
Chapter 522 Red Clouds Are Covering, The Demon Army Comes!

Chapter 522 Red Clouds Are Covering, The Demon Army Comes!
Things have come to this point, in fact, even if Tong Yan has many concerns, there is nothing he can do now.Xiao Hei was still in a coma, he had to rely on himself if he wanted to crawl out of the crack.And if you want to escape from this area, you have to rely on Chiqin.But at this moment, Chiqin was fighting with the double-winged demon in full swing, even if Tong Yan wanted to remind him, he couldn't get in the way.

Instead of looking for trouble, it is better to hunt for treasure with peace of mind.Maybe if the treasure is found, the battle between Chiqin and the Winged Demon will be over, and it will be worthwhile to leave this place together at that time.

With such a plan in mind, Tong Yan walked faster and faster behind Han Yuling.After passing through two gullies in a row and turning over a dirt slope, Han Yuling stopped.

It stretched out its small paw and pointed at a big black rock in front, and then said to Tong Yan: "Big brother, smash it with your stick, the thing I sensed is inside!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan let out a soft sound, and hastily raised the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand high.

"Om Mani Padme Hum... Om Mani Padme Hum..." He silently recited the six-syllable mantra in his heart, and a faint golden light flickered on the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle immediately.

He didn't talk nonsense, he swung the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and slammed a stick at the boulder in front of him.Only a loud "bang" was heard, and the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle lived up to expectations, smashing the boulder to pieces with one pestle.

However, what made Tong Yan speechless was that there was nothing in this boulder at all, except for the debris of this place, where is there any treasure?

Just as he was muttering in his heart, Han Yuling had already flown to the top of the debris and began to search carefully.

"Big brother, hurry up and help me find it together, the treasure is in these rubble."

Tong Yan glanced at it, and couldn't help but asked in doubt: "Han Yuling, what kind of treasure are you looking for? What does it look like? The gravels here all look the same, and there is nothing special about it?"

Hearing this, Han Yuling smiled and said: "You will know later, even though the baby is small, it is amazing. Don't be dazed, look for it quickly!"

Tong Yan agreed, and could only bend down and search patiently.The boulder is broken into countless fragments, and finding a special thing among these countless fragments is almost the same as finding a needle in a haystack.

However, seeing how carefully Han Yuling looked for it, this treasure must be extraordinary. How could it be an ordinary thing if it could enter Han Yuling's eyes?Maybe it's a fragment of the god stone!
Crouching on the ground, Tong Yan almost lost his sight.He was a little tired and wanted to sit down and have a rest.

Unexpectedly, Han Yuling made a discovery.

It floated directly to the ground, and then flipped a few times in the rubble pile with its small paws, and soon it cheered restlessly.

"Okay, I finally found it. This little thing is really hard to find."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately became interested, and hurried forward to follow its gaze.But he looked left and right, but he didn't see anything.

Han Yuling carefully picked up the gravel on the ground with its claws, and then peeled off the excess gravel with the other claw, until finally, there was almost nothing in its small claws.

But it was full of joy and said: "Ho Ho, I finally found you. Little thing, you look really small."

Tong Yan stared at its little paw, then frowned and asked, "Where is it? Why can't I see it?"

Han Yuling chuckled and said, "It's really too small, it's normal for you to not be able to see it. Wait a minute, you'll be able to see it soon." Speaking of this, it put two claws together, and then, a An ice ball as big as a marble appeared in its claws.

It handed the little hockey puck to Tong Yan, and then instructed: "Look carefully, you will definitely see it."

Tong Yan didn't understand, but he still reached out to take it.Gathering his attention, he took a closer look, and sure enough, there was a golden dot that couldn't be smaller in the middle of the ice puck.How small is this golden dot?Under the double gaze of Tong Yan's spiritual eyes and ghost eyes, he almost caught up with the microscope.It can only be seen with a microscope. It is conceivable how small this thing is.

Tong Yan was really surprised by this, he didn't even notice such a small thing, he didn't expect Han Yuling to see it.Could it be that its eyesight is stronger than the spiritual eyes?It's incredible.

Tong Yan returned the ice puck to Han Yuling, then smiled slightly and said, "Such a small thing is the treasure you mentioned?"

Han Yuling nodded and said: "That's right, this is the treasure. You still remember the three beams of golden light that shot into the sky just now, and one of them was emitted by it. Do you think it is a treasure?"

Tong Yan swallowed dryly, it was unbelievable.Something so big can emit such a bright light, my God, what the hell is this?

Han Yuling swallowed the ice puck in one gulp, and then said: "Big brother, let's go, there are two more. I want to find them all!"

Although Tong Yan didn't know what Han Yuling was looking for them for, they were treasures after all, and it was better not to let the demons and the crown prince get them.

"Well, let's go!"

With the first experience, the next two were also found very smoothly.

The result was the same, Han Yuling still swallowed them all into his stomach, and then said with satisfaction: "The treasures are all collected, I have to go to bed. Big brother, thank you. When I wake up, I will be fine." Repay you."

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "You don't have to repay me, you've helped me several times before, this time it's our settlement. Go to sleep quickly, I have to climb up to have a look."

Han Yuling nodded, and immediately turned into azure blue light and shot it back into the golden bracelet on Tong Yan's wrist.

All the treasures have been found, and there is no point in staying below, Tong Yan immediately used his skills to climb up the cliff-like stone wall.

It is more than 200 meters high, which is really nothing for a person with his cultivation level.In less than 10 minutes, Tong Yan climbed to the top smoothly.

He looked around, and finally found Chiqin who was still fighting against the Winged Demon.

At this moment, Chiqin's whole body was covered by white light. Although she was wearing a black dress and Tong Yan's black coat, it didn't affect her brilliance at all.Looking at the two-winged demon who was fighting fiercely with her, there was a red long sword in this guy's hand.

It seems that both of them have no reservations, which also indicates that the moment of decisive battle is approaching.

Tong Yan secretly encouraged Chiqin, he could do nothing to help her, prayers and blessings should still be done.

However, what he expected before finally happened.All I could see was the end of the sky, and at this moment, red clouds were densely covered.And under the red cloud, there are hundreds of red shadows chasing each other and flying towards them.

Tong Yan was shocked when he saw this.This... Could this be the demon army?
(End of this chapter)

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