
Chapter 532 Make a small plan to eliminate minions!

Chapter 532 Make a small plan to eliminate minions!
At this time, in the Jinluan Hall, civil and military personnel from the Manchu Dynasty had already gathered.Although it is called the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, in fact there are only more than 20 people.As for the other ministers, they all complained of illness at home when the situation was not right.Because many people know that tonight is destined not to be peaceful. Although the night has not yet come, it is not a disadvantage to hide a little farther away.

The ministers in the main hall are divided into four rows, and the four major assistant ministers stand at the leading positions of these four rows.As the four ministers appointed by the old emperor, they must stand on the last post. Even if they are likely to die with the new emperor under the sword of the traitor, they will have no regrets.

The atmosphere in the hall was so solemn that even Shangshu Hubu, who liked to laugh, couldn't laugh now.

Time passed little by little, and the useless prince hadn't come until now, which made all the ministers even more discouraged.

Finally, the minister standing behind Lord Wang couldn't hold back anymore.I saw him softly asking Lord Wang, the head of the four ministers: "My lord, will His Highness come? Have you sent someone to invite you?"

Hearing this, Lord Wang turned to look at him, nodded and said: "I have already sent someone, I think His Highness may not be used to going to court for a while, and I think he will come soon."

"My lord, do you think His Highness still has a chance to come back? To be honest, if the late emperor hadn't been kind to me, I would not have come today anyway. You know, the rebels have already set up troops around the palace. Whoever supports the new emperor at this time is tantamount to seeking his own death. I only hope that His Highness can live up to our sincerity, so that the next official will be satisfied."

Lord Wang looked at his old subordinate, sighed softly, and said, "We are deeply favored by the emperor, even if we die here, what is it? Everything is predestined, so let's treat it normally." !"

While the two were talking quietly, the eunuch's shout finally sounded in the apse.

"His Highness arrives, all officials kneel down!"

Hearing this, Mr. Wang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Look, Your Highness is here. Even if you die now, you have nothing to regret."

As he spoke, he knelt down first.Seeing this, the other ministers hurriedly knelt down as well.

Tong Yan didn't change into the imperial robe, but put on a set of golden armor on purpose.The main reason why he did this was to show his determination to these ministers who still supported him.

The great war in Zishi was inevitable. At this time, when all the people are soldiers, if he doesn't deal with the rebels, even if he puts on the imperial robe, he is destined to be a king of subjugation.

Tong Yan was holding the helmet in one hand, and the sword hanging from his waist in the other, with such a heroic posture, it was really eye-catching.

He raised his legs and walked directly in front of the ministers, and then said slowly: "My lords, get flat!"

As soon as these words came out, the kneeling ministers got up and looked up at the foolish prince in their mind.But when they saw His Royal Highness wearing golden armor and looking heroic, they felt a sense of shock, a sense of awe that they had never felt before.

Mr. Wang stared at Tong Yan, and immediately asked in puzzlement, "Your Highness, what are you?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "The rebels have already gathered around the palace. At this moment, how can we fight them without putting on armor?"

Hearing this, Mr. Wang was even more shocked.

"Your Highness, you... you want to start a war against the rebels?"

Tong Yan nodded and said: "That's right, under the overthrow of the nest, how can there be no eggs? These rebellious officials and thieves deceived me when I was young, deceived my father and the emperor to cause chaos in the government and the people, and wanted to usurp the throne. Do you need to be polite to them?" ?”

Hearing this, the great general, one of the four assistant ministers, immediately poured cold water on him and said, "Your Highness, there is nothing wrong with your determination. Just relying on us, how can we defeat the tens of thousands of rebels? According to the opinion of the last general Why don't you break through the siege first, rush out of the palace, and then make plans when the time comes. Don't worry, Your Highness, the general has prepared a fast horse for you, and there are a hundred dead soldiers that I have carefully trained. With their protection, you will be able to escape safely. .”

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "You must be the great general, right? Your proposal is actually good, but it doesn't suit me. I have a destiny, and I am the future king. If I leave you alone at this time, What kind of man am I? Before his death, the first emperor entrusted me with the burden of a country. As the crown prince, how can he flee without fighting? Although there are many rebels, as far as I know, among them Most of them are family soldiers, and they have no experience in fighting the enemy. Just because they are scattered, they want to seize my throne and occupy my palace. Later, they will be my surprise soldiers. Let's make arrangements now, there must be no mistakes!"

When the general heard this, he wanted to say something more, but seeing Mr. Wang shook his head at him, he had no choice but to take the order and leave the hall first.

After the general left, Tong Yan was not in a hurry to arrange tasks, but asked all the ministers present to report their official positions and responsibilities.

He must first get to know them and understand them, so that he can be confident and prepare for the next step.

Soon, all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty introduced themselves, and Tong Yan had a general understanding.

"You guys are able to support me in this golden hall today, which means that you are all Zhongliang of my country. I am very pleased that you don't join forces with the rebels. I will reward you well when I get rid of the rebels. But now, I'm afraid I have to let you You have been wronged for a while. Come on, take them all down for me!"

As soon as Tong Yan's words came out, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty suddenly turned pale with shock.

When Mr. Wang saw it, he immediately scolded loudly: "Your Highness, are you crazy? What are you doing?"

Tong Yan ignored his words, and the more than 100 Imperial Forest Army immediately rushed into the hall under the leadership of Wu Sanlang. More than 20 ministers were quickly captured.

Tong Yan looked at them, then smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, I have reached a consensus with my uncle. As long as I kill all of you old stubborn old emperors, he can keep me rich and prosperous. I'm really sorry , so that I can live well, you can go with peace of mind! Do it!"

As soon as the words fell, more than 100 soldiers of the Royal Forest Army drew their long swords one after another, and they were about to kill.

Seeing this, Mr. Wang immediately shouted angrily: "You bastard, the late emperor really misunderstood you. Just for your own sake, you actually wanted to kill all of us loyal people. You will definitely be punished!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "Retribution? What is more important than being alive? What are you waiting for?"

This time, someone shouted from the crowd again.

"Your Highness, please forgive me. I belong to the Third Prince, and he put me here. Don't kill me, I'm not Zhongliang!"

This person took the lead, and then three more people also revealed their true identities.

Tong Yan saw that there was no one to explain, and a charming smile appeared on his face.

"Very good. Since you are not the late emperor's confidantes, I will send you away. It's just that the journey may be a bit long. Come and help them."

As soon as the words were finished, several imperial guards immediately swung their swords down.The eyeliner sent by these royal relatives immediately died in the hall.

Tong Yan reached out and touched his nose, then smiled slightly: "If I don't get rid of these bugs, how can I explain my plan to you with peace of mind. My lords, please forgive me for offending me just now. People, give me a seat!"

All the ministers reacted after hearing this.It turned out that the prince's sudden attack was to expose the eyes of those traitors.The prince actually has such a strategy, maybe, he can really turn the tide of defeat and become a wise king of a generation!
What they didn't know was that Tong Yan's plan was much more than that. "Although there are many rebels, I alone can stop a thousand troops!"

(End of this chapter)

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