
Chapter 533 The battle of imperial power is about to start!

Chapter 533 The battle of imperial power is imminent!
Successfully cleared out several minions of the rebels, which caused a great change in the attitude of the ministers present towards the prince.

Although the Imperial Forest Army had already moved the chairs to the main hall, none of these ministers dared to sit down, and all eyes were on Tong Yan.

Mr. Wang blatantly scolded Tong Yan just now, but when he found out that he had misunderstood him, he couldn't help feeling a little bit sorry.

He looked at Tong Yan, then knelt down on the ground with a "plop". "Your Highness, the veteran has no eyes. I don't know that His Highness planned to get rid of the rebel minions. Just now, I spoke disrespectfully. Please punish me!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing. In terms of seniority, you are my elder. In terms of responsibilities, you are the head of the four ministers. No matter how you look at it, you are my elder. You are qualified to criticize me. Besides, those who don’t know are not guilty. You don’t have to feel guilty about this, and I don’t care about it at all. Well, you all sit down. I still have some things that I need to tell you to do.”

Master Wang did not expect Tong Yan to value him so much, he couldn't help being moved, and immediately said loudly: "Your Highness, this old minister's life will be yours from now on. Even if it is death, I will not hesitate!"

Tong Yan nodded with a smile, and motioned for everyone to sit down.

Only after the ministers sat down flattered, Tong Yan continued: "The rebels want to seek power and usurp the throne, and the Northern Yan Kingdom and the Feilong Kingdom are staring at our Zhao Kingdom. Internal and external troubles, this is the autumn of life and death. At such a moment, it is very difficult to reverse the defeat, but I believe that as long as we can fight against the enemy and advance hand in hand, we will be able to wipe out the rebels and repel the foreign enemies. The most urgent thing now is to deal with the rebels who are about to attack. Although there are many rebels , but they are not united. As far as I know, they are a temporary alliance formed by several royal relatives. It seems that they have common interests, but in fact, they all regard each other as opponents. At this time, as long as a little Light a fire between them, and this alliance will definitely be broken without attack. I am afraid that I am not as good as you guys about the rebels, so I hope you can give me advice and tell me what you know about the rebels, so that I can Only then can we know ourselves and the enemy and be invincible in a hundred battles!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded their heads in agreement.As the head of the four ministers, Lord Wang was the first to speak: "Your Highness, as you said, the rebel army is indeed formed temporarily by the emperor's relatives. Among them, the third prince and the fifth princess are the strongest. Three The prince is the third younger brother of the first emperor, with outstanding military power, and was originally stationed in the frontier. Later, the first emperor worried that he would become king and betray Zhao, so he recalled him from the frontier and arranged him in Sheng'an City. Although he gave up his military power , but secretly, he still had a lot of contacts with people from all over the world, and he secretly trained a secret army. Among the [-]-strong rebel army, only the third prince has [-] soldiers and horses. He has long coveted the throne It's been a long time, so he is your biggest enemy at present. Besides, the fifth princess, she is your elder sister. She was smart and studious since she was a child, and she was deeply loved by the late emperor. I only sigh that she is a girl, otherwise, she would be the prince of Zhao. On the surface, the fifth princess is gentle and generous, but in fact she is ruthless. She raised a group of killers herself, and countless people died at her hands. In addition, she has a close personal relationship with the general guarding the city Li Dazhi. People are basically soldiers and horses defending the city, plus her killers, her strength should not be underestimated. As for the others, they followed the third prince and the fifth princess for a small benefit. The back. But the number of rebels is really terrifying.”

After hearing this, Tong Yan asked the other ministers what they knew.In the end, he came to the conclusion that there are many people who want to be emperors, but the real powerful people are only the third prince and the fifth princess.And this also means that after they successfully captured the palace, there will definitely be another contest between the two. Perhaps, they have already secretly competed.

It is really difficult to provoke these two people to fight each other.The more ambitious a person is, the more thoughtful they tend to be.It is not easy to deal with such a smart person.

After thinking for a while, he decided to start with the remaining small forces first.Although they also wanted to be emperors, they knew in their hearts that compared with the third prince and the fifth princess, they were nothing more than crabs and shrimps.What they want is not the throne, but benefits.

In this world, no one will have trouble with money.The strategy Tong Yan came up with was to use money to buy them off, not asking them to really work for him, as long as they could delay sending troops, or even sit on the sidelines, before Zi Shi made a move.

At that time, he will be able to concentrate on dealing with the third prince and the fifth princess.

After the plan was finalized, Tong Yan immediately expressed his plan.To let the ministers who are acquainted with those small powers go, of course, you need to bring the rare royal treasures, and you must tell them your interests.

They must understand the truth that the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit.

Although the imperial city is completely surrounded now, relying on Wu Sanlang's relationship with those rebels, he should have a way to send these ministers who acted as lobbyists out of the palace.

After summoning Wu Sanlang, Tong Yan asked the ministers who were burdened with important responsibilities to bring a rare treasure and leave in a hurry.

After dealing with these, dusk has come.Now it's time for the most important part, which is the formation of troops!

If you want to win more with less, you will definitely not be able to rely on recklessness.The entire Royal Forest Army has only more than 600 people, and with the death of the general, there are just over 700 people.However, if you add some eunuchs, maids, servants and other scattered people, the number can be made up to two thousand.

There are 2000 people, and the 6000 people who are against the third prince and the fifth princess seem to be able to look forward to it.

But in the eyes of these ministers, they were completely discouraged.Let some useless eunuchs and maids serve as guards, even a normal person would not do this.What can eunuchs and court ladies who have no power to restrain themselves do?You can't even hold a weapon, let alone go into battle to kill the enemy.Let them be cannon fodder?This is okay, but I am afraid that before the fight, these eunuchs and maids will kneel down and beg for mercy.

But Tong Yan doesn't take it seriously, a real strategist is one who can turn decay into magic.And he was born in a sly family, and perhaps few people could compete with him when it comes to fighting.

Half an hour later, all the court ladies and eunuchs were gathered in front of the Golden Luang Hall.

Seeing them standing in disarray, laughing and beating, Tong Yan still maintained a confident smile.Because he knows that these people will be the key to his comeback.

The rebels are already gearing up, and the big battle is coming!Can Tong Yan win?
(End of this chapter)

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