
Chapter 509 The night is quiet, what should I do?

Chapter 509 The night is quiet, what should I do?
As soon as Blind Chen said this, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Tong Yan frowned, and then said in confusion: "Brother Chen, where did you start with this? Did you do the math for me before?"

Blind Chen nodded and said: "That's right, I did calculate it for you. But I didn't expect that the fate mentioned in the hexagram originally referred to this. Realm. If I am not mistaken, then the ruins of gods and demons should be in another world, right?"

Tong Yan responded: "Yes, the relics of gods and demons are indeed not in the human world, but in a space between the Shura Dao and the underworld. It seems that it is destined that I will have this calamity. It is also good, I will cross it earlier But then I can deal with other things with peace of mind.”

The reason why he said that was because he didn't want others to worry about him.But after Blind Chen said the word fate, everyone was sweating for him.

"Teacher, do you have to go? Is there no other choice?"

Tong Yan smiled wryly and said, "If so, how could I be willing to go there? But master, you don't have to worry, I've always been blessed with great destiny. Logically speaking, I should have died a long time ago. If I can live till now, This is already a miracle. Now that you have just returned, I can hand over the Mozong to you again. Although the Mozong has encountered a catastrophe, I think that with the master's ability, it will definitely be able to revive the past majestic."

Xiong Qingcang sighed softly when he heard this, and didn't know what to say.

"Little Tong, since you insist on going to the ruins of gods and demons, let me go with you. We brothers are together, even if there is any danger, we will definitely be able to get through it safely."

Tong Yan shook his head and said: "The prince asked me to go alone and bring you, I'm afraid he won't agree. It doesn't matter, it's a blessing or a disaster, and it can't be avoided. I don't care, so don't worry about it. I'm worried."

Tan Yu, who was sitting next to Tong Yan, just looked at him quietly without saying a word.But guessing, she might not really let Tong Yan go alone.

After spending several hours on the boat, the fishing boat finally docked.The thousand-faced scholar gave the rest of the money to Zhao's father and son, and the group left the pier and walked straight to the hotel in the county.

What everyone needs to do most now is to have a good meal and then sleep well. As for other things, they should rest well before making plans.

But White Crow has to work hard. In order to prevent Nangong Yun from chasing him, he must undertake the task of patrolling.If you find something wrong, you'd better inform everyone early and leave this place in time.

Simple to eat some, it is already late at night.

Tong Yan's legs have also left the wheelchair, and he no longer feels any pain in his legs, which means that his legs have basically healed.

In order not to attract attention, the hotel where Tong Yan and the others rested is not very luxurious, it should be said to be very ordinary.However, Tong Yan's room is better, because it has an independent bathroom, compared with the room where Qianmian Scholar and Chen Xiazi slept, it is simply the difference between a standard room and a common bunk.

As for Xiong Qingcang, the master of the Demon Sect, he naturally had to live well.Qingming and Nangong Jin'er had a lot to say, so the young couple who hadn't gotten married lived in the same room.

As for Tan Yu's room, it was also the same room as Tong Yan's, and it was the last one.Otherwise, the thousand-faced scholar would not have wronged himself so much.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Tong Yan immediately returned to his room.

He didn't feel physically tired, but mentally tired was more painful sometimes.

After simply washing up, taking off his coat, he lay directly on the bed.After turning off the light, he quickly sorted out all the things he had experienced during this period of time, and whether there were any doubts about what the prince said.

Just thinking about it like this, he fell asleep unconsciously.This sleep was so dark that he didn't know how long he had slept.But in a daze, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a gentle arm embracing him from behind, and then he also felt something soft and tightly pressed against his back.

He thought he was dreaming, but this feeling was too real, and a little strange.He didn't open his eyes, but stretched out his hand and slowly touched the back. If he could feel something, then it wasn't a dream. If he couldn't feel anything, then he might have fallen asleep.

Unexpectedly, with just such a touch, he couldn't help but tremble all over, and then he suddenly woke up.

He seems to have touched something smooth, why does that feel a bit like... like touching someone?This night, is there someone sleeping next to me behind my back?
He felt warmth behind him, so he was sure it wasn't a ghost.Who could it be?He first lowered his head to look at the arms hugging him, at this look, he only felt that his skin was a little hot.

This arm is slender, white and smooth. It is difficult for a man to have such an arm, so it must be a woman.

He tried to calm himself down, then slowly turned his head and looked back.

Finally, he saw the person behind him clearly.This person is none other than Tan Yu, the Nine-Tailed Fox.

How could she run into her room at night?What does this mean?Could it be... Could it be that you want to be with yourself?

Tong Yan doesn't think he thinks too much, because the current situation doesn't allow him to think otherwise.Just because...just because of the Yiren behind him, she didn't even wear anything.

Tong Yan felt a little thirsty, and couldn't help swallowing.His whole body was still hot, as if he had fallen into a stove.He really wanted to go to the bathroom and take a cold shower, but for some reason, he still had such a small expectation.

First of all, let me state that he is a normal person, to be precise, a normal man.As long as it is a normal man, it is difficult to keep calm at this moment.

Looking at Tan Yu who wanted to fall asleep behind him, he finally dispelled the sudden thought in his mind.

He seemed to think that it would be nice if they just embraced each other and fell asleep.

Just when he was a little at a loss, Tan Yu whispered softly from behind him.

"Are you going to lie down like this all night? Don't you want to do something?"

Tong Yan swallowed dryly, and then said awkwardly: "Um...uh, what are you doing?"

Hearing this, Tan Yu laughed softly and said, "I'm already here, you can do whatever you want, unless you don't want to!"

"I don't want to? Of course I want to, but...but can you tell me what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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