
Chapter 504 Refusing to give in, a visitor from the underworld!

Chapter 504 Refusing to give in, a visitor from the underworld!
"Master? Could it be... Could this be Xiong Qingcang?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of discussion in the hall again.

Nangong Yun wiped the sweat off his forehead with his hand, and said calmly, "Xiong Qingcang? Does he dare to pretend to be the previous head of the Demon Sect? Tong Yan, don't think that you can hide everything by finding a fake Human eyes. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not Xiong Qingcang at all, so don't be deceived by him."

Seeing that Nangong Yun still refused to admit it, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing.

"Nangong Yun, you still have to quibble. It seems that you will not cry until you see the coffin, and you will not die until the Yellow River. But it doesn't matter, is the person next to me my master? I think as long as he shows off his famous stunt , everyone present will naturally be able to distinguish correctly. Master, then I will work hard for you and let them open their eyes, shall we?"

Hearing this, Xiong Qingcang stepped forward without saying a word, and in front of everyone, immediately used the magic dragon claw.

The magic dragon claw is the most frightening trick of Xiong Qingcang when he became famous. He uses the magic power of his whole body to transform into a magic dragon. When he swings a claw, he has the power of thunder and is unparalleled in power.Countless masters of the righteous way died under the claws of the devil dragon, and the claws of the devil dragon became synonymous with Xiong Qingcang for a while, and in the whole rivers and lakes, except for him, no one else could use it.

Not to mention others, even Tong Yan is his only apprentice, and he has no chance to learn such a magical skill, otherwise, his combat power will definitely be able to go further.

Hearing a dragon chant of "嗤", Xiong Qingcang jumped up high, and patted Nangong Yun with one hand.

Before Xiong Qingcang's claws arrived, a huge red dragon claw attacked Nangong Yun first.

Nangong Yun had always been afraid of Xiong Qingcang, but now that Xiong Qingcang had performed his famous stunt, he naturally didn't dare to underestimate him, so he hurriedly made seals with both hands, and sacrificed a golden shield of light to protect his head.

It's too late, but it's fast.As soon as the golden light shield appeared, the red dragon claw shot it directly. With a loud "bang", the light shield was shattered by the dragon claw. However, taking this opportunity, Nangong Yun flipped backward twice in a row. Reluctantly dodged.

But the throne he was sitting on just now was directly smashed into powder by this claw, and even a huge claw print appeared on the marble floor.

Xiong Qingcang stood proudly above the hall, with his hands behind his back, the menacing aura and the powerful deterrent force emanating from his body made all the people present stunned, and no one dared to speak again.

"Nangong Yun, so you have nothing to say? Is it Xiong Qingcang? Maybe you guys here already know it. But don't worry, I will only kill Nangong Yun today. As for you, I am too lazy Do it!"

Xiong Qingcang is wild and unrestrained, defiant, highly capable, murderous, and human like hemp, these are the adjectives people in the rivers and lakes describe him.It is very consistent with the temperament he is showing at this moment. The people present are not stupid, he is not Xiong Qingcang, and I am afraid that there will be no second such person in the world.

Nangong Yun knew that it would be useless to continue sophistry, and the most urgent task was to kill Xiong Qingcang and Tong Yan who he hated.Only in this way can he continue to gain a foothold in the arena in the future, otherwise, not only is he likely to lose everything, even his own life will be threatened.

Thinking of this, he stopped talking, but directly took out a small black bell from his sleeve.As the bell rang, a beast roar sounded not far away from the hall.

Tong Yan stared at the little black bell in his hand, and immediately shouted loudly: "No, it is the beast-suppressing bell in his hand. The five-poison holy beast of the Five-Poison Sect was brought back to the Qilin Pavilion by him. Now he is going to use that poisonous beast to deal with us. Fellow Daoists, the five poisonous holy beasts are highly poisonous. If they get close to them, they will turn into blood on the spot. If you want to live, follow me Take him down together. If it's too late, we'll all die!"

Although what Tong Yan said was a bit exaggerated, it was still true.The Five Poisons Holy Beast was poisonous all over his body, and he watched with his own eyes that the disciple of the Five Poisons Sect turned into bones after being poisoned.If the five poisonous holy beasts rushed here, there are probably very few of these more than 100 people who can survive.

And the culprit was Nangong Yun, as long as he was taken down, all problems would be solved.

It's a pity that Tong Yan's advice didn't get everyone's attention, they all froze on the spot, feeling a little at a loss.

Seeing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly.Since they don't want to live, no matter how hard they try, they may not be able to save them.

There is a saying that people who save themselves will always save them, and the only ones who can really save them are themselves.

"Brother Bai, you help my master deal with Nangong Yun, and you must take the beast-suppressing bell from his hand. Brother Qing, you go directly to find Nangong Jin'er. If all goes well, we will meet up on the shore later."

Hearing this, Qing Ming nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go right away. What about you? What are you going to do?"

Tong Yan said with a mysterious smile: "It is said that the Qilin Pavilion contains all the secrets of the world. When I come here today, I will always search for it. Maybe I can uncover the real conspiracy of Nangong Yun!"

The reason why he planned this way was actually because he had always had a question in his mind.Nangong Yun was originally the owner of the Qilin Pavilion and was admired by the world.But why did he deliberately do so many bad things?Is it really for the purpose of unifying the rivers and lakes?I'm afraid it's not that simple.This guy is in collusion with the prince of the underworld, I'm afraid there is a big conspiracy hidden behind it.

This is Nangong Yun's "old lair". It may not be as easy as imagined to kill Nangong Yun in one fell swoop.Moreover, this guy has five poisonous holy beasts waiting for his orders, so it is really difficult to deal with him.

If you really can't get rid of him today, you can't make a trip in vain.If you can discover some of his secrets, it will be a worthwhile trip.

There is one more thing he has to guard against, and that is the ten-year catastrophe mentioned by Master Yuxiao.

Although he is not sure whether Nangong Yun is related to the ten-year catastrophe, after all, Xueer almost died, and the only person who can stop the ten-year catastrophe is Xueer!Analyzing it this way, Nangong Yun's persecution of Xue'er might be for ten years of catastrophe.Without Xue'er to stop her, the whole world would be devastated.

If you can grasp the details about the ten-year catastrophe, you can be prepared for it when the time comes.

With Xiong Qingcang's strength, and with the help of the white crow, he can't say anything about getting rid of Nangong Yun, at least he can hold him back, as long as he can find the answer he wants smoothly.

Then this trip to Qilin Pavilion, they will win a big victory.

Tong Yan has already planned everything here, but he never thought that before he left, someone from the Hades would come!
(End of this chapter)

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