
Chapter 512 Asura's Gate, Have You Been Here Before?

Chapter 512 Asura's Gate, Have You Been Here Before?
Tong Yan stared at the flames on the top of the mountain not far away, and then asked the prince, "Prince, what kind of mountain is that? Why is there fire on the top of the mountain?"

The crown prince turned his head and took a look, then said with a chuckle: "That's Back Yin Mountain. As for why it got angry, it's actually caused by the evil dragon imprisoned in the mountain."

Dragon haunting?Tong Yan asked Gui Nu to help investigate the fire-breathing dragon in Beiyin Mountain before, but it has been so long, and Gui Nu has no explanation.Maybe he was too busy and forgot for a while.And Tong Yan is also incapable of splitting up, so he forgot to ask about this when he met Gui Nu just now.

From the looks of it, the crown prince knows a little about the Yin Mountain. Does he know something about the fire-breathing dragon?

Thinking of this, Tong Yan asked again: "My lord, that's a blue flame. What kind of dragon can spew out a blue flame? Could it be that the one imprisoned in the Back-Yin Mountain is a green dragon?"

Hearing this, the prince smiled and said: "It seems that you are very interested in the evil dragon in this mountain? When we come back smoothly, I will take you to the back-yin mountain. By then, you will understand everything !"

This guy obviously didn't want to tell the truth, so Tong Yan couldn't hear it.He must know a lot of secrets, and it seems that it is really not an easy task to pry his mouth open.

"Okay, when we come back smoothly, you must take me to have a look. Prince, I respect you!" Tong Yan took the lead in drinking it.

Regarding Qingming's mother, we can only postpone it later.If he can really come back with his life, he will definitely figure out everything for Qing Ming.

After drinking for three rounds, sleepiness struck again.This Gu poison is also really interesting, instead of torturing Tong Yan, it makes him doze off frequently.He himself had some doubts, did the poisonous dragon poison himself, or was it a sleepy bug?
Leaning on the stable plank of the boat, Tong Yan slowly fell asleep.The crown prince still expects him to break the formation and seal, so he will definitely not secretly harm him.As for Nangong Yun, although he had a grudge against him, he was afraid of the crown prince, so he couldn't do anything bad.

The relaxed Meimei fell asleep, and the boat finally slowed down.

The crown prince stretched out his hand and pushed the sleeping Tong Yan to remind him that he had arrived.

Being pushed by the crown prince, Tong Yan immediately opened his eyes.Raising his eyes to look ahead, he suddenly became a little confused.

At the end of the Wangchuan River is a huge lake, and in the center of this lake, there is a vortex like a funnel.

Could this vortex be the entrance to the ruins of gods and demons?Why does it look a little intrusive?

The prince stood up, and said to Tong Yan and Nangong Yun: "It might be a little dangerous later, as long as you hold on to the boat, I can keep you safe. But if you let go, you will lose your life But you can’t blame me.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but sneered in his heart.There is not even a place on this small boat where you can really hold on to it. How easy is it to hold onto it?The prince probably also has no idea, so he is joking here.

But even so, Tong Yan could only think of a way to hold on to the plank of the boat, reckoning that he was about to drive the boat into the black vortex.

Tong Yan's analysis was correct. Following the crown prince's shout, the boat immediately accelerated like an arrow off the string under his command, and rushed straight towards the whirlpool.

Getting close to the vortex is like rushing into a huge maw, whether you can save your life, no one can say for sure.

Seeing that the boat had just entered the vortex, the feeling of dizziness came unexpectedly.The whole boat was spinning and rolling in the vortex, if it wasn't for Tong Yan's steadfast grip, it might have been completely swallowed by the vortex.When the time comes, it will not be as simple as death, it is very likely that the soul will be scattered.

Tong Yan gritted his teeth, hoping to get over it quickly, he was really worried that his palm would slip and he would be thrown out like this.

At this moment, no one cares about anyone else.It is estimated that the crown prince is not feeling well, let alone Nangong Yun.

Time passed little by little, and Tong Yan felt that he was about to faint. The only remaining consciousness was to grab the boat with all his strength, and he forgot everything else.

With a "plop", the spinning and rolling finally stopped.

But even so, Tong Yan still spent several minutes trying to wake himself up.

Steady his mind, he slowly looked around.They suddenly discovered that what they were in at the moment turned out to be in a canyon like an underground river.

The boat moved forward slowly, everything around was pitch black.But Tong Yan could clearly see the stones on the left, right and top of his head.These stones are full of gullies, which must have been left by countless times of river erosion.

The yin energy here is still strong, presumably it is still in the dark.However, the entrance to the ruins of gods and demons may be getting closer and closer.

"You've come to your senses? It looks like your endurance is much stronger than Nangong Yun's. In the vortex before, this guy was almost thrown out several times. If I didn't make a timely move, I'm afraid he would have died We are in the vortex. Take a good rest for a while, we will arrive at the sealed place soon."

Listening to the crown prince's words, Tong Yan nodded lightly, and then lay down slowly.He was indeed a little tired. His nerves were so tense just now, and he was still a little terrified at this moment.

And so on, and about an hour passed.The boat finally arrived at the destination of the trip, in front of a huge stone gate.

"Get up, we should get off the boat!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately sat up, staring at the huge stone gate not far in front of him, he already knew what he should do next.

I saw that the stone gate was full of charms, and it was a combination of two seals of Taoism and Buddhism at the same time. One can imagine the difficulty of opening it.

This may be the reason why the crown prince is staring at him. Ordinary formation masters can't crack it at all.Only those who understand both Taoism and Buddhism may have a chance, and I am such a person.

Although the Sly Sect is famous for its insidious techniques, it is actually a Taoist sect, and the ancestors in the Sect have also studied the ancient books of Taoism.

And Tong Yan accidentally obtained the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, so he is considered a half-Buddhist disciple.Although both sides are half-baked, they are much better than those who specialize in one.

In addition, he has a lot of research on formations, and he is also known as a unicorn genius. If the crown prince does not pin his hopes on him, it may be difficult to find another person in this world.

After the three of them disembarked, the prince directly turned the boat into golden leaves and put it away.

"Brother Tong Yan, this door is the only way to enter the ruins of gods and demons. As long as you can open it, we can step into the ruins of gods and demons. Thank you for your hard work, go and have a look!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled and nodded, then raised his legs and walked forward.

But staring at the spells and patterns on the huge stone gate, he had an inexplicable illusion.

"What's going on? Why do I have a feeling of deja vu? Have I been here before?"

(End of this chapter)

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