
Chapter 525 Put it to death and go to the underworld together!

Chapter 525 Put it to death and go to the underworld together!
Tong Yan looked around, then chuckled and said: "Senior, today you and I fight side by side, and we will definitely kill them."

Chiqin smiled freely and said: "Okay, with you by my side, even if I die, I will have no regrets!"

The two looked at each other, and immediately stood back to back in full battle.

Although dozens of devils had already surrounded Tong Yan and the others, they did not act rashly.They just looked at Tong Yan and Chi Qin coldly, as if they were afraid of something, or they were waiting for something.

Naturally, Tong Yan and Chiqin would not give them a chance to strike first. We are outnumbered, so it is absolutely crucial whether they can take the lead.

So when Tong Yan leaned against Chiqin's back slightly, the two rushed towards the demon in front of them.

The demons who chased here all the way have a pair of blood-red fleshy wings, which are basically the same as the two-winged demons that Chiqin killed before. Except for their height, body shape, and fatness, they are almost the same. engraved.

I don't know whether these demons are mass-produced, or because of their blood, they look so similar. I really don't know how they were distinguished from each other.

Since they all have a pair of wings, they must all be collectively referred to as the Winged Demons. As for their cultivation, they should be very similar.

It seemed impossible for Tong Yan and Chi Qin to repel them.But having said that, who knows what the result will be if you haven't played before?Perhaps, surprises are waiting for them.

Tong Yan merged with the evil of all ghosts, and his strength went a step further. The Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle was originally a sharp weapon for exterminating demons, but now he charged fiercely with the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand.It really frightened the two-winged demon men in front of him, but according to his cultivation, how many Tong Yan could deal with even with the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle?
Looking at Chiqin again, her cultivation base is much higher than Tong Yan's, but she should only have the power to protect herself. In fact, the possibility of killing the two-winged demon in front of her is basically zero.

But there is a saying that is good, when you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.At this time, whoever is not afraid of death will often be absolutely suppressed in terms of momentum.And the momentum is like a rainbow, even if the strength is not good, it is very likely to burst out with a powerful potential that even I have never thought of.

Holding the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, Tong Yan rushed directly into the crowd of the two-winged demons. Seeing his bravery, the two-winged demons retreated a little, and surrounded him again.

As a result, Tong Yan and Chi Qin were immediately blocked, and each of them would face the siege of more than 20 double-winged demons.

The weapons of these two-winged demons can be described as varied. Some use swords, some use knives, some use maces, and some even carry huge meteor hammers. This posture alone is enough to make people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

However, in Tong Yan's eyes, all this was not so bluffing, he just regarded these two-winged demon men as lambs to be slaughtered, and he was the feared butcher.

"Nie Yi, suffer death!" He fiercely swung the vajra subduing pestle and swept away, and the golden vajra subduing pestle immediately drew a perfect arc in front of him.

But it's a pity that although the pestle was powerful, it didn't hit any of the two-winged demons.

These two-winged demons waved their wings and easily avoided them. Then, they waved their weapons directly from above Tong Yan and smashed them down.

Tong Yan seemed to have no possibility of avoiding it, he could only use the true energy in his body to release the Gang Qi to protect his body.But how could his stellar energy block the group attacks of these two-winged demons?
There was only a "bang", and the moment the Winged Demon's weapon touched the gas shield above Tong Yan's head, the latter shattered into powder like a shattered light bulb.

Tong Yan naturally expected this, and quickly bent over and rolled, hoping to escape the catastrophe.

However, it is a pity that there are too many double-winged demons. He avoided the blades of one or two double-winged demons, but he couldn't dodge the weapons of other double-winged demons.

Following a few "poofs", three or four slashed the demon's weapon directly on his back.Even with the half body armor transformed by the disaster of all ghosts blocking him, these weapons were still deeply embedded in his body.

The back was slashed by the weapon of the two-winged demon, and Tong Yan couldn't help letting out a roar.

But how could these two-winged demons pay attention to this, and almost gave him no chance to breathe, so they waved their weapons and chopped down one after another.

After all, Tong Yan was still too weak. In front of these two-winged demons, he was like a child holding a branch. It was too naive to want to deal with the wolves that were staring at him.

Lying on the ground, blood was flowing from the wound on his back, and he seemed to have smelled the breath of death.

The rhetoric he had just said to Chiqin completely vanished at this moment.He knew that with his own ability, he would definitely die today.

Chiqin, who also fought against the double-winged demon, is also scarred at the moment, but the few double-winged demons in front of her are not much better than her.When she saw Tong Yan being besieged and fell to the ground, she was instantly anxious, but she couldn't even escape herself, and she had more energy than she wanted.

Feeling that his back was being chopped by the weapons of these two-winged demons, Tong Yan could only grit his teeth, but even getting up became demanding.

"Do you really want to die like this? It seems that I still can't fight my own life after all! But why am I so unwilling? My death won't be so embarrassing, no matter how dragging someone behind me?"

Tong Yan thought this way, but he only stayed at this stage of thinking.He couldn't get up, although the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle was still tightly held in his hand, but his body was as if he had been crushed by a heavy stone, unable to move at all.

"No, why am I so stupid? I still have the essence of the nine-star bodhi tree in my body. If I fully stimulate the essence now, even if I am doomed to die, I might be able to obtain extraordinary power in a short time. That's right. Son, that's it, that's it. It's a death anyway, I can't die so cowardly, I want them to be buried with me!"

After making up his mind, Tong Yan immediately closed his eyes, and silently recited the Diamond Sutra in his heart.Only by reciting Buddhist scriptures can he absorb the essence of the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree. As long as he can completely absorb the essence of the Nine-Star Bodhi Tree, he will be able to reverse his defeat.

Lying on the ground, he silently recited the Diamond Sutra sentence by sentence. At this moment, the pain on his back was forgotten by him, and death seemed to be gradually moving away from him.

Finally, a miraculous scene appeared. At the moment when he was silently reciting the Diamond Sutra, the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle in his hand first burst out with dazzling golden light.This is the purest Buddha's light. The two-winged demons who besieged him did not dare to approach him, and immediately retreated one after another.

At the same time, the Buddha's light spread along his arms to his whole body, and soon, his whole body was enveloped by the Buddha's light.

"Since death is inevitable, then follow me to the underworld!"

(End of this chapter)

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