
Chapter 535 Secret 1 sparse, do it in advance!

Chapter 535 One hundred secrets one sparse, do it in advance!

Hearing this, Lord Wang immediately took orders to search for it, and Tong Yan was not idle, and walked towards the eunuchs and maids who had just changed into military uniforms.

Bringing his entourage to the front of the "New Army", Tong Yan took a deep breath, and then ordered his entourage to silence everyone.

Hearing this, the entourage hurriedly shouted: "Everyone be quiet, Your Highness has something to say!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was no sound in the crowd, and everyone's eyes turned to the "silly prince" in their mind.

In order to let his own image penetrate into his body and mind, Tong Yan deliberately turned over and jumped onto the jade railing beside him.

He cleared his throat, and then he said loudly: "Some people say that I am just a foolish prince without a brain. After the emperor died, I will not be able to sit on the throne. I thought so at first, but unfortunately, these few days ***Suddenly got a revelation from God, and my mind is wide open. God values ​​it so much, if I still give up on myself, I will not only be sorry for God's love, but also for my late father. This king of the Zhao Kingdom is justified and as it should be. But there are some bold people who want to snatch my throne. They are clamoring outside the imperial city now, but their fate has already been doomed. That is The stink has lasted for thousands of years, and it has been wiped out. Maybe you are still doubting, just relying on me and you, can you hold this imperial city? Let me tell you now, yes, we have the blessing of heaven, and we will definitely win this battle. Maybe you are right I don’t have confidence in myself, maybe you have already decided to join the rebels later. But what I want to say is that this is your only chance. If you win this battle, you will not only enjoy the glory and wealth, but also become my direct descendants. Afterwards, you will become heroes recorded in the annals of history. But if you choose to give up and choose to be cowardly, then I am sorry, I will replace God and let you get the punishment you deserve. Tell me now, are you willing to fight with me , or let others bully like a dog?"

Tong Yan thought that what he just said would arouse the fighting spirit of these eunuchs and maids, but what made him a little helpless was that these eunuchs and maids just listened, but none of them responded.

They are not fighters, and they naturally don't understand what honor and disgrace are, and what dignity is.They are used to serving the royal family in the palace, and they are used to living like dogs in this imperial city.

Tong Yan wasn't discouraged, since this couldn't mobilize their enthusiasm, let's use another method.

"Very well, if none of you speak, it proves that you have acquiesced. This is what I hope to see, and it is also my comfort. You have never fought a battle, and you have never killed an enemy. However, from this From that moment on, you are the strongest army of the Duke of Zhao. It is because you represent justice and the destiny. I have prepared a salary for each of you for one year. After the victory, the salary will be distributed In the hands of each of you. You can choose to stay in the palace, or you can choose to leave the palace to start a new life. You may have someone you love, someone you care about, and being able to reunite with them, isn’t it what you dream of doing? something?"

Seeing the red eye circles of the court ladies standing in front, Tong Yan knew that the effect of such a speech would be much better than before.Now it is only necessary to cultivate self-confidence for them, and these people can go to the two main gates.

"I know that you have always doubted yourself, thinking that you are the generation of women, weak people with no power to restrain the chicken. But I am afraid you have forgotten one thing, it is difficult for one person to carry a thousand catties, but many people can move ten thousand mountains. As long as you work together, you are the most indestructible shield. As long as you hold the weapons in your hands, you are the nightmare of the rebels. Now, it's time for you to know how great and great you are. The soldiers of the Imperial Forest Army are here Here, in your opinion, are they invincible? Well, then let's have a contest."

Tong Yan selected 50 people from the court ladies and eunuchs, and selected [-] people from the Imperial Forest Army.

The two sides fought against each other, and the maids and eunuchs could not help but tremble.

Tong Yan walked to the middle of the two teams, and said loudly: "Do you think you can't beat them? No, ten of them are not your opponents at all. I just need to teach you a little bit, and you can beat these ten It was defeated by the soldiers of the imperial forest army who had experienced battles with high strength. Don’t you believe me? I’ll let you take a good look at it!”

Tong Yan divided the fifty teams of eunuchs and maids into three teams, the middle team only had ten people, and the left and right wing teams had 20 people each.After standing up, it looks like a big crab, but in fact, this is the famous crab formation in ancient times.

Because it was just to build up the confidence of these eunuchs and court ladies, Tong Yan quietly informed the officers and soldiers of the Imperial Forest Army not to hurt anyone, just stop.There is no reason for the two armies to go to war. In this way, the battle between the eunuchs and palace ladies and the imperial forest army was actually destined to win from the very beginning.

After the crab array was set up, Tong Yan immediately shouted to the ten soldiers of the Royal Forest Army: "Use your strength, let me show you your skills! Do it!" As soon as the words fell, the ten soldiers of the Royal Forest Army immediately rushed forward with their weapons. up.

On the other hand, those eunuchs and maids who stood in their positions couldn't help but tremble all over.

Ten Imperial Forest Army soldiers attacked from the front and rushed directly into the crab formation.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately shouted: "Left and right teams, surround!" As soon as the word "surround" came out, the team with two claws, which symbolized crabs, immediately surrounded them with spears in their arms.

At the same time, Tong Yan ordered the middle team to move forward with spears in hand.

The ten squads composed of soldiers from the Royal Forest Army were suddenly surrounded. They couldn't really fight, and naturally they didn't have the power to recover.Facing a sharp array of fifty spears, unless they can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, they will definitely lose.

The Imperial Forest Army soldiers standing in the formation were a little at a loss. These spears were extremely sharp. Although they did not stab at them, they were already in a dilemma just by pointing the spear at them.

With the sound of "Dangdang", a "big show" to improve the self-confidence of eunuchs and court ladies came to an end.

All ten Imperial Forest Army soldiers threw down their weapons and raised their hands in surrender, and enthusiastic cheers erupted from the crowd immediately.

Tong Yan knew that these people could barely guard the gates of the imperial city.As long as he pointed the finger at the rebels outside the imperial city, Tong Yan's psychological expectations had already been met.

Tong Yan finally summed it up, looking at the eunuchs and maids with high morale, he finally showed a satisfied smile.

But at this moment, a joking voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"It's really wonderful. You can train some useless people into powerful soldiers. It seems that your Highness has not achieved nothing?"

Tong Yan heard this, and then slowly turned around.Taking a closer look, the smile on his face grew even wider.

The person who came was none other than the demon concubine Mr. Wang said!Tong Yan could clearly see the faint green light emitting from her body, a goblin with poison all over her body, this is a rare general.

With her help, it's like a tiger with wings added!
Just as Tong Yan was about to speak, the soldiers guarding the city gate rushed over in a hurry.

"His Royal Highness, something is wrong. A group of rebels has launched a surprise attack on our Dongyang Gate! We are going to be overwhelmed!"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning.He really didn't expect that the rebels would strike ahead of time.

(End of this chapter)

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