
Chapter 508 Withdraw from the battle situation, where is fate?

Chapter 508 Withdraw from the battle situation, where is fate?
To achieve the goal, use any means.This is actually Tong Yan's way of doing things before, but after experiencing so many lives and deaths, he changed, at least he no longer kills innocent people indiscriminately.

It's a pity that he has run into such an opponent now, which is really a bit ironic when he thinks about it.

What the crown prince said was very straightforward. The reason why Nangong Yun persecuted Xueer so much was actually instigated by him behind the scenes.The purpose of doing this is to let Tong Yan cooperate obediently and enter the ruins of gods and demons with him.

Thinking about it this way, this is really a big game of chess.It seemed that he had already set his sights on Tong Yan.As for Tong Yan's pursuit all the way here, in fact, it was already in his plan.

It must be uncomfortable to be calculated by others, but Tong Yan can only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

After clenching his fists for a while, he finally didn't make a move to fight the prince desperately.Because he can't be so selfish, disregarding Xue'er and the world for the sake of his own comfort.When he was still at the Sword Gate of Tianshan Mountain, he had already promised Empress Nuwa and Daoist Yuxiao.He can't be irresponsible for the promises he made, that's not him.

From this point of view, this trip to the ruins of gods and demons seems inevitable.But can this prince really have a way to wake up Xue'er?Could this be another hole he dug?
Even if it was a pit, Tong Yan could only jump into it.He has dealt with his enemies like this many times, but now he is played around by the prince.

"Okay, I promise you, I will accompany you into the ruins of gods and demons. But, are you worthy of my trust? Can you really wake Xue'er up?"

The crown prince smiled and said, "Don't worry, I am a man of my word. As long as you can help me wholeheartedly, I will not treat you badly. Well, since we have reached a consensus, now is the time to start , seven days later, please come to the bridge of Naihe. I will send someone to pick you up there, and then we will go from the underworld to the ruins of gods and demons!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan suddenly thought of something, and immediately asked, "Where are the relics of gods and demons? It's not in the world, it's not in the underworld, could it be in another world?"

The prince nodded and smiled and said, "That's right, the relics of gods and demons are indeed in other worlds, but you don't have to worry. With me here, you will be safe wherever you go."

Hearing this, Tong Yan continued to ask: "Then at least there should be a name, right? Which world is it in?"

Seeing Tong Yan's reluctance, the crown prince could only truthfully say: "Since you insist on knowing, it's okay to tell you. The ruins of gods and demons are located in a space between Asura Dao and the underworld. In name, it should be It belongs to the Asura Dao. But since the outbreak of the war of gods and demons, it has been completely separated from the Asura Dao, and it has become a three-way zone. Whether it is a god, a demon, or a Western Buddhist spirit, they all love this place. Extremely disgusted. It may be that no one wants to be involved in this bad luck, and they don’t want to stir up trouble again, so it has become a land of no man. Okay, I have said everything I need to say. I will return to the underworld to prepare first. , seven days later, we will meet in the underworld. Oh, yes, there is one more thing, Nangong Yun will go with us. So I don't want you to have any trouble with him after I leave, I mean you understand ,Right?"

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "I've made a note, see you in seven days!"

The prince smiled and nodded, and then the whole person slowly blurred until he disappeared without a trace.

Tong Yan breathed a sigh of relief, reached out to pick up the wine glass in front of him, and took a long gulp.He was angry and full of anger, but he had nowhere to vent his sorrows, so he could only drink away his sorrows.

When he turned the wheelchair back to the hall, the five poisonous holy beasts were still tied up, and everyone was still confronting each other.As for the eight ghost slaves, they also stayed here.The intention was obvious, just not wanting Nangong Yun to be threatened, it must have been specially ordered by the crown prince.

After such a long time, Qingming must have taken Nangong Jin'er away, so it is meaningless to stay here, because he knows that he can't kill this Nangong villain, and there is no need to give him the opportunity to manipulate the five poisonous holy beasts to counterattack.

Tong Yan thought about it, and then shouted loudly: "Master, brothers, we can leave now."

When Xiong Qingcang heard this, he immediately said in puzzlement: "Leave? Just let him go like this? Then my revenge..."

Before he finished speaking, Tong Yan interrupted directly: "Master, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Today is impossible, let's leave first and make plans later!"

Tong Yan had already said that, even though Xiong Qingcang was angry, he could only suppress it.But before leaving, he still said ruthlessly to Nangong Yun: "Nangong Pifu, I will spare you today. One day, I will definitely cut your corpse into thousands of pieces, so that you will never be reborn forever!"

Hearing this, Nangong Yun laughed and said, "Xiong Qingcang, I'm waiting for you. Let's wait and see!"

Ten minutes later, the group of people all retreated to the shore of the island, at this time Qing Ming and Nangong Jin'er were already waiting there.Seeing them holding hands, Tong Yan sincerely blesses them.

Nangong Yun may not know that his daughter has been "abducted" by Qingming, if he knew, he probably wouldn't let everyone leave so easily.

Fortunately, Zhao Lao Wu still kept his word, he waited on the shore for so long, but he didn't leave by boat.Maybe it was because I was worried that I would not get the final payment, so I stayed.However, the previous jade box containing Tan Yu is estimated to be able to sell for a lot of money, but the origin of this jade box and why Tan Yu entered the jade box has become an unsolved mystery!

Everyone boarded the fishing boat, and the boat quickly left the island.And the matter about the Qilin Pavilion has come to an end for the time being.

But Tong Yan inevitably had to go to the seven-day agreement. For Xue'er, for the common people in the world, and for the promise he made back then, he could only go forward bravely.

Looking at it this way, I don't know when, Tong Yan is no longer the murderous young master of the Demon Sect, but he has a faint feeling of a savior.With great ability, you have to bear great responsibility.To save the world and benefit the society, someone has to do such a thing.Although it may not be that anyone will remember it, but it is enough to have a clear heart.

In the cabin, Tong Yan and Tan Yu sat side by side, and the others also sat down on the bed and chairs.

Although it failed to prevent Xue'er from turning into a stone, it saved Tan Yu and Xiong Qingcang, and helped Qing Ming and Nangong Jin'er reunite smoothly. This trip to Qilin Pavilion can be regarded as a lot of gains.

But everyone's faces were slightly serious, as if everyone was preoccupied.Finally, Xiong Qingcang couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart, and asked Tong Yan: "Disciple, what did the so-called prince talk to you about? As a teacher, I hope you don't hide anything, okay?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said: "He wants me to accompany him to the ruins of gods and demons, and help him find the treasure inside! If I agree, he will find a way to wake Xueer up."

"So? So you agreed?"

"That's right, I did agree. In fact, I didn't have a choice at all."

Xiong Qingcang was about to say something more, but blind Chen said first: "Oh... I knew that what should come will come eventually, and you can't hide from it. Brother Tong, this relic of the gods and demons is your destiny." Where is the robbery, I only hope that you can return safely!"

Where is the fate?What else does this blind man know?
(End of this chapter)

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