
Chapter 536 Dispatch troops and generals, capture the thief and capture the king!

Chapter 536 Dispatch troops and generals, capture the thief and capture the king!
There is still at least one more hour before midnight, that is, more than two hours.According to Tong Yan's previous plan, before midnight, he should be able to complete the defense of the entire imperial city.But fate is not as good as people's calculations, and the rebels launched an attack in advance.

All eyes fell on Tong Yan. They really wanted to know if His Highness could only say some nice words, and this time was undoubtedly the best time for him to prove himself.

Tong Yan thought about it for a while, and then asked, "How many people are there in this team of rebels? What's their strength?"

Hearing this, the soldiers who came to deliver the message immediately replied: "Your Highness, there are about 500 people who came, all dressed in black armor and wearing beast masks. The weapons they used were scimitars connected by chains. They are extremely powerful. Most of the soldiers guarding Dongyang Gate have already been killed or injured."

Well-trained and uniformly armed, it seems that he should be the third prince or the fifth princess.This vanguard must be the elite among the elite. If they can swallow it in one gulp, it will not only boost morale, but also severely damage the arrogance of the rebel army.

Tong Yan reached out and touched his nose, then smiled slightly and said, "Okay, since they want to enter the imperial city, order someone to open the gate of Dongyang Gate and let them in!"

As soon as his words fell, everyone present opened their mouths unconsciously, with disbelief all over their faces.

Lord Wang frowned, and asked puzzledly: "Your Highness, the four gates of the city are our last barrier. If you let those rebels in, wouldn't it be in vain for us to prepare for so long? Besides, didn't you say Do you want to guard the city gate and prevent the rebels from stepping in? Could it be... have you given up?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "No, no, Mr. Wang, you are wrong. If I don't let those mad dogs in, how can I close the door and beat the dogs? Send an order quickly, let the guards of Dongyang Gate The Imperial Forest Army opened the city gate, and then scattered and hid under the rockery and bridge holes next to Dongyang Gate. They only closed the city gate after the vanguard of the rebels entered the imperial city. As for other things, I have my own arrangements!"

"Yes, this subordinate will do it!"

Seeing the messengers leaving quickly, Tong Yan immediately turned his attention to the concubine Yao who had just arrived here.

This demon concubine looks extremely beautiful. In fact, when a female demon transforms into a human form, she will deliberately portray herself as a beauty.This is why so many emperors are bewitched by the banshee, and then do some unscrupulous and immoral things.

Tong Yan stared at her for a while, then said with a smile: "I think you must be the concubine Yao, and you are indeed a beautiful woman. Since you are here, it seems that you are willing to help me, right?"

Concubine Yao looked at Tong Yan, smiled slightly, and said, "Your Highness, you have changed a lot. We should have seen each other more than once, but I didn't know that you still have this calm and calm side." Yoyo, could it be that I am blind and misjudged you?"

Tong Yan laughed and said: "These are not important. The important thing is that you are willing to come, which means that we can become friends. Come on, help me get rid of that team of rebels, and let me see your true skills. "

"Let me solve it? Don't you think highly of me? I'm a girl, how can I have such abilities?"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "No, no, you are too self-effacing. The faint green light on your body is invisible to others, but I can see it clearly. As long as you use a little magic, I think those mortals must die. Am I right?"

Hearing this, the concubine Yao immediately lost the smile on her face and was replaced by deep surprise.But a few seconds later, she smiled again. "Your Highness is really astute. Okay, I'll help you. But what can I get in return?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I will satisfy you, because in this imperial city, only I understand you! Isn't it?"

Concubine Yao took a step forward, reached out and touched Tong Yan's cheek, then said with a coquettish smile, "Why are you so likable? You are much better than your father. Don't worry, those rebels who enter the imperial city will be handed over to you." Me. I won't let you down!"

Tong Yan nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, good news!"

Concubine Yao smiled sweetly, then turned around and walked towards Dongyang Gate.

The concubine Yao had just left, and the general came from the South Meridian Gate with a hundred dead men.

He walked directly in front of Tong Yan, then knelt down on one knee and said, "Your Highness, three thousand rebels have gathered outside the Nanwu Gate, and the last general has ordered the soldiers to hold the gate tightly. They should attack in a short time. Don’t come in. These are the one hundred dead soldiers I have trained, and I will hand them over to Your Highness.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurried forward to help the general up, and then said gratefully: "General, it's really hard work for you. Your loyalty is admirable for being able to accompany me. Get up quickly, see you later I don't need to salute. In my heart, you are an elder and my role model!"

Tong Yan's words warmed the general's heart so much that he couldn't help but shed a few tears.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, even if the last general dies, he must protect His Highness's safety."

Tong Yan patted him on the shoulder, and then said: "General, believe me, none of us will die. We will win this battle. Now, I need you to do one thing for me, this burden, It must be handed over to you to complete!"

Hearing this, the general immediately responded: "Your Highness, just give orders, and the last general will die!"

"Okay, then I'll be straight. The South Meridian Gate and the North Meridian Gate are the most important. I need you to lead half of the new army to guard the South Meridian Gate for me."

Hearing this, the general asked puzzledly, "New army? How can there be any new army in the imperial city?" Suddenly he thought of the armored eunuchs and court ladies standing behind him, and said in surprise, "You mean? Use them Come to guard the two city gates?"

Tong Yan nodded and said: "That's right, it's them. Don't underestimate their strength, as long as they are arranged according to the formation, they are enough to block the rebels' attacks for several rounds. As long as you can buy me time, I will You will be able to defeat all the rebels! Here is the formation map I drew before, you can follow the formation instructions above and set up a large formation at the Nanwu Gate!"

Although the general was dubious, he still took over the formation map from Tong Yan.This picture was drawn by Tong Yan when he was in the bedroom, he had already thought of everything in advance.

The general is well-informed, but he has never seen such a formation.But after all, he has been through the battlefield for a long time, and after just looking at it for a while, he can see the mystery of this formation.

"Your Highness, the last general must fulfill his mission and guard the South Meridian Gate!"

Tong Yan nodded in satisfaction, then looked at a young general behind him.This young general looks somewhat similar to the great general, so he must be another candidate recommended by Mr. Wang.

Tong Yan also gave him a map and ordered him to lead the remaining half of the new army to guard the North Meridian Gate.The young general was very excited to be appointed by His Highness, and immediately led half of the new army with his father, and went to form the formation.

Finally, it was Xiyang Gate. Tong Yan handed over the formation map to Leitong, and asked him to lead the remaining dozens of Imperial Forest Army straight to Xiyang Gate, where they would round up with the Imperial Forest Army and form a formation to meet the enemy.

After dispatching troops and generals, the flames of war started.Tong Yan rode a fast horse, inspected the South Meridian Gate, the North Meridian Gate and the Xiyang Gate, and finally led a hundred dead men straight to the Dongyang Gate.

If the defense cannot be defended, although the imperial city can keep the safety for a while, once the food in the imperial city is exhausted, the battle will undoubtedly be lost.

I really want to defeat the rebels in one fell swoop, maybe there is only one last way left, and that is to shoot people first, shoot horses, and capture thieves first!

(End of this chapter)

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