
Chapter 519 Generous gift of treasure, forget everything!

Chapter 519 Generous gift of treasure, forget everything!
Walking out of the wooden building, Tong Yan and Chiqin walked in the forest together.Tong Yan looked at the lush greenery around him, and then asked, "Senior, this place should be located on the Asura Road. Outside the mountain, there is a vast expanse of darkness. Why is there green grass and green trees in the middle of the mountain?"

Hearing this, Chiqin smiled slightly and said, "Everything here is created by me and Wu Bufan, including the round of tomorrow above our heads."

"You created it? Then don't you have the ability to create?" Tong Yan was a little shocked, but also a little unbelievable.To know the power of creation, only gods can do it.Does Skywalker also have such abilities?
Chiqin shook her head and said: "You guessed wrong, Wu Bufan and I do not have the ability to create things. In fact, we rely on this thing." At this point, she opened her mouth, and then took out a There are only golden things the size of rice grains.

She put this thing in the palm of her hand, then her lips moved, as if reciting some spell softly.And as she recited the incantation, the little thing in her palm magnified rapidly, and finally turned into a small golden cauldron!
The sun, moon, stars, five elements and gossip are engraved on this small golden cauldron, which looks extraordinary at first glance.

Tong Yan stared at the little cauldron, and then asked in puzzlement, "What is this? Could it be a spiritual weapon?"

Hearing this, Chiqin giggled and said, "Spiritual weapon? This is a divine weapon! It's called the Shennong Ding, and it's a legacy of the Shennong clan!"

A handed down item of the Shennong clan?Tong Yan was even more surprised when he heard this.

Shennong refers to Emperor Yan, and the sons and daughters of China are also called descendants of Yan and Huang.Yan refers to Emperor Yan, while Huang refers to Emperor Huang.

Emperor Yan is one of the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns, and is also known as the Sun God.His deeds are almost known to every household, and the most famous one is Shennong Tasting Herbs.I didn't expect this Chiqin to be a handed down item of the Shennong clan. Could it be that the Shennong Ding was the divine weapon of Emperor Yan in the past?
Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked: "Senior, you said that this is a handed down item from the Shennong clan, so how did you get it?"

Chiqin smiled slightly and said, "Wu Bufan gave it to me. As for how he got it, I don't know."

Tong Yan said lightly, and then asked: "Senior, what magical powers does this Shennong cauldron have? Can you tell this junior?"

Chiqin did not hide anything, and said directly and truthfully: "Shen Nong Ding has a lot of supernatural powers, but I haven't studied it too far. As far as I know, it can grow flowers and trees, and it can also create sun, moon and stars. Of course this The created sun, moon and stars are very different from the real ones, such as the sun above our heads. It can produce light, but the light is obviously different from the normal sun. In addition, it cannot change the seasons, nor can it Provide warmth. At best, it can only emit light, that’s all. If you are interested in it, you might as well take it directly. Anyway, it is of no use to me.”

Tong Yan was flattered that Chiqin was so generous.But there is a saying that if you don't get paid for nothing, how can he really accept it.

"Senior's kindness, this junior appreciates it. But such a precious treasure, this junior has so much virtue and ability, I really dare not accept it. Thank you, senior!"

Hearing this, Chiqin laughed and said, "Just because you refuse to accept it doesn't mean you don't want it. If you really want it, just take it. You also said that you are a descendant of Wu Bufan's clan, This is his property. If it is handed over to you, it is considered to be returned to the original owner. Take it!" At this point, she casually threw the Shennong cauldron in her hand to Tong Yan.

Seeing this, Tong Yan could only accept it, but he couldn't help but thank him again and again.

This Shennong tripod is very miraculous, it can be big or small, there is a lump of yellow soil in the tripod, but I don't know what it is useful for.Having just obtained this treasure, Tong Yan naturally couldn't concentrate on researching it. After all, there are more important things to do now, which is to leave here and go to the place where the god stone is broken.As for the crown prince and Nangong Yun, they are likely to be there at the moment.

Chiqin took Tong Yan away and walked forward, and soon crossed the forest and came to the stone wall.

There was no trace of any mechanism on the stone wall, which made Tong Yan a little confused.How to get out?Could it be that the mountain flew up and let them go?
Chiqin glanced at the stone wall, then pressed her hand on it, and then heard her shout softly: "Open!"

As soon as the word was opened, a rumbling sound sounded immediately.Immediately afterwards, an unbelievable scene happened.The solid and thick stone wall was slowly separated to the two sides with Chiqin's soft drink, and a canyon extending outward immediately appeared in front of the two of them.

Chiqin didn't hesitate, raised her legs and walked outside.Although Tong Yan was a little shocked, he quickly followed up.

In fact, Tong Yan didn't know that when he first came to the mountain, the mountain was split like this.As for why the mountain would split open to him and let him enter it, it was somewhat incomprehensible.Maybe it has something to do with the blood on his body, maybe it's because of other reasons.

After leaving the mountain, the green scene disappeared without a trace, replaced by the black land and the black hills in the distance.

Chiqin looked up at the cracked sky, and sighed softly: "I haven't come out for a long time, I thought I would spend my whole life in the middle of the mountain. I didn't expect you to come. This is God Maybe God knows how lonely I am. Thank you!"

Tong Yan was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately asked in puzzlement: "Senior, what did you thank me for? I didn't help you with anything!"

Chiqin smiled sweetly and said, "You are here to do me the greatest favor. Well, come on, I'll take you away!" At this point, she stretched out her jade hand in front of Tong Yan.

Seeing this, Tong Yan hesitated for a moment, but still grabbed the little hand that looked like white jade.

The two held hands together, Chiqin touched the ground, and immediately flew into the air with Tong Yan.

She can still fly?Sure enough, he is a Skywalker.What is the difference between the ability to fly into the sky and the earth like that of gods and immortals?If this were to be placed in the human world, no dragon, tiger, five immortals, or human immortals would even be qualified to carry the shoes of Skywalker.

There are people beyond people, and there is sky beyond the sky. Once again, Tong Yan realizes how small he is.

He just let Chiqin lead him to fly forward. During the flight, the feeling of exhaustion hit him, and the drowsiness raged again, and he couldn't break free even if he wanted to.

If the Gu poison in this body is not removed, it will be a disaster after all, and I don't know when it will explode suddenly, and when it happens, it may kill Tong Yan.

Swept by drowsiness, Tong Yan fell asleep again.

Chiqin looked at the sleeping Tong Yan, sighed softly and said, "Bufan, have you really forgotten everything?"

(End of this chapter)

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