
Chapter 534 Ordered in danger, cold palace demon concubine!

Chapter 534 Ordered in danger, cold palace demon concubine!
Looking at the maids and eunuchs standing in front of the hall, Lord Wang frowned deeply.He really couldn't imagine what it would be like when these people went into battle, he seemed to have heard their screams and begging for mercy.But when he saw the confident smile on His Royal Highness's face, he didn't know why, but instead had a glimmer of expectation.

The deputy commander of the Royal Forest Army quickly walked up to Tong Yan, then knelt down on one knee and said, "Your Highness, except for a few maids close to the empress, all the eunuchs and maids are here except for the old and young women and children."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "You did a good job, tell me your name!"

Upon hearing this, the deputy commander quickly clenched his fists in front of his chest and said loudly, "Your Highness, my name is Lei Tong, and I am the deputy commander of the Imperial Forest Army!"

Tong Yan looked at the resolute middle-aged man in front of him, and said with satisfaction: "General Lei, after this battle, I will promote you two ranks. Don't let me down!"

"Yes, the final general will be determined, and he will not hesitate!"

"Damned? No, no, no, we will win. Believe me, we will win! Go and move all the weapons and armor from the arsenal. I want to change the clothes of these beautiful maids and graceful eunuchs! "

Hearing this, Lei Tong immediately responded, "Yes, the general will obey!"

The princess who had been following Tong Yan but never spoke could not stand still, so she whispered to Tong Yan, "Your Highness, are you tired? Shall I move you a chair? You have been standing for a long time!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "You are tired, right? Now that the battle is imminent, do you think we still have time to sit down and rest? If you are really bored, then I will give you a task. Are you interested?"

Upon hearing this, the princess immediately nodded and said, "Yes, what is the mission?"

"Go and let these maids and eunuchs stand in eight rows, no fighting, no whispering. Can you do it?"

Hearing this, the Crown Princess said confidently: "Of course it can be done. I often go to the barracks to play, isn't it just to organize the army? Leave it to me, just watch it!" After saying that, she walked down quickly Steps, go to organize the formation.

Looking at the back of the princess, Tong Yan thought of Tan Yu inexplicably. "I don't know how that silly girl is doing now. I really want to leave here quickly and reunite with her."

The princess came to the front of the maid and the eunuch, and immediately shouted and directed.Although these maids and eunuchs were somewhat reluctant, due to the status of the princess, they could only obediently obey.

Ten minutes later, under the roar of the crown princess, these eunuchs and court ladies really stood in a square formation, which really surprised Tong Yan.No wonder the princess likes to wear strong clothes. It turns out that the blood of soldiers flows on her body.

As long as these eunuchs and court ladies can be obedient, Tong Yan will have the confidence to repel the rebels and secure his seat in court.

After a while, Lei Tong had arrived in front of the hall with the Imperial Forest Army dragging their weapons and armor.

Tong Yan directly ordered them to distribute weapons and armor to these eunuchs and court ladies. After 10 minutes of rectification, a new army was born.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. After these eunuchs and maids put on armor, they really have a little bit of meaning.It's a pity that most of these weapons are spears, and many court ladies can only lean on them, but they can't lift them.

This is actually the disadvantage of the cold weapon generation. In today's society, each person has a gun, so how can there be so many troubles.

Tong Yan didn't have time to study firearms for them here, and the time was getting closer and closer, so he had to start setting up formations.I hope those ministers who acted as lobbyists didn't make a trip in vain, otherwise, even if they set up a formation, they might not be able to stop the onslaught of [-] rebels.

As for the palace, Tong Yan has already walked around in person, so he already has a complete map of the palace in his heart.

There are more than a dozen gates in the entire palace, and there are four gates connecting the imperial city wall, which are the South Meridian Gate, Dongyang Gate, North Meridian Gate and Xiyang Gate.

The outer city gates belong to the South Meridian Gate and the North Meridian Gate, while the Dongyang Gate and Xiyang Gate are only side gates, and the area is much smaller.

In this way, such conjectures can be drawn.If the large army of rebels wants to enter the imperial city, they will inevitably launch a fierce attack on the South Meridian Gate and the North Meridian Gate.The focus of defense is naturally these two gates.However, this does not mean that Dongyang Gate and Xiyang Gate are safe. There should be troops with a slightly smaller number of people but the strongest combat power to attack.

As long as the elite troops at the side door break into the palace first, the rebels will basically win half of the battle.When the time comes to meet the large forces attacking the main gate, the entire imperial city will be lost.

So Tong Yan came to the conclusion that the two main entrances seemed to be the most important, but in fact the two side entrances were the most important.

He had to focus his defense on the two side doors. As long as the elite rebels couldn't break into the imperial city, the morale of the rebels would be frustrated. At that time, the opportunity to turn the tables would come naturally.

After a brief analysis, he decided to draw 600 of the more than 600 people in the Imperial Forest Army, 300 each to guard Dongyang Gate and Xiyang Gate.The remaining dozens of Royal Forest Army were to assist the despised new army composed of eunuchs and court ladies. They were divided into two groups to guard the South Meridian Gate and the North Meridian Gate.

As for the hundred dead soldiers specially prepared by the general, he has other uses and is not in the arrangement for the time being.

The plan is confirmed, he still needs to do one very important thing, and that is to order.Guarding the four gates has nothing to lose, no matter which gate is breached first, the defense line of the imperial city may be torn apart.The generals in charge of guarding the four gates are particularly critical.

The deputy commander named Leitong is a good candidate, so there are still three people missing.The general has been battle-tested and is also worthy of reuse.It's a pity that Wu Sanlang has not returned, otherwise he would be a useful talent.

For the remaining two goalkeeper generals, Tong Yan had no one available for a while.He thought secretly for a while, and finally shifted his gaze to Mr. Wang.

He is the current prime minister, maybe he will provide himself with candidates.Thinking of this, Tong Yan immediately said: "Lord Wang, you have been an official for many years, so you should be very accurate. I need two gatekeepers, do you have suitable candidates?"

Mr. Wang was taken aback when he heard this, and then thought about it.Tong Yan did not urge, but waited patiently.

After a while, he finally thought of the candidate, and immediately answered: "Your Highness, although there are many generals in this dynasty, they are all sent to the border. There are not many talents available in the palace, but there are two of them. I find it useful."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Which two are they?"

Mr. Wang hurriedly said: "One, he is the son of the general. Although he has just passed the age of the weak crown, he grew up in the barracks since he was a child, and has a lot of research on the art of war. I just saw him following the general. You might as well give orders in the face of danger and let him try. As for the second person, that is the demon concubine who was cast into the cold palace by the former emperor. Although the demon concubine is not a human being, she is also a hero among women, and her abilities are not weak. Your Highness, why don't you summon her? Check it out, it might work!"

Demon concubine?Tong Yan couldn't help showing a smile on his face, if there were really monsters in this palace to deal with the rebels, maybe there would be surprises.

"Okay, quickly find these two people for me, I will wait here!"

(End of this chapter)

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