
Chapter 529 The soul enters the realm of extinction, changing everything!

Chapter 529 The soul enters the realm of extinction, changing everything!
The crown princess was tightly held by the prince, and she couldn't break free for a while, so she couldn't help feeling anxious and ashamed.

"You let go of me, I'm so hurt by you!"

The prince ignored her words, but turned his head and glanced at the maids, and then said in a low voice: "You go out first, remember to close the door for me!"

Hearing this, the maids quickly came back to their senses, and responded in unison: "Yes, servant girl, leave!" Saying this, they hurriedly retreated out.

Seeing the maids leave, the prince let go of the princess in his arms, and then stared at her indifferently.

"Now you can say, who is going to kill me? Is someone trying to compete with me for the throne?"

The princess moved her wrist that was pinched and hurt, and then looked at the prince in a panic.She was a little dazed for a moment, in her impression, the prince was just a fool, and he was timid.Although she was married to the prince a long time ago, they only have the name of husband and wife, and there is no reality of husband and wife at all.

But now, the feeling of this silly prince is not only not stupid, but a little unfathomable to her.How could this be?Could it be that this silly prince was pretending on purpose from the beginning?If this is the case, then he pretended too deeply. How could anyone know how to cover up himself from birth?

The silly prince saw that she was silent, and then he showed the smile that a hunter only has when he treats his prey.

"It seems that you want to challenge my patience. Very well, you do have backbone. But I don't think you can last long. Because I am a person who has never been kind to my enemies! And you are my enemy !"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up abruptly, and walked towards the princess step by step.Although there was a faint smile on his face, but this smile made the Crown Princess feel a chill unconsciously.

Hearing a "chuckle", the princess directly pulled out the sword from her waist, and then said with some fear: "You...don't come here, otherwise...or I will kill you!"

The prince smiled disdainfully and said: "Really? It seems that you really came to kill me. Then try it!" He didn't mean to stop, but still moved forward step by step.

Although the princess held the sword in her hand, she couldn't help but backed away.

After a few steps, her back hit the wall, which also meant that she had no way out.

"Don't force me, don't force me... ah..." The Crown Princess yelled and stabbed the sword out.

But it's a pity that she didn't stab the prince with this sword, but the prince grabbed her jade hand holding the sword.

"Don't overestimate your own strength, then don't blame me!" As he said that, the prince suddenly exerted force and directly took the sword from the princess's hand, and then threw it back forcefully. on the wall.

Taking advantage of the concubine's daze, the prince hugged her into his arms, and then tore off the clothes on her body without any pity.

The snow-white skin on her chest was immediately exposed, and the inner barrier of the princess finally collapsed in an instant.

"I said... I said... please, please don't do this. Please... woo..." The prince looked at the crown princess who couldn't help crying, and then let go of her.

"I'm not interested in you at all, but if you don't cooperate obediently, I think I don't mind taking it out on you. Well, now you can tell everything. By the way, answer me a few questions by the way! OK ?”

"What does OK mean? You... what do you want to know?" The princess asked timidly while wrapping herself tightly in the torn clothes.

The prince retreated to the couch, sat down directly, then raised his legs and smiled slightly: "I told you, who sent you to kill me?"

Hearing this, the princess hurriedly explained: "I...I didn't intend to kill you, I just...just wanted to scare you."

"Scare me? Well, there must be a reason, right?"

The princess hesitated for a while, and finally said truthfully: "Yes... Brother Wu asked me to come. I heard from the maid that you have woken up. That's why... that's why I want to scare you into unconsciousness."

"Brother Wu? Who is he? Why did you scare me into unconsciousness?"

"Brother Wu is...he is the commander of the Imperial Forest Army, and he is my cousin. I scared you to death...he didn't want you to go up to the throne."

Hearing this, the prince smiled slightly and said, "So that's it. So, your cousin wants to help others to fight for my throne, right? Who does he want to help? Who is it that wants to fight for the world with my dignified prince? Woolen cloth?"

The Crown Princess shook her head lightly and said, "I don't know either, but... it's either your uncle or your younger sisters. As long as you can't inherit the throne, they must be the beneficiaries."

The prince nodded and smiled and said: "Well, you are right, and your speculation is also right. It seems that you are not stupid. Since you are not stupid, I think you should understand what to do next, right?"

The princess frowned and said, "You... what do you want me to do?"

The prince smiled slightly and said: "It seems that you are not too smart, so I will tell you directly. Invite me your brother Wu to come here, and explain to him that I have fainted, and I will be expelled at this time." Lose my best chance. I say this, you understand, right?"

The princess hesitated a little, she looked at the strange prince and said, "You want to kill him? No, you can't kill him. He...he is very important to me. Please, don't kill him, okay ?"

The prince shook his head and smiled: "No, no, you are wrong. I didn't want to kill him, but to save him. If he openly opposes the future monarch, his end is already doomed. But if he is willing to be used by me, maybe Not only will I spare him the death penalty, but I will also send you to him. If you think about it carefully, no matter how powerful you are, rebellion is a death penalty. To compete with me, I am afraid that you are not qualified."

" will really help us? Can I trust you?"

The prince smiled lightly and said: "Of course, I am the future monarch, and no one can disobey my will. If you want, you can eat this. This is a poison that can kill people's intestines. The antidote is only I have. When your brother Wu is willing to serve me, I will definitely offer you the antidote." Having said this, he suddenly threw a small white ball to the princess.

The princess reached out to take it, hesitated for a while, and finally swallowed it. "I promise you, I hope you won't break your promise."

The prince smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, you are not joking! I will wait for you here!"

The princess didn't say anything more, turned around and walked out of the bedroom quickly.

The prince looked at her back, smiled wryly and said: "Someone wants to take the throne, even his wife has to be given away. This hard-working prince is really unlucky. But it doesn't matter. From today onwards, I, Tongyan, will help you change everything." .”

That's right, the prince in front of him has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes, because of the entry of a soul, everything is extraordinary.

Tong Yan didn't die, it's just that his soul somehow came to this extinct realm.Can he return to the ruins of gods and demons smoothly, and can he be reborn?Stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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