
Chapter 527 There's an Extinction Realm, Red Lightning!

Chapter 527 There's an Extinction Realm, Red Lightning!
Seeing Tong Yan whose Buddha light had dissipated from his whole body, Chiqin suddenly realized something.Just a second before Tong Yan's body was about to fall to the ground, she hurriedly hugged Tong Yan tightly in her arms.

"Wake up, what's wrong with you? Tong Yan, wake up..."

But no matter how she shouted and how she shook, Tong Yan's eyes were still tightly closed, and maybe she would never be able to open them again.

The Three Realms and Six Paths is a point of view put forward by Buddhists, who believe that all living beings in the world cannot escape the control of the Three Realms and Six Paths.But this is actually just a general term, and there are more than a few worlds similar to the human world.The demon world, the spirit world, and even the ghost realm, etc., actually exist, but few people set foot on it.

Under the ruins of gods and demons, there is such a world that is slightly smaller than the human world.This place is called Miejing by the local people!

But why such a name is taken, even the locals don't know.This realm of extinction is completely out of the control of the heavens. People here do not believe in gods or Buddha spirits. If there is anything to believe in, it is probably the immortal soul body located in the Tongtian Tower.But what the immortal soul body is, perhaps no one knows except for the few soul officials guarding the Tongtian Tower.

People come to worship the Tongtian Tower almost every day, and even the rulers of this world will come here to worship on several important festivals.

The Tongtian Tower is the most famous place in Miejing, and it is also the most mysterious and awe-inspiring place here.And its location is the very center of the Three Great Kingdoms.Even if there is a war between the three kingdoms, the smoke of gunpowder will never dare to invade the Tongtian Tower. If anyone dares to anger the soul officials in the Tongtian Tower, the consequences will be disastrous.

Soul officials have magical powers, and they can wipe out an army of 1000 people with just a few gestures.Terrifying strength is the nightmare of any offender, even the most heroic and skilled warrior in Miejing, in front of the soul officer, it is difficult to resist, even with just one move.

Zhao Guo, one of the three kingdoms.But compared to the brave Beiyan Kingdom and the Flying Dragon Kingdom, which is good at riding and shooting, it not only has the smallest population and the weakest national strength, but even the only prince is a low-intelligence and cowardly waste.

Everyone believed that the day of Zhao's extinction was not far away, because Beiyan and Feilong had coveted Zhao's land for a long time, and they were waiting for the old emperor to pass away and the idiot prince to succeed. The time has come.

In the past few days, the old emperor's body has become weaker and weaker, and the imperial doctor in the palace is also helpless.The old emperor is about to die, and no one can stop it.But as the ruler of one side, he was really unwilling and worried.He knew that his time was approaching, and he also knew that the other two countries were staring at him. If he died, the country might be destroyed, but what could he change?

Zhao Guoli is not without capable people, but the throne is hereditary, even if he is disappointed with his stupid son, he still cannot hand over the throne to others.

Seeing the flame of the oil lamp getting weaker and weaker, he wanted to see his silly son, and after exhorting him a few words, his life would come to an end.

He looked at the eunuch serving at the side, and then said in a weak voice: " the prince, I...I want to see him."

Hearing this, the eunuch at the side immediately nodded yes, and then bent down and exited the emperor's bedroom.

After about half an hour, the long-awaited silly prince finally arrived.

He is about twenty years old, wearing a golden robe, with long black hair tied in a golden crown on his head. He is not ugly, and he is very fair, but his eyes are a little hollow, his expression is dull, and he is slightly pouted. Mouth.

He walked into the Yellow Emperor's bedroom with some reluctance, and stopped about ten meters away from the old emperor's bed.He didn't salute or greet, but just lowered his head and fiddled with his fingers, looking a little nervous and a little scared.

The old emperor turned his head to look at his cowardly and stupid son, with mixed emotions in his heart, his wrinkled face seemed to be a little older.

"Imperial son, are coming to Royal Father's side soon. I am afraid...I am afraid that Royal Father is about to die. Before I die, I want to tell you something. Whether you...whether you can remember or not, Father The imperial capital has to say. Come... come here..."

The silly prince looked up at the old emperor, hesitated for a while, then raised his legs and walked over slowly.

Looking at his only son, the old emperor's eyes showed doting. "My son, my father is leaving. After I leave, you will be the new emperor. You you know what to do?"

Hearing this, the silly prince blinked, and then asked innocently: "You... Where are you going? Is it going to a fun place? Can you take me with you?"

The old emperor shook his head and smiled: "Silly boy, you can't go to the place where the father wants to go. Even if you want to go, at least it will be decades later. And... and the father doesn't want you to go so early Go, you still have your mission, your responsibility, do you understand?"

The silly prince shook his head and said: "I don't understand, I have to go back. I still have to find rhubarb, it's time to feed it bones." Then, he turned around, muttering something, and then step by step walked outside.

Seeing that the foolish prince was about to leave, the old emperor hurriedly shouted: "Your... your son, don't go, don't go! Father is going to... is going to die. Then...cough cough...just stay with father A while, okay? Cough cough...cough cough..." Maybe his voice was a little loud, and then he couldn't help coughing violently.And with this cough, he coughed up blood unconsciously.

The silly prince heard his father coughing, hesitated for a while, and finally stopped, and carefully turned his head to look back, but when he saw the blood coughed up by the old emperor, he stared sharply, Then he was so useless that he fainted.

But at the moment when he fainted, a red bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky, smashed through the roof, and shot directly between his eyebrows.

The old emperor witnessed everything with his own eyes, and was about to get up to check on his precious son, but it was good that he didn't move, but with this movement, he fell headfirst from the bed. After a "plop", a generation of monarchs died.

Three days later, news of Emperor Zhao's death quickly spread throughout the Mie Realm.But the date of the new emperor's ascension to the throne has not yet been set.Just because that silly prince is still in a coma, it may be unknown whether he can wake up.

A country cannot be without a king for a day, and the famous families of the Zhao country, as well as the brothers and daughters of the old emperor, gradually became restless.And the iron cavalry of Beiyan Kingdom and Feilong Kingdom also began to move around, Zhao Guo suddenly fell into unprecedented internal and external troubles.

But then again, what happened to the red lightning that entered the silly prince's brow?

(End of this chapter)

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