
Chapter 528 Internal and external troubles, personality changes drastically!

Chapter 528 Internal and external troubles, personality changes drastically!

The East Palace, the palace where the princes and princes of all dynasties lived.It has been three days since the emperor passed away, but as the future monarch, this silly prince is still in a coma.

The four ministers appointed by the old emperor are all in the main hall of the East Palace at this moment. They are naturally loyal to the old emperor, but they don't have the slightest confidence in this prince who is mentally retarded and cowardly. despair.

The Great Assistant Minister paced back and forth in the main hall, he was the head of the Four Great Assistant Ministers, and he was also the Prime Minister of the Zhao Kingdom.Zhao Guo is so weak, but has never been annexed by the other two countries, which is inseparable from the governance of this talented prime minister.The old emperor invited him from the mountains and entrusted him with important tasks.His kindness to the old emperor will never be forgotten in his life.

But now that the old emperor had passed away, even though he had seen all kinds of battles, he couldn't sit still.

"This useless prince, why hasn't he woken up yet? What are these imperial doctors doing? The country is about to lose the country, so can I just wait here?"

Sitting on a chair, a burly old general in armor couldn't help but yelled.

He is the general of Zhao State, and almost all of Zhao State's army is controlled by him. At the same time, he is also one of the four assistant ministers appointed by the old emperor.Because he was born as a general and his personality is mostly straightforward, that's why he directly scolded the prince so disrespectfully.

The minister looked at him, and although he felt quite the same in his heart, he said: "General, you should be patient. Your Royal Highness is unconscious, and we can't be in a hurry. By the way, Bei Yan Has the army of China and Feilong already set off? It is estimated that they will arrive at the border of Zhao State in a few days?"

The general gritted his teeth angrily and said, "How many more days? In less than seven days, they will definitely invade our country of Zhao. They have been eyeing it for a long time, how can they miss this golden opportunity? But I have deployed troops on the border. There are a few checkpoints, even if they come to attack, they should be able to resist for a while. It's just... I'm just worried about those few royal relatives. They all have their own soldiers. If they join hands to force the palace at this time, I'm afraid The Imperial Forest Army can't compete with this little force. At that time, even if we want to support the new king, I'm afraid we will be powerless."

The minister sighed softly and said, "This is what I'm worried about, but how can we ignore your Majesty's deathbed care? No matter what, we must support a new monarch and let him inherit the throne smoothly. As for For the next thing, let’s take it one step at a time!”

"But Mr. Wang, our prince is obviously not intelligent enough. Even if he can sit on the throne, what can he change?"

This time it was Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment who spoke, who was also one of the four major ministers.But he was much younger than the other three, seeing him with dark skin and a serious face, he felt a bit upright.

Mr. Wang is the Minister of State.He looked at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, and then asked back: "Master Liu, even though that is the case, do you have any other options? Do you want to violate His Majesty's dying entrustment?"

Hearing this, Lord Liu was really powerless to refute, so he went overboard with gender.

The remaining minister who hadn't spoken was still watching the other three with a smile on his face.He has a fat head and big ears, he is not tall, and he looks like a big meatball when he sits on a chair.As the Minister of the Household Department, he only cares about money, as for other things, he doesn't want to worry about it.To put it in a more appropriate word, this is called self-knowledge.

While the four ministers were anxiously waiting, a young court lady suddenly hurried out from the prince's bedroom.

"My lords, Your Highness is awake. Are you going to see him now, or..."

Before she could finish speaking, the four major ministers had already walked past her quickly, heading straight for the palace of His Highness the Prince.

At this moment, the silly prince was sitting beside the bed with his hands on his forehead, and he didn't know if it was caused by a headache or he was thinking about something.

The young court ladies standing beside him stood aside cautiously, because they knew that the prince in front of them would soon become the new emperor.If they dissatisfy the prince, they will probably die.Even if the prince is a fool, he must be careful.Companion to a king is like companion to a tiger, this truth is understood by any normal person.

At this moment, the door of the bedroom was suddenly pulled open, and then four ministers rushed in anxiously.

The four of them walked in front of the prince and immediately knelt down and said, "I will pay my respects to Your Highness!"

As soon as this remark was made, the silly prince who rested his forehead with his hands slowly raised his head, and looked at them with a puzzled expression.

Seeing that the prince didn't ask them to get up, the four ministers couldn't help feeling a little displeased.But now that the fire is imminent, they can't control so much.

The minister took the lead and stood up, then cupped his hands to the prince and said, "Your Highness, Your Majesty has passed away for three days. The most urgent thing now is for you to ascend the throne earlier. A country cannot live without a king. Can you understand this truth? "

Seeing that he didn't speak, the minister sighed softly and said, "Whether you can understand or not, we will summon a group of ministers to court later and announce that you are the new monarch. This matter cannot be delayed any longer. , you must do as we say. You guys, put on the dragon robe for His Royal Highness later, there must be no mistakes."

When the maids heard this, they hurriedly responded in unison: "Yes, I obey!"

The minister glanced at the prince, shook his head helplessly, turned around and said to the other three ministers: "Let's go get ready now, I don't know if it will go well." Then, he took the other three ministers He walked out of the bedroom without looking back, and prepared to go for the new emperor's enthronement.

The prince sitting on the couch stared blankly at them leaving, then reached out and patted his head, and then lay down on the bed.

"Am I the prince? I'm about to become the new emperor? How could this be?"

He was talking to himself, making the ladies in the room feel a little baffled.

After a while, a beautiful woman in a tight red robe suddenly broke in.This woman is very beautiful, but her face is serious, her eyes are big, but not half soft, her hair is tied high behind her head, she doesn't wear any headgear, and she still wears a With a long sword, he seems to be a martial artist.

But the prince's bedroom, is it possible for others to break into it with a sword at will?What is her identity?

Just when she came in, several maids hurriedly saluted and said, "Your maidservant has seen the Crown Princess!"

Princess?Could it be that she is the wife of this silly prince?

The princess stared at the prince lying on the couch, and said angrily: "I can't wait, and I still have the mood to sleep here. Get up quickly, do you hear me?"

Seeing that the prince on the bed ignored her, she immediately jumped forward and rushed over.

The prince who was lying on the bed seemed to be aware of it, before the concubine could pounce on him, he immediately sat up, grabbed the concubine's jade hand, and directly took her into his arms with one arm.

"If you are really the princess, then you are my woman. If so, why did you kill me? Say, who sent you here?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.Is this still His Royal Highness?He actually still has such skills?And what he said, why does it feel like a different person?
(End of this chapter)

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