
Chapter 506 How mysterious are the relics of gods and demons?

Chapter 506 How mysterious are the relics of gods and demons?
Tong Yan continued to maintain that charming smile. Of course, he didn't expect this smile to charm the prince of the underworld, but it could well cover up his inner anxiety.

"Skywalker? Is this a new term? It seems that I have never heard of it. Can you tell me more about it?"

Seeing Tong Yan pretending to be stupid, the crown prince immediately laughed and said, "Kirin genius, you are a descendant of the Wu family, right? The Wu family is a powerful family, even the head of the Suzaku clan can be imprisoned. With such strength, In this world, I am afraid that no one can compare. I know your concerns, but don't worry, I just want to make friends with you, and I have no intention of offending your Wu family."

Hearing what he said, it seems that he is a little afraid of the Wu family.In this way, Tong Yan's current situation does not seem to be too passive.

"Although the crown prince is in the underworld, I didn't expect to know so much about human affairs. I really admire it! But as for the matter of Skywalker, I just listened to a few casual conversations with the elders of the clan. If the crown prince wants to ask too much , I’m afraid I really can’t answer.”

The prince smiled slightly and said: "I think you may still have misunderstood. Actually, I should know more about Skywalker than you. I just want to chat with you about Skywalker, not to ask you anything. Come on, people here Too much, I think we should go to a quiet place, sit and talk slowly, and have a drink or two along the way. What do you think?"

When Xiong Qingcang heard this, he immediately said coldly: "I don't care who you are or what kind of background you have. If you want to harm my disciple, you can't do it. Disciple, you must not go with him, he It must be uneasy!"

Hearing this, the crown prince chuckled and said, "This must be Suzerain Xiongqing Cangxiong, right? I think your worries are unnecessary. If I really want to kill you, why do I need to subdue the five poisonous holy beasts? This beast's poison has no effect on us, but against you people, I'm afraid it will kill you if you get a little bit of it?"

The prince is indeed not lying, no matter how powerful the poison is, it is useless to ghosts.Because the ghost has no body, so how can it talk about the poison in the body.He was able to subdue these five poisonous holy beasts, and indeed saved the lives of many people here.From one point of view, at least he is not a villain who regards human life as nothing.

Tong Yan turned to look at Xiong Qingcang, then smiled slightly: "Master, he is right. If he really wants to harm us, these five poisonous holy beasts are enough to kill us. Don't worry, he won't What will happen to me. You wait for me here, if..." He deliberately lowered his volume when he said this.

"If anything happens to me, you guys should escape from this place quickly, and you don't need to avenge me. Be sure to promise me!"

Hearing this, Xiong Qingcang wanted to say a few more words, but when he met Tong Yan's firm gaze, he could only nod slightly.

"Prince, please!"

Seeing that Tong Yan agreed, the crown prince smiled and nodded, and then flew outside.

A ghost like him might already be called a god among ghosts.In this way, no matter how bright the sun is, it may not cause him any harm.

Tong Yan turned the wheelchair by himself and followed directly behind.In fact, he can also walk, but sitting in a wheelchair and turning himself into a weak person can often achieve better results.

The crown prince obviously came to Qilin Pavilion for the first time, but he knew where there was wine and where there was no one.

It seems that he is also a person who likes to drink, but think about it, how many dignitaries in ancient times didn't like to spend time and drink?
The two of them soon came to a side room in the yard. There was not only wine in this room, but also vegetables.It was originally a prepared banquet, but now this banquet is probably redundant, because the bridegroom officer has already fled in desperation.

The prince sat down directly on the chair in the back, then waved to Tong Yan and said, "Just sit here, there is wine and meat, it's very good!"

Tong Yan nodded with a smile, pushed away the chair next to him, and parked his wheelchair directly beside the table.

The prince poured a glass by himself, put it under his nose and smelled it, and immediately said with a smile: "The wine is good, you can drink it. Come on, let's drink some." As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the wine bottle As if being grabbed by an invisible hand, he filled up the wine glass in front of Tong Yan.

He picked up his wine glass, and said to Tong Yan, "Brother Tong, I respect you!"

This was really beyond Tong Yan's expectations. He always thought that a prince like this must be a pampered person, with his eyes above the top, and he doesn't take others seriously at all.But at this moment, the prince actually made a toast to him, which really flattered him a bit.

Tong Yan picked up the wine glass, smiled at the crown prince, then raised his head and drank it.

The two drank three cups in a row before the crown prince got to the point.

"Brother Tong, you should have heard that I have several major hobbies. First, I like to collect heaven and earth spirit treasures. Second, I like to collect cultivation techniques from various sects. Third, I like to drink. I heard that You are not only smart, but also have a lot of research on the way of formation. So, this time, I actually want to make a deal with you."

Tong Yan was taken aback when he heard this, and then he said in puzzlement: "A deal? How about a deal? Why don't you tell the prince and listen."

The crown prince poured himself another cup, took a sip, and continued: "I know a place, and there are treasures in it. But if you want to enter it, you will inevitably encounter a lot of trouble. Such as seals, such as formations, I know very little about these things, and there is no one under my command who has extraordinary attainments in the way of formation. So, I thought of you."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "So, you want me to accompany you to this place, to help you break the formation, so that you can enter to get the treasure smoothly. Right? Then tell me, what can I get?"

The prince laughed and said: "I just like to chat with smart people, and I can get through it. As for your reward, it depends on yourself. I have a lot of exercises, heaven and earth spirit treasures. What do you want? Just tell me, and I will definitely satisfy you."

Tong Yan chuckled lightly and said: "The prince is really rich and powerful, but I am easier to be satisfied, and now I think it is quite good. However, I really want to know, where do you want me to accompany you? Maybe I have If you are interested, I will go with you if you don’t want anything.”

The prince laughed and said: "Okay, since you want to know, then I'll just say it straight. The place I want you to accompany me to is called the ruins of gods and demons. It is the ancient battlefield of the battle between gods and demons. There are There are too many magical artifacts of ancient gods and demons. If you get any of them, you will benefit endlessly. Not only that, but you know that the skywalkers who resounded all over the world also died there. Buried there. How? Interested?"

Skywalker died in the ruins of gods and demons?He hadn't thought of this.But how did the prince know?

"Prince, you also said that it is the place where gods and demons fight, but I don't understand. How did you know?"

The crown prince drank all the wine in the glass, and then said solemnly: "Because... because I was once one of the Skywalkers!"

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble all over.This prince is actually a Skywalker?This is simply unbelievable!
What happened to the battle of gods and demons back then?Why would Skywalker join the battle?What kind of secret is hidden here?

(End of this chapter)

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