huge pool of blood.

Xue'er's face was pale and she was dying.That faint moan came from her mouth.

Seeing this, Tong Yan didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly put her down with Qing Ming and others.It's a pity that although she was rescued, she fell into a coma completely until finally, she turned into a small green ball.

Tong Yan knew that she had sealed herself up with the last of Nuwa's power, and when she fully recovered, maybe she could break out of the ball and become a human again.Tong Yan put the ball away carefully, and planned to leave just like that.Unexpectedly, I found that there was another prison cell on the side of the prison door.

The prison cell was also blessed with various seals, presumably some important "prisoner" was being held there.

After he opened the cell door with great effort, he was completely shocked.He didn't expect that the person imprisoned in the second cell was actually his master Xiong Qingcang.

Although Xiong Qingcang was imprisoned, he was still in good health. Although he looked haggard, he recognized Tong Yan at a glance.The master and apprentice reunited after a long absence, and this joy finally dilutes Xueer's experience.

After he asked Xiong Qingcang for a while, he finally understood.It turned out that Xiong Qingcang did not die when the Demon Sect fought against the various sects, but was captured by the owner of the Qilin Pavilion, Nangong Yun, and imprisoned here.

Nangong Yun's purpose is very simple, that is to obtain the Nether Ghost Talisman that can dispatch the underworld soldiers and ghosts.

After rescuing master Xiong Qingcang, when everyone returned to the fishing boat, Tan Yu had also been transformed into a human form with the help of Feisheng Pill.But when Tong Yan asked her why she entered the jade box and drifted on the sea with the ghost ship, she said that she didn't remember anything.

It's right to think about it, she was just a little fox at that time, and she had been sleeping in the jade box all the time, so it's normal not to remember.

Tong Yan didn't continue to ask, but told Xiong Qingcang and Tan Yu that he was going to Qilin Pavilion with Qingming and others to snatch the marriage and take revenge.

After Xiong Qingcang heard this, he resolutely decided to "visit" the Qilin Pavilion with Tong Yan and the others, so this scene happened!
The little bird used to send messages was transformed by Xiao Hei.

Tong Yan untied the small bag tied to its leg, and handed it to Qing Ming casually.

"Brother Qing, this should be Nangong Jin'er's reply letter. Whether she still has you in her heart, I think this letter will definitely have the answer."

Hearing this, Qing Ming nodded, and directly reached out to take it.

After he opened the note, he was stunned, and then showed a knowing smile.

"Jin'er said that she is willing to be with me. Xiaotong, I must take her away this time. Even if I die, I will not be separated from her again."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "That's good, let's go meet Nangong Yun together later. I think this old thief must never have imagined that we not only rescued my master, but also took his daughter away. In the end , even his life can't be saved!"

Hearing this, Xiong Qingcang gritted his teeth and said: "In the past few years in the dungeon, I have always wished that I could escape alive and then tear him into pieces. I must fulfill this wish today! Disciple, we Just enter the Qilin Pavilion!"

Tong Yan looked up at the sky, shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not the time yet. Wouldn't it be better for us to start after all the people from all the sects have gathered? Now, let's take a good rest here. Good show, Coming soon!"


Nangong Yun naturally didn't expect that today would be his doomsday, he sat in his room, leisurely tasting the newly brewed Biluochun.

Logically speaking, marrying a daughter is tantamount to handing over the treasure that one has worked so hard to raise to others. No matter what kind of father he is, I'm afraid he won't be happy with this feeling.

But Nangong Yun is so different, he is more concerned about whether there is something he dreamed of in the betrothal gift of Nanshanmen this time.

As long as he can get that thing, his plan can go a step further.Otherwise, how could he be willing to let his beautiful and charming daughter be the wife of the little-known Nanshanmen?
After drinking the tea in his hand, he poured himself another cup.

And at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong... Lord Pavilion Master, are you in there? The guests from the trick door have arrived, and my uncle's fleet has also docked. Would you like to meet me?"

Nangong Yun put down the teacup, and then responded loudly: "I see, this is over!"

After speaking, he slowly stood up.

But for some reason, he couldn't help shaking his body.

"What's going on? Why do you feel something is wrong? I hope there will be no accidents later! Bless the ancestors!"

But, will his ancestors in Qilin Pavilion really protect him?A battle of revenge has begun, and he can't escape even if he wants to!
(End of this chapter)

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