
Chapter 523 There Are Strong Enemies In Front And Chasers Behind!

Chapter 523 There Are Strong Enemies In Front And Chasers Behind!
Seeing hundreds of red shadows approaching quickly in the distance, Tong Yan couldn't help feeling worried.One winged demon is already so powerful, if there are a hundred more, Chiqin has no chance of winning.

But now that Chiqin was fighting the two-winged demon inextricably, and he was in mid-air, even if Tong Yan wanted to remind him, it would be difficult for him to do so.

"No, I can't sit still. I have to figure out a way, there must be a way, there must be!"

Suddenly, he thought of the disaster of all ghosts.The misfortune of all ghosts belongs to ghosts and beasts, and ghosts can fly, let alone ghosts and beasts?
Thinking of this, he quickly closed his eyes, then concentrated his consciousness on them, and shouted with his thoughts: "The disaster of all ghosts, come out quickly, I need your help!"

After communicating with his mind, he suddenly opened his eyes.Immediately afterwards, he saw two beams of red light shooting out of his eyes.The red light merged into one place, and the evil of all ghosts was immediately revealed.

"Boss, what's the matter? I'm practicing now!"

Seeing this, Tong Yan hurriedly said: "Wan Guizhi, did you see the two people fighting in the air? Just fly over there and tell the woman that the demon army is coming, let her run away quickly. I'll be right here waiting for her!"

Wan Gui Zhi'e raised his head to look at the two people in mid-air, then turned his head to look at the red cloud not far away, he was so frightened that he couldn't help but tremble all over.Without saying a word, he immediately flew into the air.

Tong Yan looked at it, still very anxious in his heart.The red cloud is getting closer and closer, hoping to escape here before the demon army arrives.Otherwise, I am afraid that this time I will definitely die.

Ten thousand ghosts flew into the air, not daring to get too close, and could only shout loudly: "My boss said, the demon army is coming. Don't fight anymore, run away quickly. He will I'm waiting for you below!"

Chiqin, who was concentrating on fighting the double-winged demon, ignored it at all.In fact, she really can't afford to be distracted now.This double-winged demon sword is deadly, and if you are not careful, you may die on the spot.

Seeing that she ignored him, Wan Guizhi hurriedly said again: "My boss said, if you don't leave, it will be too late. We will all die by then! Auntie, did you hear me?"

Chiqin still didn't respond to this, and the most anxious thing about the disaster of all ghosts was jumping up and down.It also saw the approaching red cloud, so it knew danger was coming.It doesn't care about the life and death of Chiqin, but he can't ignore Tong Yan's life.

After struggling for a while, it decided to help Chiqin deal with the Winged Demon.As long as this demon is killed, Chiqin will be able to get away, and Tong Yan will be saved then.

Thinking of this, it was also unambiguous, jumped up suddenly, and launched a sneak attack directly from behind the winged demon.

This double-winged demon is also serious, and it seems to have noticed it before the evil of all ghosts approached.Seeing that it slammed back the wings on its back, a wave of air immediately rushed towards the disaster of all ghosts.

The Misfortune of Ten Thousand Ghosts launched a sudden attack. Knowing that the air wave was coming, it couldn't dodge it, so it was directly pushed back more than ten meters away by the air wave.

Fortunately, the Epi of Ten Thousand Ghosts was rough and thick, and he was not injured when he was washed away by the air wave. Instead, he became angry and rushed towards the double-winged demon again.

The strength of the double-winged demon is actually not as strong as Chiqin, but it is better than the strength of his body. In this way, it is difficult to defeat Chiqin, but it is not a problem to hold Chiqin and wait for the army of demons to come.

Now that there are all kinds of ghosts harassing, the two-winged demon suddenly became a little flustered.Under the attack from both sides, it is impossible for it to not reveal its flaws.

Chiqin is a majestic skywalker with outstanding natural strength.The double-winged demon just distractedly looked back, and was immediately caught by Chiqin.

I saw Chiqin throwing the dagger in his hand upwards, and then twisted the fingers of the sword, only to hear a "crash", and the dagger turned into a liquid like water.

Before the double-winged demon could react, the Chiqin sword pointed forward, and the wisp of transparent liquid shot at the double-winged demon like an arrow from the string.

The latter woke up suddenly and hurried back.It was lucky that it didn't turn around, but when it turned around, it was immediately shot in the eyes by that wisp of transparent liquid.

The two-winged demon couldn't help but raised his head and roared in pain.And the liquid directly drilled in from its eye, and it didn't come out from its other eye until it rampaged through its body.

Chiqin made a move with one hand, and the liquid escaped from the body of the Winged Demon and flew back into Chiqin's hand in an instant.After trembling for a moment, the Winged Demon was unable to struggle anymore, and fell to the ground.

As a result, the double-winged demon, Chiqin breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Wan Guizhi hurriedly reminded again: "Grandma, my boss said, the demon army is coming, let's run away!"

Although Chiqin didn't know what the disaster of all ghosts was, she put her eyes under the red cloud which was less than three miles away.Seeing hundreds of Mozu people galloping towards them, she quickly floated down.

Seeing her coming down, Tong Yan quickly summoned up his true energy and jumped up high.In the air, the two held hands together, and immediately fled to the distance like lightning.Wan Gui Zhi'e saw it, and immediately followed quickly.

But Chiqin killed the Mozu people, how could the Mozu army just let it go.Just look at the hundreds of demon soldiers divided into two groups, one part fell into the ravine, and the other group chased after Tong Yan and the others.

Tong Yan let Chiqin take him with him, keeping his eyes on the demon army behind him.It seems that his guess is correct, the demon army is indeed for the little treasure that shoots golden light in the ravine.It's a pity that the treasure was swallowed by Han Yuling, and they probably couldn't find anything if they wanted to find it.

But there are still dozens of demons following. According to the current flying speed, it may be difficult to get rid of them, which really makes people feel uneasy.

"Senior Chiqin, half of the demons have caught up, what should we do now?"

Chiqin said without turning back: "It's okay, as long as we return to Mount Bliss, we'll be safe."

Bliss Mountain?It should be the mountain with grass and trees in the middle of the mountain, but can the mountain really stop these demons?
Although Tong Yan expressed doubts about this, he guessed that Chiqin must know it well.Let's just think that the Bliss Mountain can stop the devil, otherwise, the crisis will not be resolved.

According to this, Jile Mountain is not close, and I don't know if Chiqin can persist there.The only hope is that nothing will go wrong in the middle of this process, otherwise, we will really have to fight to the death.

But the terrible thing was that what Tong Yan was worried about inevitably happened.

The crown prince, who was dressed in golden armor and armor, came to greet him head on, and beside him, there was Nangong Yun who was stepping on a golden flying sword.

This is really a narrow road for enemies and meeting each other on a narrow road. There are strong enemies in front and pursuers in the back. Tong Yan and Chiqin seem to have stepped on the edge of life and death.

Can they resolve the immediate crisis?Stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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