
Chapter 502 Spend a lot of money, come here uninvited!

Chapter 502 Spend a lot of money, come here uninvited!
At the welcoming hall of Qilin Pavilion, no less than a hundred people have gathered at this moment.These people are basically well-known figures in the rivers and lakes, and people sent by several sects also gathered here.

The owner of the Qilin Pavilion really has enough face, almost the fact that he married his daughter shocked the whole world.

At this moment, he deliberately changed into a golden coat.Although it seems a bit out of tune with this modern society, isn't that magnanimity and nobility exactly what Qilin Pavilion gives to the world?

His subordinates retreated to open the door of the hall, and he immediately raised his legs and walked in.

Originally, the hall was full of greetings, but seeing the owner of the Qilin Pavilion coming, everyone got up one after another, giving him enough face.

"Pavilion Master Nangong, I have been ordered by the head of the sect to come here to congratulate the Master on marrying a daughter."

"Pavilion Master Nangong, I haven't seen her for many years, but she still has the same demeanor as before. I didn't expect Ling Ai to be married. I remember the last time I saw her, she was still a baby. Time doesn't forgive!"

Nangong Yun exchanged greetings with these Jianghu people who greeted him one by one, and soon walked to the throne that symbolized the master's position.

"Fellow daoists, please sit down quickly. I am really flattered that you can come to congratulate my daughter on her wedding with the young master of Nanshanmen. I must have a few drinks later!"

Everyone laughed, and then took their seats one after another.

At this moment, a Daoist from Maoshan stood up again, took a box from the disciple behind him, raised his leg and walked directly towards Nangong Yun.

"Pavilion Master Nangong, this is a congratulatory gift specially given to the junior by the head of the humble sect. Inside is a thousand-year-old spiritual ginseng, and I hope the Pavilion Master will accept it with a smile!"

Hearing this, Nangong Yun hurriedly laughed and said, "The master of the Maoshan faction is really too polite. I just married a daughter, so how can I give such a heavy gift. I am really ashamed!"

"Pavilion Master Nangong doesn't need to refuse, Qilin Pavilion and my Maoshan faction have always been on good terms. Before leaving, the head of the humble faction specifically asked you to accept it no matter what. I hope the Pavilion Master will not embarrass the younger generation!"

Seeing this, Nangong Yun said with a little embarrassment: "Okay, then I will accept it. When you go back, you must thank the real master of your sect for me. When there is a gap in the future, I will definitely come to the door to display it."

When he said this, the servants next to him hurried forward and carefully accepted the congratulatory gift from the Maoshan faction.

Someone took the lead, and naturally people from other sects also offered gifts.These gifts can be said to be of all kinds, including spiritual herbs, spiritual pills, magic tools, exercises, and even rare items such as demon skins and dragon horns.

After everyone offered their gifts one after another, the people from the Sly Gate finally appeared on the stage.

They deliberately chose the finale, firstly to highlight the current status of the Guilemen in the world, and secondly to leave a deep impression on Nangong Yun.

The people sent by the Sly Sect this time were not familiar faces, but a few people with stiff faces.

I only saw the leader stand up, take out the gift box from the person next to him, and then said loudly: "Pavilion Master Nangong, I am the descendant of the Gui Sect. This time, by the order of the sect master, I made a special trip to congratulate the master. Although the contents of this box It is not a rare item, but it is the wish of my family master, please accept it!"

When he said this, other people who were not pleasing to the eye immediately choked: "It is said that the Guile Sect claims to be the number one sect in the Jianghu. I wonder what kind of treasure is it this time? Can you let us small sects What about long-term knowledge?"

There is indeed a small sect in this hall, but the one who opened the mouth is a member of the Qingcheng sect. The Qingcheng sect is also well-known in the Jianghu, and they are not considered a small sect.

Hearing this, the sly doorman laughed lightly and said, "Forget it, since you all want to know what it is, then I will open the box and let everyone see it clearly!"

Having said that, he opened the box slowly in front of everyone.

Everyone looked intently, wanting to see what kind of treasure it was.

The tricky doorman's hands and feet were quick, and after a while, the square box that could hold a basketball was opened just like that.

Immediately afterwards, a copper-colored token appeared directly in front of everyone.

"Yo, it turned out to be a token. I don't know what token it is? The master of the tricky door is really generous!"

A mere token is naturally despised by everyone.A brand with a fart?Even if it is made of gold, it is not considered valuable.

The man of the Sly Sect smiled slightly and said: "It seems that you seldom travel around the rivers and lakes, and you don't even know what this thing is. It's really embarrassing!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces became ugly.They are from the rivers and lakes, and this sly family member actually said that they rarely walk on the rivers and lakes. Isn't this deliberately contemptuous and mocking?

"Yeah, those of us who are from the small sect don't dare to walk in the rivers and lakes casually. Since the people from the first sect and the cunning sect are here, please tell me the name of this token, so that I can wait for this frog in the well." Long experience!"

The man of the Guimen Sect smiled triumphantly and said: "Okay, since you don't know, then I will reveal the answer to the mystery. This is the demon order from Longyangling, the master of demon refinement. With this token, not only can you command several big demon masters in the past Beasts can also enter the demon cave of Longyang Mausoleum. I think you all have heard of the treasures in that cave, right?"

When this statement came out, everyone was lost.

"What? This is the demon order? Oh my God, this treasure has fallen into the hands of the Sly Gate."

"Who doesn't know about the demon order? If you can enter the demon cave in Longyang Mausoleum, you might be able to obtain his life's accomplishments. At that time, you can create your own monsters. Who else in the world would dare to provoke him?"

"It can't really be a demon order, is it? Is the Sly Sect really so willing? Don't they want to go into the demon cave of Longyang Mausoleum? Maybe, the Sect Master of the Sly Sect has already entered, That's why I gave this treasure to Pavilion Master Nangong!"

There were endless discussions, but the sly sect's face was indifferent.

Nangong Yun clenched his hands slightly. Although he has a lot of treasures in the Qilin Pavilion, this demon order still aroused his great interest.

He got the Beast-Suppressing Bell of the White Tiger Clan, but how could the monsters in the world wait for him to catch them?If he can master the method of refining monsters in Longyang Mausoleum, he can create monsters by himself. At that time, with only the army of monsters, he can command the entire Jianghu.

Of course, he didn't believe that the master of the Sly Sect would be so generous, perhaps he had already known the secrets in the demon cave.But no matter what, as long as he can find one or two methods of refining demons in it, it will be of great benefit to him!

Thinking of this, he immediately got up and said with a smile: "Everyone, it is said that courtesy is less important than people. You can come to my Qilin Pavilion, which has already made this place full of glory. As for your gifts, no matter what they are, I am very grateful. The Sect Master of the Sly Sect is so generous, so we don’t need to speculate any more.” Having said that, he winked at the servant next to him, and the latter immediately walked up to the Sect Sect Master and took the demon order in his hand. past.

At the same time, only a "bang" was heard.The door of the hall was pushed open from the outside, and then, a loud voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

"The Young Sect Master of the Demon Sect has arrived, and I have made a special trip to congratulate the Nangong Pavilion Master on his daughter's wedding!"

(End of this chapter)

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