
Chapter 516 In the belly of the mountain, do you still have to go?

Chapter 516 In the belly of the mountain, do you still have to go?
Tong Yan's self-feeling was that he fell asleep suddenly, and then he didn't remember anything after that.And when his consciousness slowly returned, he was surprised to find that he was actually in a lush forest.

He not only saw the familiar green, but also smelled the smell of earth and the faint fragrance of the plants.He looked around for a while, and although he was in a good mood, he was still puzzled.

"Where is this? How did I come here?" He looked up, and the sun was high, but the sun was obviously a little different from what he remembered.For example, the sunlight is not dazzling, nor is it that kind of white light, it is more like the visual experience brought by a fireball.

He pondered for a while, and then he was sure that he had come to a big mountain, and then he lost consciousness.Such speculation, could it be the illusion created by the mountain?If this is the case, the towering mountain must be very difficult.

Of course, he doesn't know whether what he thinks is right or wrong.But the truth can never be hidden.

Thinking of this, he slowly stood up and walked in the dense forest.

Unexpectedly, half an hour later, he saw a thick stone wall.Could it be that the entire forest is surrounded by stones?

He continued walking along the stone wall, and looked up from time to time, and finally, he understood everything.

This is not an illusion at all, everything here is real.If this is not an underground world like the Wu family's hometown, then this place should be the belly of a mountain.

Reminiscent of the giant mountain with a height of thousands of feet, Tong Yan was basically sure.This is not anywhere else, it is the belly of the black mountain.But then, a new problem emerged.How did he get here?Could it be that he sneaked in by himself?
He thought about it, and then decided to take a closer look at this place.If I was really attracted here by something, then there must be some treasure hidden here.Maybe it's the thing that the crown prince was asking for.

After sweeping away the haze before, he now looks forward to it.In this world, there is no one who doesn't like treasures, and Tong Yan is no exception.

He continued to walk along the stone wall, first to see how big it was, and second, to find a way out for himself.If there is no way out here, then maybe I will be stuck here for the rest of my life.

Walking and walking, the exit was not found, and a two-story wooden house built against a stone wall appeared in front of it.

The shape of this wooden house is somewhat like a small two-story building, and the architectural style is very retro.Although it cannot be called uncanny workmanship, it can also be called unique ingenuity.

There should be two rooms on the first floor of this two-story wooden building, because Tong Yan only saw two windows and one door, and there should be only one room on the second floor, and it seems that a balcony extending outward was specially built.The balcony is full of flowers and plants, which shows that the owner of this house is quite elegant.

"I hope there are people here, so I can ask where this place is and how to get out!" Tong Yan thought, then raised his legs and walked straight to the door of the wooden building.

Walking to the door, he hesitated for a moment before reaching out and knocking on the door.

"Dong dong dong..." There were several knocks on the door, but there was no response from the wooden building.

Tong Yan frowned, and then shouted loudly: "Excuse me, is anyone home? I'm a passerby, and I accidentally stepped here, so I would like to ask the master to give me some guidance, please?"

His voice is so loud that not to mention the people in this wooden building can hear it, even if it is within a radius of three miles, they should be able to hear it.But even so, there was still no response from the wooden building, it was still so quiet, it was weirdly quiet like a ghost building.

Tong Yan was a little depressed, could it be that there is no one in the wooden building?Should I continue to wait here?

Soon, he rejected the idea of ​​waiting here.He came here on a tight schedule and there was no point in wasting time.If there is really no one in this wooden building, you might as well go in and have a look.

With an idea in mind, he stretched out his hand and tried to push the door, but the door seemed to be plugged in from the inside. If he wanted to enter through the door, he might only be able to destroy the good wooden door.

It is already a bit inappropriate to enter the house without permission, and then destroying the door of others is really a bit like a robber.

Tong Yan glanced left and right, and finally landed on the open window.

I can't get in through the door, so I just go in through the window and have a look.

He moved to the window, took a deep breath, and then jumped up suddenly, like a carp jumping a dragon's gate, and jumped into the house gracefully.

The room was empty, and there was nothing in it.He took a few glances, then walked out the door of the room.After leaving the previous room, this is the hall room connected by the closed door.

There are a few more pieces of furniture here, wooden chairs, wooden tables, and wooden flowerpots filled with flowers are placed on the tables.

Seeing that the flowers in the flower pot did not seem to wither, it should not have been inserted into the flower pot for a long time.It can also be inferred from this that the wooden building was not abandoned, and there were indeed people living in it before.

It may be that the owner of the house has other things to attend to, so he left the house.But thinking about it this way seems a bit far-fetched.The door of this room is obviously plugged in with a door stick from the inside. If the owner of the door is going out, why would he do this?Leaving the door open, did he jump out of the window just like Tong Yan?

Tong Yan was also a little confused, the rest was on the second floor.If he didn't find anything special on the second floor, he decided to leave this place first.

The hollow wooden stairs leading to the second floor are a bit narrow and steep, but the stairs are cleaned very cleanly, as if few people walk around.

Stepping on the wooden stairs, Tong Yan walked up step by step.In less than half a minute, his head had already entered the second floor first.

As he walked up, he looked at the second floor of the house.Indeed, there is indeed only one room here.However, there was a bed in this room, and a thick mat made of hay was spread on the bed.He continued to walk up, suddenly his eyes opened suddenly, and then he felt a little uncomfortable.

It never occurred to him that there was someone in this house, and this person was lying on the wooden bed right now.Not only that, but from this person's body line and that long black hair, it seems that she is a woman.

The clothes on the woman's body were a bit worn out, to be precise, they should be a bit horrible.It was obviously a long black dress, but now not only did it have several holes on it, but the back was completely exposed.

The snow-white skin can be seen at a glance, extending to the waist.

Tong Yan stared at it for a while, and felt that something was wrong, so he turned around and was about to leave.

But at this moment, unexpectedly, the woman on the bed suddenly spoke.

"Wu Bufan, you've come all the time, don't you still want to leave like last time?"

(End of this chapter)

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