
Chapter 505 Prince of Hell, Why Are You Here?

Chapter 505 Prince of Hell, Why Are You Here?
Qingming went first to Nangong Jin'er's boudoir, while Xiong Qingcang and Bai Wuya also joined forces to attack Nangong Yun.Everything seems to be going according to Tong Yan's plan, but he still missed one thing, that is the mysterious prince in the underworld!
"Brother Xu, push me to the backyard. I'm going to visit Nangong Yun's usual divination place."

After hearing this, the thousand-faced scholar pushed him out of the hall and headed for the backyard.

But at this moment, unexpectedly, a black vortex appeared on the floor of the hall. Immediately afterwards, several people in black robes slowly emerged from the vortex.

Taking a closer look, the person in charge is none other than the masked ghost slave!
"Young Sect Master, take a quick look, what's going on?"

Tong Yan watched carefully, his brows wrinkled involuntarily.

"Ghost slave? Why are you? What are you doing here?"

Seeing Tong Yan asking him, Gui Nu just nodded slightly, but didn't say a word.Tong Yan felt a little baffled, and was about to continue asking questions when he suddenly saw Gui Nu and the others backing away.In the very center of the black vortex appeared another person, but this person's clothes were quite different from Ghost Nu and other men in black.

He was wearing a golden gown, a jade belt embroidered with dragons around his waist, court boots inlaid with gold silk on his feet, and a purple gold crown on his head.

This person looks about 20 years old, looks very delicate, his skin is very fair, his lips are very red, he looks a bit like Jia Baoyu in the TV series, but he is a little more mature than Jia Baoyu.

His arrival shocked everyone present again.Those who can come through the vortex from the ground must be people from the underworld, but why do people from the underworld appear here at this moment?

The young man in fancy clothes looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Tong Yan.He didn't speak, just nodded and smiled at Tong Yan, as if to say hello.

Sitting in the wheelchair, Tong Yan looked at him suspiciously, and finally he thought of someone.Could it be that this person is the crown prince whom no one dares to provoke in the underworld?But why did he come here suddenly with his men? Could it be to rescue Nangong Yun?

While Tong Yan was thinking secretly, Nangong Yun, who was in a bitter fight, immediately shouted loudly: "Prince, I am here, please help me!"

Hearing what Nangong Yun said, the identity of this person was finally confirmed.He was indeed the mysterious prince, but Tong Yan never expected that they would meet in this way.If he really went to help Nangong Yun, it meant that he would become his own enemy.

The prince followed the sound, and then a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Sifang Ghost Slave, go and help him."

As soon as he gave an order, there were a total of eight men in black, and immediately four of them went to help Nangong Yun with a flash.

However, the ghost slaves that Tong Yan knew didn't leave. It seemed that the eight men in black were all ghost slaves.As for the titles of these four parties, they should be the respective code names of the eight ghost slaves.Eight people means all directions.

The four ghost slaves flew away, unexpectedly turning the tide of battle.This ghost slave is already extremely strong, which can be seen from Tong Yan's apprentice.That guy had a battle with the old master of the Guilin Sect, and his strength was not weaker than that of Ji Wutian, one of the top ten masters in the Qilin list.The help of four people of the same ability means that Xiong Qingcang and White Crow have to deal with five masters who are not weaker than themselves. How easy is it to win?

At the same time, the five poisonous holy beasts finally rushed to the entrance of the hall.

It raised its head and let out a roar, and was about to rush into the hall and start a killing spree.

Tong Yan is too clear about how powerful the five poisonous holy beasts are.Its arrival means that a bloody storm is about to set off.

But at this moment, the mysterious prince suddenly took something from his waist. It looked like a jade pendant, but after being thrown out by him, it turned into a beam of black light.The black light met the five poisonous holy beasts, and immediately turned into ropes, directly binding the holy beasts tightly.

The five poisonous holy beasts struggled a few times, but the rope became tighter and tighter until finally, the five poisonous holy beasts didn't even dare to make a sound.

With just a jade pendant, he subdued the fearsome five poisonous holy beasts. This prince is really powerful. Such an enemy should not be underestimated.

Xiong Qingcang and White Crow fought with Nangong Yun and the Sifang ghost slaves for a while, until they were powerless to resist, and then retreated to Tong Yan's side.

Seeing Xiong Qingcang and Bai Wuya panting, Tong Yan hurriedly asked with concern: "Master, Brother Bai, are you all okay?"

Xiong Qingcang took a deep breath and said: "If I hadn't been imprisoned for too long, I would be able to kill this villain today. But now it seems that he has a strong helper, and I'm afraid he won't be able to take revenge."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Anyway, you have already escaped from the dungeon, let this Nangong Yun live for a few more days!"

Nangong Yun got help from Sifang ghost slaves, and immediately came to the crown prince.

"Prince, thank you for your help. These evil thieves dare to run wild in my Qilin Pavilion. Today I will eradicate them all. I also hope that the prince will send ghost slaves from all directions to help."

Hearing this, the crown prince shook his head and said, "No, no, Nangong Yun, I'm not here to help you kill people, but for something else."

"Anything else? I don't know what it is?"

The crown prince smiled mysteriously and said, "I'm here for him!" Having said that, he directly pointed at Tong Yan.

"Come here for him? Do you want to win him over, Prince? Let me tell you, this kid is not a cheap lamp. He won't be used by you. In my opinion, it's better to get rid of him directly. Otherwise, I'm afraid It's going to ruin our business."

Seeing the crown prince pointing at him, Tong Yan already knew that he was coming for him.But this guy can't stay in the underworld well, why did he come to trouble himself?

The crown prince rolled his eyes at Nangong Yun, and then said with some displeasure: "Nangong Yun, you don't have to worry about my affairs. You know, you are just my small...partner. There are some things that you should never worry about." Better not to ask. Understand?"

As soon as he said this, Nangong Yun hurriedly leaned back and said: "Prince, calm down, I made a mistake in my words just now, please ignore the fault of the villain, my lord."

The prince didn't talk to Nangong Yun any more, but walked towards Tong Yan step by step.

"It is said that there is a unicorn genius in this world who is proficient in everything in literature, governance and martial arts, and understands the six secrets and three strategies. I am here today because I want to meet you well. Qilin talent, I wonder if you are interested in chatting with me for a few words ah?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled lightly and said: "It is said that there is a prince in the underworld. Except for Yan Luo of the Ten Palaces, even the four judges dare not provoke him. I am lucky to meet you today. I am really lucky. I don't know the prince, Your Excellency, What do you want to talk to me about?"

The prince laughed and said: "So you already know me, that's good, save me from introducing myself again. What I want to talk to you is, Skywalker!"

Skywalker?Did he already know that Tong Yan was a descendant of Skywalker?What is his purpose in coming here?

(End of this chapter)

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