
Chapter 517 Infatuated for a lifetime, the origin of the Wu family!

Chapter 517 Infatuated for a lifetime, Wu family origin!

Wu Bufan?Who is Wu Bufan?Tong Yan was a little puzzled, did this woman recognize the wrong person?

Now that the owner of the house has found himself, it is time to ask her something about this place.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan hurriedly turned around, then clasped his hands together and said, "This sister, I'm under Tong Yan, I don't intend to set foot here, please don't blame me."

Hearing this, the woman on the bed sat up slowly, then sneered and said, "Tong Yan? You think you changed your face and concealed your name, so I can't recognize you? Wu Bufan, when you left alone, you Do you know how I have lived for more than a thousand years? We all decided to stay together for a lifetime, but why did you leave without saying goodbye? You are so cruel-hearted, are you worthy of my deep love? You are worthy of Zeng Swear to me?"

Being forced to question, Tong Yan's mind was a little dazed.What's the matter with this woman?Could it be a demon?She is obviously not Wu Bufan, so why is she holding on to him?Well, this woman is really beautiful. Compared with Tan Yu and Gao Qian, she is not inferior at all, and even more attractive.

Fair skin, eyes like autumn water, curved willow-leaf eyebrows, bright red lips, plus that small face that is just right, it may not be wrong to describe it as "overwhelming country and city, sinking fish and wild goose".

Of course, what is more attractive is her graceful figure, coupled with this long black dress full of holes, it makes people excited and unable to extricate themselves.

Tong Yan tried his best to turn his head away, and then explained: "Senior, I am really not the Wu Bufan you said. Of course, my real name is not Tong Yan, but Wu Ji. But I am only 20 this year. How old, I told you more than a thousand years ago, this really can't match. So I'm sorry, you really admitted the wrong person."

Hearing this, the woman in the black skirt frowned slightly and said, "Are you really not him? Impossible, you have exactly the same aura, you are him, you can't be wrong. Wu Bufan, don't lie to me anymore, I will tell you After living for so long, even if you turn into ashes, I can still recognize you."

Tong Yan was really speechless, this beautiful woman firmly believed that she was that Wu Bufan.But the question is, who is the Wu Bufan he is talking about?
"Senior, look at this, don't worry. Let's take a good look, you said I am Wu Bufan. Can you tell me first, who is Wu Bufan? And you, why are you here?" Here? As far as I know, this should be the ruins of gods and demons, right?"

Hearing this, the woman in the black skirt hesitated for a moment, but said truthfully: "I don't know what the gods and demons ruins you are talking about, but I know that a war between gods and demons did break out here, and you and I both Participated in that epic battle that year. Your name is Wu Bufan, you are the No.1 Skywalker in the world, and you are also the leader of our Skywalkers. You are a descendant of the Yellow Emperor and have the purest blood of the Wu family. You first led us You destroyed the old lair of the Suzaku clan for Tianxingdao, and sealed the patriarch of the Suzaku clan yourself. Not only that, but you also captured Qiongqi, so that the beast could no longer harm the world. Until we got the call of the gods together , you led us into this war of gods and demons again. Wu Bufan, you are the leader of our skywalkers, and you are the love of my life. Stay with me for the rest of my life. But...but why did you leave quietly? Do you know how much I miss you and how much my heart hurts? Bufan, don't leave me again, okay? I really... Huh..." At this point, she couldn't help covering her face and crying.

Tong Yan stared at her blankly, not knowing how to comfort her for a while.But after hearing her narration, Tong Yan still vaguely guessed the identity of that Wu Bufan.

According to what the ancestors of the Wu family said, there was a Skywalker among the ancestors of the Wu family.This person was inspired by heaven and gained heavenly power. Not only did he quell the war of the four elephants, but he also sealed the head of the Suzaku clan over the old house of the Wu family.So Tong Yan can be sure that Wu Bufan is the ancestor of his Wu family.And he also has the pure blood of the Wu family, so it is reasonable for the woman in front of him to recognize him as an ancestor.

But this woman clearly said that Wu Bufan left this place. With their Skywalker cultivation base, if they return to the human world, they probably won't lose their souls. The crown prince is the best example.And the crown prince also said that he was the only Skywalker who left the ruins of gods and demons, and he was also the only Skywalker who kept his soul immortal.This seems to conflict with what the woman in front of me said.

What's the secret here?

Seeing Chiqin covering her face and crying, Tong Yan couldn't bear it, so she comforted her and said, "Senior Chiqin, you may really have misunderstood the person. From what you said just now, I can be sure that the Wu Bufan you said is right. I am an ancestor of the Wu family. My real name is Wu Ji, and I am a descendant of the Wu family. I also have the pure blood of the Wu family, so it is impossible for me to have a different breath from my ancestor Wu Bufan. But there is one thing, you may Mistake. Wu Bufan, the ancestor of my Wu family, has not returned to the human world, and it is very likely that he has already..."

"Shut up, it's impossible, he can't die. He is the leader of our Skywalkers, the closest to a god among our Skywalkers. How could he die? You just don't want to admit that you are him, so you made up these lies Come and lie to me. I hate you, I hate you..."

Love is like this, people can't extricate themselves, people lose their minds.Tong Yan looked at her with reluctance in his eyes.In any case, she is related to the Wu family and is the lover of Wu Bufan, the predecessor.According to her seniority, Tong Yan should actually call her something.

But at this moment, Tong Yan may only be able to calm her down first, and then have a good chat with her.

"Senior Chiqin, please calm down first, don't worry, I won't leave, I will stay with you here! Oh, by the way, you said that you and Wu Bufan, the ancestor of my Wu family, will keep your soul alive. Presumably you should I am no longer a human being, but I am, and I am a pure living person!"

After hearing this, Chiqin gradually calmed down.

"You... you are really a living person! Could it be... Could it be that Wu Bufan was reincarnated and became you?"

Her statement is actually very possible, but how can there be so many coincidences in the world?
Tong Yan thought for a while, and suddenly thought of the prince.If Chiqin was one of the Skywalkers back then, then she must have known the Crown Prince.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked: "Senior Chiqin, do you know the crown prince? He said that he was also the Skywalker who participated in the battle of gods and demons back then, and he led the way for me to enter here from the underworld this time."

"Prince? I don't know any prince. Did you make a mistake? Wait, are you talking about him? That villain is still alive? Where is he? I'm going to kill him myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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