
Chapter 507 Don't choose 2, clench your fists!

Chapter 507 The only choice, clench your fists!
"You said you were also a Skywalker? But didn't you just say that all Skywalkers died in the ruins of gods and demons?"

Hearing this, the prince smiled bitterly and said, "Am I not dead? I'm just a soul. My body is actually buried there!"

Indeed, he has become a soul, and he has indeed died.Does that mean that the souls of other Skywalkers have also entered the underworld?

"My lord, where are the souls of the other Skywalkers? Are they all reincarnated?"

The crown prince shook his head and said: "No, except for my soul that escaped from the ruins of gods and demons, the souls of others have already been scattered."

Hearing this, Tong Yan was even more shocked, unexpectedly only the prince's soul escaped.The tragedy of the war back then is moving when you think about it.

But then again, how did this war of gods and demons break out?What is hidden in this?

Tong Yan thought about it for a while, and then asked: "Prince, what is this battle between gods and demons you are talking about? Why have I never heard of it? Not only that, but even the tricky door has countless books, It seems that there is no record about this battle between gods and demons. Can you tell me in detail?"

The crown prince laughed and said, "If you are interested, of course I am willing to tell you. However, the more you know, the more troubles you will have. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "The crown prince is overwhelmed. I asked you to tell me, so why would he blame you? Please tell the truth, the crown prince, and listen carefully!"

The crown prince stared at Tong Yan, and finally chatted with him about the unprecedented and horrific battle between gods and demons.

In that battle, there were tens of thousands of gods and demons participating in it, plus the gods and monsters, as well as demons, skywalkers, etc., the total number must be at least [-].

This is almost equal to the fact that both the heaven and the demon world are doing their best to completely defeat each other.

But in a war, how can there be a real winner?As long as it is a war, someone is doomed to die for it. Whether it is a large number of casualties or a small number of casualties, in the end, the trauma brought to both sides is actually the same.

As for the so-called victory or defeat, it is entirely just the wishful thinking of the parties involved.

And the fuse that led to this war turned out to be a stone.As for what the stone looks like and what its name is, the prince doesn't know either.He just said that whoever gets this stone, whether it is a god or a demon, can completely change the layout of the three realms and six realms, and even comprehend the way of heaven and become the supreme god.

But it is a pity that in the end, the stone was destroyed by the joint efforts of gods and demons during the competition.And this battle ended with both losers.

The crown prince spoke very quickly, just giving a general idea, but he didn't say anything about the details.

Like where did this stone come from?For example, how did the gods and demons know its existence?And the most critical point is, if it is really just for a stone, do you need to go to war so much?All you need is to send out the strongest fighters to fight each other, and when the time comes, it will be known who will win.

As for the participation of those demons and skywalkers in the war, it is even more confusing.Compared with gods and demons, their natural strength is much weaker.Most of them are playing the role of cannon fodder. If this is the case, whether it is a demon or a god, I am afraid that the purpose is not pure. Maybe it is for this so-called fuse, and deliberately designed to get rid of the demon and Skywalker together.

Of course, this is just Tong Yan's own speculation, without any evidence, no one knows whether this is the case, perhaps only the organizers of the war back then will know.

Tong Yan also got a general understanding of some things about the relics of gods and demons, but this did not arouse his fanatical interest.After all, he is just a mortal. Going to a place full of dangers and where he may die at any time to hunt for treasure is only suitable for those explorers, not for him at all.

Plus, he still has a lot to do.For example, get rid of Nangong Yun to avenge Bai Jing and Xueer, take back the trick door, and kill the villain Bai Yong.These things have been delayed for too long, and he has already been impatient.

Facing the gracious invitation of the prince, he finally said: "Prince, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't accompany you to the ruins of gods and demons. I still have a lot of things to do, there is really no need to take risks there. I hope You can understand!"

Hearing this, the crown prince didn't say anything, but drank a few glasses of wine on his own.Maybe he was almost drunk, so he sneered and said, "Tong Yan, do you think I'm discussing with you? To tell you the truth, you have to go on this trip. I know you are not afraid of death, but you really Can I ignore Nuwa's descendants? Although I am in the netherworld, I also know that she has turned into a stone. And if I don't wake her up in time, I'm afraid she will sleep for thousands of years. At that time, the world will still be If it’s not in the human world, who would know? Oh, right. You won’t forget the ten-year catastrophe that Daoist Yuxiao told you, right? Do you really have the heart to watch the people in the world be devastated? As a descendant of Skywalker, shouldn't you do something for this world?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan's brows could not help but frown tightly.

This prince actually knows so many things, even the descendants of Nuwa turned into stones, and ten years of calamity, what else does he know?
Could it be that the ten-year catastrophe that the real Yuxiao said had nothing to do with him?But other?

Tong Yan had a headache, he suddenly found himself completely in the quagmire, in front of the prince, he was like a fallen leaf floating in the water, he wanted to go ashore, but he could only drift with the current.

He told himself that he had to calm down. If he was confused at this time, he might never recover again.

After letting out a sigh of relief, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"My lord, it's true that Nuwa's descendants turned into stones. But after entering the ruins of gods and demons, can she be awakened? Also, how much do you know about the Ten Years of Calamity? It really has nothing to do with you? Nangong Yun deliberately harmed the descendants of Nuwa. I really can't think of the reason why he did this. Unless he just didn't want the descendants of Nuwa to stop the ten-year catastrophe from happening. He was looking forward to that A catastrophe is coming. Am I right?"

Facing Tong Yan's questioning, the crown prince didn't show any panic, but a clear expression.

"Tong Yan, I have to admit that you are very smart, and your reasoning sounds fine. But what I want to say is that no one knows what Ten Years of Calamity is. Even I don't know. As for why Nangong Yun wanted to harm Nuwa's descendants, it's actually very easy to understand, because this is my arrangement! Hehe..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan's fists were clenched immediately.After all, he was the black hand behind this scene!

(End of this chapter)

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