
Chapter 524 There is no way out, join hands to eliminate demons!

Chapter 524 There is no way out, join hands to eliminate demons!
Chiqin led Tong Yan all the way forward, as long as she kept going back to Mount Bliss at this speed, she might escape the catastrophe.

But after flying for less than half an hour, two figures suddenly flew up from the top of the mountain in front of them.The two figures flew in mid-air, paused for a moment, and then immediately flew towards Tong Yan and Chi Qin.

Although the speed of these two figures was not too fast, they were flying towards each other after all, and the distance from Tong Yan and Chi Qin became shorter and shorter.

Tong Yan watched carefully, but when he saw the two figures clearly, he couldn't help but "thump" in his heart.

It was none other than the prince and Nangong Yun who came.The prince was dressed in gold armor, and his whole person was as dazzling as a god.Nangong Yun beside him stepped on the golden flying sword with a proud expression on his face.From the looks of it, these two thieves came from bad intentions.

"Senior Chiqin, the one in the golden armor in front is the crown prince. The one next to him is the Qilin Pavilion master Nangong Yun who entered here with us!"

Hearing this, Chiqin snorted coldly and said: "It seems that the villain has found the divine body, but it should not be fully integrated, otherwise, he can't be here at this moment, he should be in the heaven! I didn't expect that at this juncture He actually came, this is really a narrow road for enemies!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked: "Senior, what should we do then? Fight them? But the army of demons behind us is still chasing us. I'm afraid we will face the enemy in the end. Why don't we adjust our direction and fly to the north!" "

Chi Qinxiu frowned, and sighed softly: "I'm afraid we can't escape if we want to. This villain is obviously coming for us. It's okay for me to say it alone. If I take you with me, I can't fly away at all." his."

Tong Yan knew that Chiqin didn't have any malice in saying this, but in fact, he was the one who dragged Chiqin down.Bringing one more person will naturally affect the speed of flight.At such a critical juncture, how could he let Chiqin take the risk with him?
Thinking of this, he immediately said loudly: "Senior Chiqin, it is my honor to meet you. You have helped me a lot. Now there are strong enemies in front and pursuers in the back. I can't let you die with me, you must die with me. You have to live well. I will fight them!" At this point, he violently pulled out his hand, and then pulled out the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle regardless of his body's whereabouts.

Chiqin didn't expect Tong Yan to be so extreme, she immediately stabilized her figure and shouted: "What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

Tong Yan ignored Chiqin's cry, but focused on her body.The distance here is about 300 meters from the ground. If he puts all his strength into it, he should not fall to his death on the spot.

"Myriad ghosts, join me!" As soon as he said this, the following Wanguizhi let out a roar, which instantly turned into a red light, directly enveloping the child's words.In the blink of an eye, a set of red half-body armor immediately appeared on Tong Yan's body, and his hair also turned blood red at this moment.

With the half-body armor that protects the body from the disaster of all ghosts, coupled with the qi shield that condenses the true energy in his body, Tong Yan is confident that not only will he not die from falling, but he can also fight these villains in a battle.

Seeing Tong Yan who was about to fall to the ground, Chiqin gritted her teeth and did not leave alone after all.She glanced at the prince and the demon army who were close at hand, and flew down, chasing after Tong Yan.

Just when Tong Yan's feet were about to hit the ground, Chiqin hugged him from behind in time.

"Fool, why would I let you go into danger alone? I've lived long enough, even if I die with you today, I don't care about anything. Besides, don't kill a few more, wouldn't you Is it a loss?"

Slowly falling to the ground, Tong Yan turned to look at Chiqin who was smiling, and couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that you are as stupid as I am. If that's the case, then have fun with them. If you want us to die, it depends on whether they have the ability."

Chiqin was startled when she heard this, and couldn't help recalling the past.Back then, when he was hunted down by the demons and surrounded by heavy siege, someone said the same thing.That person is Wu Bufan. Unexpectedly, more than 1000 years later, she heard such words again, and her heart felt excited, and more warm.

She nodded lightly, and then said, "As long as I'm with you, I'm not afraid of death!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help being a little embarrassed, but now that his life was at stake, he really wasn't in the mood to mind it.

Finally, the crown prince and Nangong Yun arrived first.

The prince looked down at Tong Yan and Chiqin, and couldn't help laughing.

"Haha...Tong Yan, I'm still wondering where you went. So you went to see your old lover, how is it? Have you relived your old dreams?"

old lover?It seems that the crown prince also regarded Tong Yan as Wu Bufan, maybe he thought so from the beginning.That's why after Tong Yan opened the stone gate leading to the ruins of gods and demons for him, he wanted to attack Tong Yan from behind and kill Tong Yan in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that with the help of Xiao Hei, Tong Yan escaped, otherwise, Tong Yan might not even know how he died.

Tong Yan looked up at the prince, and said with a fearless face: "Evil thief, you are the one who attacked me in the red mist, right? I really never thought that you are a vicious beast. If I had known this, I would have been I will never bring you into this place even if I die, I just deserve to watch you slowly disappear!"

The prince chuckled lightly and said: "Oh? It seems that you already know why I want to enter the ruins of gods and demons. You are worthy of being a unicorn genius. You are really smart. It's a pity that no matter how smart you are, you didn't expect to die in this place today. Here? But don’t worry, I won’t do it myself. The devil chasing after you is enough to tear you into pieces. As for Chiqin, just stay here for the rest of your life. Jie, I think your life should be worse than death, right? It must be a good feeling to see your beloved die under the claws of the demons. Haha..."

Chiqin looked at the prince coldly, and then said fiercely: "Evil thief, I have made an oath long ago to avenge those brothers who were killed by you. As a skywalker, you finally joined the demon clan You bastard is unforgivably guilty. Prepare to die!" At this point, she immediately showed the transparent dagger, and was about to fly up to fight the prince with her life.

Seeing this, the prince shook his head and smiled: "No, no, your opponent is not me. It is them, look, they have already come. You should save your strength to deal with them, otherwise, your sweetheart will have to be killed alive Torn into pieces! Haha..." After saying this, he and Nangong Yun backed away.

And the army of the demon clan has already approached and descended one after another, immediately surrounding Tong Yan and Chi Qin.

They saw their companions being killed by Chiqin with their own eyes. Even though they were bloodthirsty, they ignored the prince and Nangong Yun who were watching the theater not far away, and put all their energy on Chiqin and Tongyan body.

A big battle is inevitable, life and death are on the line, let's see how Tong Yan kills the world, he is unparalleled in wisdom and bravery!
(End of this chapter)

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