
Chapter 518 Betrayed and betrayed, when will we see you again?

Chapter 518 Betrayed and betrayed, when will we see you again?
This Chiqin managed to calm down a little bit, but with Tong Yan's words, she became irritable again.

"Senior, listen to me first, are you sure you didn't make a mistake? Do you really know who the prince is?"

Chiqin snorted coldly and said: "Of course I know who he is. This person is the prince of a small country, but he is obsessed with the art of black and white. He never imagined that he was chosen by heaven and became one of the skywalkers. His real name is My name is Jin Zhiyuan, and he is selfish and ruthless. Do you know why Skywalker suffered so many casualties in the battle of gods and demons back then? It was this villain who defected during the battle and helped the demon army to deal with us We Skywalkers were all kept in the dark, so we were caught in a tight siege. Unfortunately, only Wu Bufan and I rushed out in the end, but the others... all died tragically under the chaos of the demons. I always thought he was the last He also died in the battle of gods and demons, but he escaped here unexpectedly. This time, I will never let him go, I must avenge those brothers who died!"

What is the crown prince actually refers to the throne or the heir to the throne.The heir to the throne is the prince.This guy calls himself the prince, so he shouldn't be wrong.

But the majestic Skywalker would suddenly turn to the demons, and his behavior was really unpredictable.But one thing is for sure, this guy is by no means a good person, he can even betray his comrades, what else can he not do!

Before Tong Yan could speak, Chiqin seemed to think of something, and then asked: "I won't say your identity for now, can you tell me, how did you get mixed up with that villain? Why did you enter here? What's the matter?" Purpose?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly replied: "Senior, you don't know. This person almost killed the descendant of Nuwa, and threatened to wake up the descendant of Nuwa, so that I can break the seal on the entrance of this place for him. Listen to him The subordinates said that the reason why he wanted to enter here was to find something that could not only keep his soul alive, but also allow him to step into the ranks of gods in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, I just broke the seal for him, opened the Shimen. He attacked me secretly, if I hadn’t noticed it in time and ran away desperately, I’m afraid I would have died by his sword by now.”

Hearing this, Chiqin snorted coldly and said: "This villain really hasn't changed at all, he is despicable and shameless. Fortunately, you escaped, but how did you come to me?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately told Chiqin the details of how he escaped from the blood mist and how he entered the mountainside by mistake.After the latter heard this, a charming smile finally appeared on his face.

"So, you don't know how you got into this mountain, but you got in without realizing it. Right?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "That's right, that's exactly the truth!"

Chiqin smiled and said: "I understand, so everything is actually arranged by God. Well, I know everything now, and we can leave here. Since the villain is in this world, I must Find him. If I don’t tear him into pieces with my own hands, I swear I won’t be a human being.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan said puzzledly: "Senior, from what you mean, you seem to know where he is? Then do you also know what he is looking for?"

Chiqin chuckled and said: "What are you looking for? Naturally, it is a fragment of the god stone. He wants to become a god, but without god's approval and power, it is impossible for him to do so. And the battle between gods and demons back then was actually for Competing for the God Stone. Although the God Stone finally shattered and disappeared without a trace. Who knows if the God Stone will condense again, or just find a fragment, it is enough to make him a god. So we just need to disappear before the God Stone Maybe you can wait for him.”

God stone?It turned out that the stone that was contested in the battle of gods and demons was the god stone.Although Tong Yan didn't know what this divine stone was, he guessed that it must have boundless divine power.If it really reappears, it must not be allowed to be obtained by the villain of the Crown Prince.Even if it is destroyed, it will not hesitate.

Chiqin made up her mind and stood up immediately.When she stood up, her graceful figure, snow-white skin, and alluring... fruit, well, all of them were exposed at once.

When Tong Yan saw it, he felt that his face was about to get angry, so he hurriedly took off his coat and threw it directly to Chiqin.

"Senior Chiqin, you'd better put on my clothes, it's cold, um... um, don't catch a cold."

Chiqin is not a human being, so how could she catch a cold?But she still understood Tong Yan's intentions, from Tong Yan's hot face, even a fool could see it.

Chiqin was not in a hurry to put on her clothes, but approached Tong Yan presumably, and then teased him: "What's wrong? Don't you dare to look at me? You're afraid I'll catch a cold, I think you're quite hot? Do you want to?" Shall I help you go to the fire?"

Having said that, she touched Tong Yan's face directly with her jade hand.

After being touched by her like this, Tong Yan hurriedly lowered his head, and then said with some embarrassment: "Ex...senior, we should go!"

Chiqin giggled, and then put Tong Yan's coat on her body. "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, let's start now!"

With that said, she walked downstairs first.

Tong Yan looked at her back, and then heaved a sigh of relief.What a torment, what a torment.Especially after tasting the sweetness, it is even more difficult to control.

Tan Yu's voice and smile appeared unconsciously in Tong Yan's mind, and he didn't know where she went, let alone when we would meet again. "Tan Yu, are you okay?"


The words are divided into two parts, Kunlun Mountain, also known as Kunlun Xu, the first sacred mountain in China, the mountain of ancestors, Kunlun Qiu or Yushan.What's more, in the 5000-year Chinese culture, it occupies a prominent position as the "ancestor of the mountains". The ancients called Kunlun Mountain the "ancestor of the dragon veins".

A small dragon vein is enough to make people establish a school and cultivate the mysterious and yellow arts.Kunlun Mountain is the ancestor of dragon veins, and its aura is so rich that it might not be too far behind the fairy world.

In a cave located in a branch of the Kunlun Mountains, a little fox is practicing hard.This little fox is white all over, although it is not big, it has nine tails.This is really amazing, could it be that this fox has already attained the Tao and cultivated into a demon?
That's right, it is indeed a demon, a majestic nine-tailed demon fox, but at this moment, it can't even change its human form.

This little fox is none other than Tan Yu, a nine-tailed fox who has gone through all kinds of troubles but left without saying goodbye.

Why did she leave without saying goodbye that day?Could it have something to do with her losing her cultivation and turning back into a fox?
That's right, that's exactly what happened.The Ascension Pill Tong Yan gave her was indeed effective, turning her from a fox into a human.But it's a pity that this Feisheng Pill is not as magical as imagined, and its effect is not as powerful as Grandma Long said.

Feisheng Pill can indeed restore her cultivation in a short period of time and transform into a human form again.But this elixir is more like a special medicine, it can only be maintained within the time limit of the medicine, and when the time passes, everything will change.In other words, this Feisheng Pill didn't really restore Tan Yu's cultivation, but only allowed her to recover for a few days.

It was precisely because she was aware of this that she chose to leave without saying goodbye without leaving any regrets.

She knew that it would take at least hundreds or even hundreds of years for her to transform back into human form again.At that time, Tong Yan might have already passed away, or he might have found a new lover.

She didn't want to be Tong Yan's burden, so she chose to leave.Some people say, may all lovers in the world get married eventually.This is a good wish, but in fact, love will definitely be together?

Tan Yu gave Tong Yan his best memories, but left his loneliness to himself.She has no regrets, even if she may never see her again in this life.

But I believe that they will meet again.Let us look forward to it together!
(End of this chapter)

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