
Chapter 511 Rampaging weak water, flames on the top of the mountain!

Chapter 511 Rampaging weak water, flames on the top of the mountain!
"Ghost slave, what is the secret? But is it related to the ruins of the gods and demons?"

Gui Nu pointed to the forest next to him, motioning Tong Yan to talk there.

Seeing how mysterious this ghost slave is, Tong Yan couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation in his heart.If he could come out alive smoothly, wouldn't this be what he expected?But what is the secret that the ghost slave wants to tell?

The two walked into the forest, the ghost slave looked around, and then whispered: "Master, do you know why the crown prince insists on entering the ruins of gods and demons?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked in puzzlement, "Isn't it for treasure hunting? Isn't treasure hunting just his hobby?"

Hearing this, the ghost slave shook his head and said: "No, he already has enough treasures, so why bother to enter the ruins of gods and demons at the risk of losing his soul? In fact, the reason why he wants to enter the ruins of gods and demons is because of one of the treasures inside. Something, something that can make him a god and no longer live in the underworld! Once, I accidentally heard him talking to himself that he might be dying. If he can't think of a way, even Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva can't do it. Save him. So I'm sure that he entered the ruins of gods and demons for the thing that would allow him to escape his fate and become a god. Similarly, if you can find that thing before him, you can also be one step ahead of him Become a god. At that time, who can pose a threat to you?"

This is indeed a secret, no wonder the crown prince took so much trouble, it turned out that he was dying, so he gave it a go.Just like Gui Nu said, he seems to be completely passive now, but in fact, he still has a chance to come back.And if he can seize this opportunity, he can not only get rid of the crown prince and Nangong Yun, but also return to the world safely.

But what exactly is the prince looking for?This is really confusing.

Tong Yan thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Ghost slave, thank you so much. If I didn't have your reminder, I'm afraid I wouldn't know what to do on this trip. If I can really come out alive, I will never forget you Today's grace."

Hearing this, Gui Nu hurriedly refused: "Master, I am your apprentice, and what I have done for you is all voluntary. As long as you can come back safely, it will be worthwhile for my apprentice to do anything."

Tong Yan stretched out his hand and patted Gui Nu's shoulder, his gratitude was beyond words.

Thinking about it now, he actually felt quite ashamed.Back then when he took this ghost slave as his apprentice, he just wanted to punish him properly, but he didn't expect this ghost slave to believe it was true.Moreover, he has helped himself several times. This apprentice is worthy of him, but he, the master, is somewhat sorry for him.

The two chatted for a few more words before continuing on the road, heading straight for the Naihe Bridge.

From a distance, I saw the crown prince and Nangong Yun standing at the head of the bridge. The two looked relaxed. I don't know if they were pretending on purpose, or if they were really not worried.

When the prince saw Tong Yan coming, he immediately smiled and said, "Brother Tong Yan, don't come here without any problems. You really went to the appointment!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, you are joking. Although I, Tong Yan, am not a hero, I know how to follow my words. Now that we have met, let's go directly!"

The crown prince turned his head to look at the ghost slave, and said directly: "We are leaving now, and the home in Fengdu will be handed over to you."

Hearing this, the ghost slave quickly bowed and said: "Master, don't worry, the subordinates will definitely protect the house and prevent outsiders from making trouble."

The crown prince nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Tong Yan and Nangong Yun: "You two brothers, let's go!" Having said that, he took out a golden leaf from his sleeve and threw it directly at Naiheqiao Down the Wangchuan River.

I saw that the golden leaf had just touched the water of the Wangchuan River, and suddenly it shone brightly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a leaf-shaped light boat.

Some people say that the water of the Wangchuan River is weak. Not only is the water too weak to carry a boat, but there is also a saying that goose feathers cannot float and reed flowers sink at the bottom.

But the boat made of golden leaves can float on the river, so it can be seen that this boat is a rare treasure.

The leaf-shaped boat had already appeared, and the prince immediately said, "You two, let's get on the boat!" As soon as the words fell, he was the first to float up and fall into the water.

Seeing this, Nangong Yun quickly flew up and followed closely behind.

Only after the two of them had boarded the boat, Tong Yan reluctantly relied on Xiao Hei to fly there.

The three stood on the boat, and the boat immediately "cut" like a sharp knife on the calm Wangchuan River.After a while, the Naihe Bridge was no longer in sight.

No one knows where the source of the Wangchuan River is, let alone where it flows.

Now that the three of them are sailing towards the ruins of gods and demons in a small boat, the end of the Wangchuan River must be the Asura Road.

The prince stood for a while, then suddenly sat down cross-legged.

"Don't stand there, both of you. We still have half a day's journey to go. Let's have a good time on this boat, or spend this free time slowly."

As he spoke, he immediately took out a black bag from his sleeve.The bag is embroidered with runes, and it looks like it is also a treasure.

I have long heard that the prince likes to collect treasures, seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation.

Under the gaze of Tong Yan and Nangong Yun, he opened the bag, and then poured it into the open space in the middle of the boat, good guy, what kind of wine, meat, cups, he poured them all in one go out.

But how could such a small bag the size of a palm hold so many things?It's just unbelievable.

Seeing that Tong Yan and Nangong Yun were both dumbfounded, the crown prince immediately laughed and said: "This is a Qiankun bag, which contains Qiankun, not to mention these things, even a house can fit in it. Alright, wine and meat Everything is ready, you two are welcome!"

Tong Yan swallowed dryly, but his mind was still a little dazed.Today he really opened his eyes, the world is so big, there are indeed countless rare treasures.

How great would it be if I could have such a small bag?

"Brother Tong Yan, what are you still doing in a daze? This wine and meat are all brought from the world. You can eat and drink as much as you want, and there will be no problem."

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, then picked up the wine glass that the crown prince had filled for him.Naturally, he disdained to clink glasses with Nangong Yun, but motioned to the crown prince before gulping it down.

Nangong Yun originally wanted to toast Tong Yan, but seeing that he completely ignored him, he could only drink by himself in embarrassment.

While the three of them were eating and drinking, a high mountain appeared not far away.

What was shocking was that a raging flame was ignited on the top of the mountain at this moment.It's just that the color of the flame is a bit strange, it's not scarlet red, but a dazzling cyan fire!
Tong Yan glanced at it inadvertently, and couldn't help but feel his heart tremble.This...isn't this the Nine Nether Flames?
(End of this chapter)

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