
Chapter 521 Two-winged devil, underground treasure hunt!

Chapter 521 Two-winged devil, underground treasure hunt!
The red shadow flew over suddenly, immediately attracting the attention of Tong Yan and Chi Qin.

Seeing the red shadow flying closer and closer, Tong Yan saw it clearly.The only thing that is certain is that this guy will never be human.Because it has a pair of huge fleshy wings on its back. These fleshy wings are composed of several bones, and there is a red film in the middle of the bones.A pair of wings were bigger than its head, and it flew like a devil out of hell.

In addition, this red shadow is not very different from a human being, it also has limbs and a head, but with two sharp horns growing on the head, coupled with the blood-colored skin all over its body, its identity has been completely revealed.

"Demons? Why are there people from the Demons here? Could it be that the seal between Asura Dao and this place has also been broken?"

Hearing what Chiqin said, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning deeply.

He thought that the demons in Asura's Dao should be as three-headed and six-armed as Asura, but he didn't expect that there were demons who looked like this.But they don't know the strength of the demons. They just hope that the demons in front of them don't have the strength to compete with the gods. Otherwise, Tong Yan and Chiqin's lives may be in danger.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked: "Senior, do you think the demons came here for the three golden lights just now? The golden light is soaring to the sky, maybe there is a strange treasure in the world, could it be that the god stone was born again? "

Chiqin snorted coldly and said: "Whatever you do, since this demon has come, the most urgent thing is to find a way to deal with it. This is a double-winged demon, and his strength should not be too strong. Let me first Put you down, and then I'll try its skills. If even I can't match it, let's escape from this place quickly and make another plan!"

Don't look at this Chiqin as a fiery woman, but now she can make such a calm analysis, which makes Tong Yan somewhat unexpected.Run away if you can't beat it, this is the only truth, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.The only way to win is to be alive.

Seeing Hong Yingfei getting closer, Chiqin immediately floated down with Tong Yan.Just waiting for Tong Yan's feet to land on the ground, Chiqin flew high again, and went straight to meet the devil who was close at hand.

I thought they would chat for a while, but I didn't expect that they just met here, and they didn't hesitate to start their hands.

Skywalker confronts the Winged Demon, this is destined to be a rare good show.

Like a spectator, Tong Yan stared at the sky tightly. I'm afraid such a wonderful duel can only be seen once in a lifetime.It's a pity that there is no small bench and melon seeds, otherwise it would be more comfortable.

The Winged Demon has no weapons in his hands, and his big hands that look like beast claws are actually the best weapons.Its nails are thick and sharp, and if it catches someone, it will inevitably bruise the flesh.

It doesn't use weapons, but that doesn't mean Chiqin doesn't use weapons either.I saw the Chiqin jade hands together, and then suddenly separated, a dagger that was as transparent as crystal appeared in her hands.

Chiqin held the short sword with one hand, stabbed out, and immediately collided with the sharp claws of the two-winged demon. The sound of "Ding Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang" sounded regularly like a forging iron.The devil's claws are as hard as steel, and they can block Chiqin's sharp sword. It can be seen that this devil is definitely not so easy to deal with.

But Chiqin, as a Skywalker, is also extremely powerful.In this duel, I am afraid that it will be difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

Seeing the two figures, one red and one black colliding frequently in the sky, and separating frequently, Tong Yan couldn't do anything even if he wanted to help. He seemed to have nothing to do except watch.

Unexpectedly, just as he focused his attention on the air, the ground under his feet became restless again.An earthquake had already caused the earthquake to be full of cracks and fragments, and now the ground trembled again, and the land where Tong Yan was standing sank completely.

Without Xiao Hei's help, Tong Yan would lose the possibility of flying into the air. At this moment, the ground suddenly sank, and the only thing he could do was to stabilize his body so that he would not fall directly to his death here.

With a loud bang, the land where Tong Yan was standing finally fell to the bottom, and because of the rapid sinking, Tong Yan fell into a mist.

He lay on the ground, slowed down for a while, and then struggled to get up.

He raised his head and looked up, good guy, the height between here and above is at least 200 meters, Tong Yan couldn't help but feel a little lucky, fortunately he didn't push it up just now.At the moment when the ground suddenly sank, he channeled the true qi in his body to protect his whole body to be on guard against unexpected events. If he hadn't done this just now, the counter-shock force would have been enough to kill him.

He stared up for a while, but he could no longer see Chiqin who was fighting with the Winged Demon. It is estimated that the two guys were fighting hard and had no time to pay attention to the movement below.

More than 200 meters is not too high. With Tong Yan's skill, it should not be difficult to climb up.

He pulled out the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle pinned to his waist, and was going to use it as a tool to climb up.But at this moment, the golden bracelet on his wrist suddenly made a sound.

"Big brother, can you take me to a place? I seem to have sensed something, and I want to see it. Can you?"

Tong Yan was taken aback when he heard this, it was not Xiao Hei who made the sound, but Han Yuling who was pestering Xiao Hei and would not let go.

This little elf seldom speaks on his own initiative, but he did not expect to speak today for the first time.

It said it sensed something, could it be related to the thing that emitted three beams of golden light?But the problem is that the three beams of golden light are emitted from three places, which means there are three things.So who is it interested in?

Tong Yan just wanted to see what happened, so he nodded and said, "Of course, then you can lead me, and I will take you there!"

As soon as his words fell, Han Yuling immediately turned into its own body and flew directly in front of Tong Yan.

"Big Brother, come with me!" As it said, it flapped a pair of transparent wings and immediately flew forward along the ravine.

Seeing this, Tong Yan didn't hesitate, and hurriedly followed behind it.

These cracks on the ground seem to be independent, but in fact they are not. Every gully is connected, and walking feels like entering a huge naturally formed maze.It's just that this so-called maze is somewhat different from the ones laid by humans, at least it is much easier to crack.

With Han Yuling leading the way, Tong Yan naturally didn't worry about this, as long as he followed, he would be right.What he was worried about was Chiqin's safety. The sudden arrival of the Winged Demon Man, if it was really for this underground treasure, why was it the only one here?
Or is it just a vanguard who came to explore the way first, and other demons are also rushing here quickly?
If this is the case, wouldn't it be too risky to stay here?And what are the three treasures that emit golden light?

(End of this chapter)

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