
Chapter 503 Face-to-face confrontation, sure victory!

Chapter 503 Face-to-face confrontation, sure victory!
As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

"Did I hear you wrong? What is said outside is really the Young Sect Master of the Demon Sect?"

"It seems right, could it be that Tong Yan really came?"

The name of the Young Sect Master of the Demon Sect has been resounding throughout the Jianghu in the past few years. Some people may not know who the head of the Dragon and Tiger Sect is, and some may not know the name of the Master of the Qilin Pavilion, but no one knows the name Tong Yan. I don't know, no one knows.

Now that he arrived, a gust of wind blew up in the hall immediately.Everyone stood up unconsciously, and then looked at the open door together.

Under the enthusiastic anticipation of everyone, Tong Yan finally appeared.But at this moment, he was sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed by a white crow.There were several people following behind him, they were Qing Ming, Chen Xiazi and others.

Some of these people in the lobby had seen Tong Yan before, so as soon as Tong Yan appeared, someone immediately shouted: "My God, he is Tong Yan, he is really here!"

Although Tong Yan and Qilin Pavilion Master Nan Gongyun knew each other very well, in fact, today was the first time they met.

Nangong Yun looked Tong Yan up and down for a while, then smiled slightly: "You are Tong Yan? It's true that seeing a hundred things is worth seeing. It's true that you have an extraordinary appearance and a good-looking talent!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said with a faint smile: "The Master of the Nangong Pavilion is really absurd. I have admired the Master of the Nangong Pavilion for a long time. It is really lucky to meet you today."

Nangong Yun laughed and said: "Sect Master Tong, I don't know why you came to the door today?"

Tong Yan chuckled and said: "I came here uninvited, the Master of the Nangong Pavilion must be full of doubts. It's okay, I will explain the reason to you. I came here to accompany my brother to marry him!"

Nangong Yun sneered and said, "Accept a marriage? What kind of marriage?"

Tong Yan said with great interest: "Pavilion Master Nangong, you clearly know what I'm talking about, so why do you pretend to be confused when you understand it in your heart? Ling'ai and my elder brother Qingming have already been engaged. Today, Ling'ai's big wedding, If you don't marry my elder brother, who will you marry?"

Hearing this, Nangong Yun turned to Qingming and said, "Although this little brother Qingming is very handsome, it's a pity that he committed murder in my Qilin Pavilion that day. His engagement with my daughter was also canceled at that time Today, the little girl is getting married, and she is marrying the Young Master of the Nanshan Gate. Please don’t make any excuses. If you are kind enough to congratulate me, I won’t let you down. Can blow you out."

As soon as Qing Ming heard this, he was about to open his mouth to reason, but Tong Yan said first: "Master Nangong Pavilion, what you said is really interesting. My brother killed so much in your Qilin Pavilion back then, you and I know the reason." I understand. As for the Young Master of the Nanshan Gate you mentioned, I am sorry that he has already been dismissed by me. Ling Ai can only marry my elder brother in this life, as for others, I am afraid they will not have this chance."

Hearing this, Nangong Yun's eyes flashed coldly, and then he said coldly: "Sect Leader Tong, aren't you exaggerating what you said? As the saying goes, the order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker. Who does the little girl marry, you are not allowed to do whatever you want Arrangement. Let me tell you, even if the little girl does not marry Nanshanmen, she will never marry the bloody butcher behind you. Come, see off!"

As soon as he gave an order, a group of experts rushed out from the left and right, and they were about to fight Tong Yan and others.

Seeing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "Wait! Pavilion Master Nangong, you keep saying that your son-in-law's hands are covered with blood. Then I want to ask, how much better are you than him? Master of Baihua Valley Bai Jing, didn't you just die at your hands?"

As soon as this heavy news came out, the Jianghu people who were present immediately began to discuss in a low voice.

Nangong Yun gritted his teeth and said, "It's nonsense. I have never left the Qilin Pavilion, so how could I go thousands of miles away to kill the owner of Baihua Valley? It is simply delusional to want to pour dirty water on me!"

Tong Yan said with a disdainful smile: "Nangong Yun, do you think no one knows what you do? Let me tell you, if you want others to know, you have to do nothing. You are also a tough guy, why are you so daring to do it? What? You not only killed Bai Jing, the owner of Baihua Valley, but also took away the five poisonous sacred beasts of the Five Poison Sect, and kidnapped the descendant of Nuwa, intending to let her bloodlet to death. Besides these, you also sent my master Xiong Qingcang Is imprisoned on a mysterious island hundreds of miles away from here. You want to get the ghost talisman of my Demon Sect, you want to dominate the Jianghu, am I right or not?"

Everyone was even more shocked when they heard this.

Before Nangong Yun could deny it, a voice from the crowd immediately asked: "Sovereign Tong, you said that Master Xiong Qingcang was imprisoned on the mysterious island by the Pavilion Master Nangong. But as far as I know, didn't Xiong Qingcang die a long time ago?" Is it because of the battle of righteousness and demons back then? Could it be that the righteous monks who participated in the battle back then also concealed the truth?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "No, although some people said that the master died in that battle, but the body of the master has never been found. I think you all know this. Then my master's Where did the body go? In fact, the teacher didn't die at all. He was seriously injured and was brought back to Qilin Pavilion by Nangong Yun who was lurking in the dark. He has been imprisoned until now. Why didn't he tell you the news? , its intention, I don’t think I need to tell you, you can guess it, right?”

"But...but you said that your master Xiong Qingcang was imprisoned on the island, how did you know? Could it be your guess too?"

Hearing this, Nangong Yun also chimed in: "This fellow Taoist is right, Tong Yan, you keep saying that I imprisoned your master. Then where is he now? What evidence do you have?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing.He originally thought that Nangong Yun was a thoughtful and formidable enemy, but he didn't expect that he still had illusions.It seems that I really think highly of him, but he is just good at divination.

"Pavilion Master Nangong, I always think that you are very smart and will be my greatest enemy in this life. Unfortunately, this is just my wishful thinking. Since I know that my master is imprisoned on the island by you, since I know that you intend to detain my daughter The bloodletting and killing of the descendants of Wa, are these all my guesses? Obviously, even if I am a unicorn, I don’t have such skills. Don’t you want evidence? Very good, let you see clearly. Master, you You can show up now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiong Qingcang immediately took off the hat on his head, and strode forward.

"Nangong Yun, I'm afraid you never thought that I would still come out alive. I have been tortured by you for so many years, and today, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

Nangong Yun looked intently, and couldn't help but tremble all over, and cold sweat also broke out on his forehead.

Do you think this is the orgasm?Wrong, the fun has just begun!
(End of this chapter)

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